Wednesday, 21 April 2010

We're now accepting THE ULTIMATE GAME CARD (pre-paid card sold in Walmart)

Under 18 with credit/debit card? Want to hide your plasma fixes from your wife?  

The ULTIMATE GAME CARD is now accepted as a payment on RoB! After lots of negotiations and time setting it up it's ready to be released. At this time only cards sold the United States can be redeemed. I do believe these cards are sold in Canada also, but at this time we're not accepting them via the normal way. If you wish to buy some VIP or Plasma with these cards and you have the Canada ones, please contact me directly, Canadian payments will be setup soon.

Where can you get these cards?

*Most* Walmarts (i think it could be just the super walmarts) across the United States, Gamestop stores, Blockbusters, 7 Eleven, CVS Pharmacy, H.E.B, Meijer, Speedway & many more. This link will take you to their site where you can enter your zip code to find out what stores near you sell the card. (This link is also available on the UG card VIP page).

I apologise if these are not in your area. These guys are the biggest company and I'm afraid if these guys are not near there's nothing I can do. There are some areas with tons of stores and some with none, that's just the way it is.

They come in the values of (as far as I'm told) $10 and $20. So for example the $50 pack you'd need to get 2 x $20 and 1 x $10 pack.

For the US players a new top banner advertising this card and payment link option is now visible on the Buy VIP/Plasma page.

It looks like a bit like:

You will now see the updated VIP / Plasma page.

Thanks & hope this helps those who want what they were unable to buy.



Anonymous said...

that nice ash

Boudica_Iceni_Queen said...

*bows head to the Lord Darkash* I always find that you've done the phenomenal with the flare of good British humor, Ash, and ensured that those who want a particular thing are now able to gain access to it. Well done, you! And cheers, mate! ;)

Rose Ashflesh said...

(: Nice. I've actually been thinking it'd be nice to have RoB payable by cards. [y]

Contessa BlueMoon said...

ABOUT TIME! Omg. YAYME! I'm excited now.

Anonymous said...

Ash hurry up and get some sorta card in Australia I want VIP!!!! Without the parents knowing what I spend money on

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah

Anonymous said...


If I was homosexual I would sex you!

Anonymous said...


GOI human soldier said...

well i am in new zealand so i don't get one right

Legion White Tiger said...

Ooo... I thought the ultimate game-card was that little electric mouse? LOL ;)

Anonymous said...

hehehe. we don't have Walmart....

Leighia S said...

Indonesia... I don't think there's a walmart here... Oh well, I guess I'll have to give up on my hopes of ever getting VIP while I live in Indonesia... *Crys*

Anonymous said...

oh cool what about Alaska...sometimes people forget that Alaska is apart of the united states and there for the it does not apply to us!

Anonymous said...

Who cares? Fail.

Anonymous said...

I suppose this is good?
Everyone else seems excited..about it.

Anonymous said...

We don't have a Walmart in England, good idea though even if I can't get it.

DarkAsh said...

@ last comment, if you're in England you can get the WALLIE card, available on pretty much every street in the country.

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