It's All Going On
There is so much going on in the background in the moment, so many awesome things currently under construction, and I can't wait to roll them all out to you. You won't have to wait too long, as it starts here, today.New Battle look
First of all, I'm happy to present a brand new battle page look. The battle page has pretty much been the way it was since the beginning of all time, but today that changes.
It's been given a bold new look, with bigger text for you to quickly absorb the information that is most read at the end of a battle. There is also a full breakdown of what blood comes from what boosts, so you can easily see where the blood sources are coming from. There is a ? link at the end, and that will take you to the new battle boosts page which explains all those sources.
For those that enjoy getting the most blood possible from your enemies, you'll like this neat new little feature. I've always wanted to do something like this, but never quite worked out how to do it exactly. But today I can happily announce the new 'Finish Them' feature. At the end of a PvP battle, you'll see a new [Finish Them] link. Clicking on this link will give you one more very quick bite out your opponent to get the last few drops. It's not a huge amount, but it's a completely free extra little boost.NPC Updates
It's been a while since I've touched the NPC Werewolf Arena. Here are some updates:- New look, includes the updated battle breakdown section like the regular battles have. It now clearly shows which rank you're currently listing, as well as other various layout tweaks
- You now get a small amount of coven exp for each NPC battle
- NPC Blood triks potion "+25% NPC Blood Boost XL".
- New more in depth stats and potion section at the top of the NPC page
- 2 NPC bosses added for a good extra bit of blood when you get 100 and 300 NPC wins today. They only cost 1 turn to attack
- Fixed a few NPC leaderboard glitches
- Default rank listing option added
- NPC wins added to your today's stats section
I hope you like these updates, lots more to come.