Friday, 28 February 2014

Double Weekend

Double Weekend

During this weekend, everybody can enjoy some double goodies! Here they are:

- Double PvP Blood
- Double Turns
- Double Coven Exp

Little Things

Lots of little changes have been done this week incase you missed them:

- Forum edit bug fixed
- Emote glitches fixed and adult chat ones added to BL's
- Forever Alive potion made more clear
- New game time ticking clock script
- Game time added to the top of the new chats
- You can set the old chats as your default
- Fixed a strange NPC bug

And a final thanks to everyone who bought a remembrance pack. Also, it's also good to see (the majority) of players positively coming together to share their feelings on those we've lost in the forum thread I setup. This little snow leopard is a reminder of who we've lost...

Enjoy the weekend,

Thursday, 20 February 2014

New Chats

Valentines Event Round Up

I'm glad many of you enjoyed and took part in the recent Valentines event. As promised, here is a round up of the top heart collectors, top heart couple collectors, and who got given the most love. All prizes have been given out to the top heart collectors.

582 hearts - Colette ~Kali~ Fëaduhith (165155)
573 hearts - Jerich Phuri Dae Anvari (631597)
564 hearts - Minxie Lynxie Fëaduhith (311006)
562 hearts - Myra (655096)
558 hearts - Demetreus D`Spartan² (612013)
528 hearts - Makilak (648041)
528 hearts - Jocelyn René Nex (586647)
527 hearts - Sheri Phuri Dae (351990)
507 hearts - Brunette D`Spartan² (646032)
485 hearts - Mad Mike (638471)
482 hearts - Lacarabella NoRtHmAn (288598)
477 hearts - †CaliX Phuri Dae† (491221)
459 hearts - Rilee Rae Price (275708)
459 hearts - BloodGoD (493052)
458 hearts - Cupcake Queen (283088)
456 hearts - Queenie Happy Lil Killer (218258)
452 hearts - Mad Vlad LeVay ~Devils R~ (463334)
451 hearts - Trent D`Oreb (73679)
448 hearts - Crow Anvari Lestat (667743)
448 hearts - Rock D`Oreb (411030)

[ 1065 ]  Brunette D`Spartan² (646032) and Demetreus D`Spartan² (612013)
[ 1030 ]  Rock D`Oreb (411030) and Colette ~Kali~ Fëaduhith (165155)
[ 808 ]  Rhage Maxin Phuri Dae (384287) and Lola Koi Gealtach (149026)
[ 784 ] †Deamon Whispers† (163379) and Deamon`s Whisper (366333)
[ 743 ]  DK...Dark Knight (483649) and Mrs. DK...Dark Knight (588334)
[ 742 ]  Lexi Pascal (533290) and Dimitri Pascal Whispers (416288)
[ 738 ]  Jerich Phuri Dae Anvari (631597) and Aislin Night Anvari (225444)
[ 714 ]  Rilee Rae Price (275708) and †Eden M. Price† (268748)
[ 703 ]  Queenie Happy Lil Killer (218258) and DarkMessiah (9908)
[ 699 ] Lydea Mey Keates (292043) and Brock Keates (416014)
[ 693 ]  Crow Anvari Lestat (667743) and Alice Carroll (658534)
[ 689 ]  Mad Mike (638471) and LyRa de Suaste (116826)

7227 love - Ryssa Fidela (179328)
5080 love - .•°o.Lilly.Morice.o°•. (100611)
4008 love - Jocelyn René Nex (586647)
3652 love - Minxie Lynxie Fëaduhith (311006)
3199 love - Revalth Phuri Dae-LR (523102)
2613 love - Deamon`s Whisper (366333)
2469 love - Demetreus D`Spartan² (612013)
2469 love - Brunette D`Spartan² (646032)
2335 love - Karina Nex™ (82837)
2134 love - Adrienne W. Nex Danno™ (540914)
2107 love - Sirocco (441156)
1893 love - PDP`s Isi (350376)
1654 love - Ayellia M. Kerushina™ (83807)
1480 love - Gretchen Adler-Gryzlov (190159)
1451 love - Dr Edward Richtofen (50160)
1382 love - Virginia (254441)
1277 love - Lilura Gealtach-C. HM™ (155172)
1242 love - Olezia Demanche™ (154980)
1216 love - Caden D`zann (652601)
1200 love - Noelani Sybil R. Axenus™ (649201)

121,670 love given was given in total, taking $608 million out the economy. Good stuff.

New Chat System

Towards the end of last year I tested out a new chat system which a few of you tried and liked. Well, I'm happy to announce today that chat system has now been released. All the public chats have been upgraded to the new system. Some of the new features include:

- Ajax backend, which basically means no more flash refresh
- Messages update every 15 seconds or so, but you can hit post with nothing typed to refresh
- A brand new look and layout
- A quick jump to another chat option
- Quick links on the top of the left column, including shortcut to emotes, rules & log
- Each chat's last 500 page log now doesn't refresh so you can easily read back
- This new chat system fixes the issues iOS users where having
- A few of the chat rules have been relaxed

It will be rolled over to the coven and house chats when all the kinks are worked out. Some lower connections and older browsers may not get on with these new chats. So I've added a link at the bottom of the chats where you can go back and use the old system.

And finally, the emote list has been updated to ALL the emotes that are available. And they all now work on comments, blogs, blog comments, and forums also. (You'll find that this may clash with the current content, so some emotes may appear broken. This will pass.)


Monday, 17 February 2014


Even though the time around Valentines is about love and happiness (or being depressed depending on which side of the fence you are). Here at Reign Of Blood, it's also a sad time.

2 years ago we lost Guildy, one of our most loved forum moderator and community members, to cancer. I can't believe it's been 2 years already. I've setup a dedicated thread in the forums for players to be able to post any messages they want in one place.

I've also setup a dedicated remembrance variety pack you should now see on the top of your pages. A portion of the money from these packs will be donated to WWF, adopting a Snow Leopard in Guildy's honour.

We've lost several other players too, including most recently Starrynight. The forum thread, and the pack, are both in honour of Guildy, and everybody else we have lost. May them all continue to rest in peace.

There have been a couple changes to Coven Battles, and War Of Covens this week. Head to their guides for full updates on the changes for this week. There will be some community based updates coming this week, as well as the Valentines event summary and prizes.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Happy Valentines!

Happy Valentines

Happy Valentines day (for tomorrow). There are just 2 full days left of the event (ending on the 16th), the Valentines quests will continue until the end. The VIP/Plasma specials will also end on the 16th, so get those in while you can.

Valentines Special Pack

For the next 48 hours, there is a rare Valentines themed surprise pack. The packs gives double stuff, and awesome in-game items, as well as a collectible. Because this is the time of love, I have also added a "couples" version for each the packs, so you can buy a surprise pack for yourself and your in-game husband or wife.

Click here to check the packs out >>>

Little Things

- One time gender change now allowed at Dead City General Potion Shop
- Pet hit list added. Add your best pet kills for easy access
- GW QP chance increased slightly
- Minion leaderboards added to top vampires page
- You can now rate blogs (1-10, like profiles)
- RP character sheet now allows any value in mortal age/true age
- Highest power added to coven rankings page
- A bunch of new stuff added to the misc stats page

Hope you like those little updates, and enjoy the rest of the event!

Monday, 10 February 2014

Coven Battles

With the War Of Covens now a week old, it's time to introduce the second part of the Coven Conflict System. I've been working on the Coven Battles since the release of the War Of Covens, and I'm happy to launch it today.

Coven Conflict System (beta)

What is the Coven Conflict System? It's all the coven activities where covens work together to earn coven exp for their coven. The Coven Conflict System is made up of 2 parts.

- The War Of Covens (All out war)
- Coven Battles (1v1 battles)

The War Of Covens you already know about. Is an all out war against all other covens. It's a week old, but I am constantly tweaking with feedback, and will continue to do so. The War Of Covens represents your coven fighting all other covens in order to fight for more coven experience.

Coven Battles, launching today, are sort of an old feature but for this new age. Covens, once per week, can initiate a 24 hour battle against another single coven. For every target kill in the enemy coven gives +1 Coven Battle Exp. At the end of the 24 hour period, all top players battle exp is tallied up, and whoever got the most, wins.

What else is great? You can go start Coven Battles right now.

Valentines Event

There is 6 days left of the Valentines Event this year. Don't forget to login each day and do the special quests. And thanks to all who has bought a special plasma pack so far.


Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Valentines 2014 Event

It's that time of year again where love is in the air. I hope you enjoy this years events. They will continue until 16th Feb. Enjoy!

11 Days Of Quests

Every day you can visit the Dead City and complete a little quest in return for a little love. Would could possibly give you more of a warm fuzzy feeling?

Giving Love

Just like last year, and seeing as people like it so much. You can once again give love to people's profiles. I wonder who will get the most this year?

Heart Counting

Let's collect some hearts this event, shall we? Each time you battle and  see the text you tore out someone's heart, that will add a heart to your collection. The top 10 players who collects the most hearts, will win a little something at the end of the event.

Couples Heart Counting

So we're counting all the hearts you're ripping from other vampires. But how well are you doing with your in game spouse? There is also a couples leaderboard that will be displayed at the end of the event, which shows which couple combined rips the most hearts! They all get prizes too.

New Special Packs

I've completely re-done all the special packs for this Valentines Event. All packs include even more great value items at great prices over this event period.

Click here to check them out >>>

Blog Trolling

Because I do get some trolling comments on this blog, you now must be signed up to comment. If you're going to troll, at least tell us who you are!

Enjoy the event,

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