Tuesday, 31 December 2013

2013 Roundup

2013 Round up

2013 was another great year for Reign Of Blood. I can't believe how quick these years are passing by. I want to take a quick look back and see the biggest features and updates that were made.

  • Auction house was added
  • Introduced the Wheel Of Death
  • Started selling the Reign Of Blood branded wristbands
  • Brand new Dead City layout
  • WP system
  • Big RP updates
  • The Dark Tower Demon (and his minions)
  • Revisited MP power potion system
  • Blood Hour added
  • Achievements list 6 and 7 added
  • New coven panel
  • Coven power relic
  • Fountain of Awe added
  • Brand new in-game layout thanks to Azz
  • Underground Level 2 added, including finding silver and having your own coffin
  • New throwing equipment & poison system

You can take a look at the 2010, 2011, and 2012 roundups. What was your favourite year in regards to updates and new features? Let me know!

New Year Surprise Pack

There is a New Year Surprise pack, the final surprise pack that's going to be available this year, which gives all sorts of goodies as well as DOUBLE features. Everyone gets double pvp blood though! A bloody new years eve indeed.

> Click here to get your pack <

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who has played over this last year, and a thank you to everybody who donates to help keep this game running. RoB wouldn't be here without you. Here's a promocode you can use: endof2013

Have a Reign Of Blood new years resolution? Tell us about it here. Also, make sure you attack that snowman as much as you can ;)

He's to a great 2014. Let's make it even better still!

Happy New Year,

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

2013 Christmas Event

It's that magical time of year again. Hard to believe it's come around again so quickly. The Reign Of Blood 2013 Christmas event is now ACTIVE! You can enjoy this event until January 2nd 2014. That's over 2 weeks of Christmas bonuses and fun. (Also for those who missed it, the new throwing dagger system was released Friday, and updated Sunday, click here to read about it.)

Dead City Scratchcard

The scratchcard is back! After raving positive reviews of it last year, it's now back this year. Every vampire gets 10 free scratches a day for a chance to win some sweet prizes.

Christmas Tree

The Dead City Christmas Tree is standing tall wishing you a Merry Christmas. You can visit the tree each day for a free turn gift.

Candy Canes

The candy canes are back! You can find sugar when battling, searching Greenwood and completing 'The Daily' daily quest, which can be made into candy canes!

Dead City Snowman

After a few silly conversations about the pending Christmas event in our chat, a strange coincidence happened! A blood hungry snowman (that's right) has taken up a comfortable position at Dead City. He's holding onto a lot of sugar. Will you risk him taking your blood for a chance at a bunch of delicious sugar?

I have given everyone a free Candy Cane to start this event off!

VIP/Plasma Special

An event wouldn't be complete without some bargain VIP and Plasma deals. Head over to the Buy VIP/Plasma page for full information. (With further bonuses for multiple buys.)

Enjoy the event!

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Throwing Equipment [Updated]

A couple days I released a new throwing dagger system. The system has had good feedback overall, with a few minor issues. I've gone through and re-written the blog as if it was being launched today. I also hope to clear up a few lingering questions about the feature too.

It's time for a cheap shot!

Throwing Equipment

A couple days ago, there was a new throwing equipment store that opened up at Dead City. When you reach rank 50, you can buy throwing daggers to throw at your opponents (if they're rank 50+) at a battle you initiate.

The damage of the daggers are low, but the reason for that is explained in 'Silver Fusing' below. The prices for daggers start at just $82 each.

You buy daggers at the throwing equipment store, and they now appear on your equipment page. You can either equip the use of daggers, or have them unequipped. When they are equipped, you throw one at the start of every battle you initiate. (If your defending an attack from someone, you don't throw a dagger.) It's a little bonus for being the attacking vampire. The dagger has a chance to poison your enemy (explained below) and once used, that dagger is discarded.

Silver Fusing

When you've purchased a dagger (or several thousand) you can head down to the Underground Level 2 (if you have access) and meet Bante, who has the skill of fusing your found silver into these daggers. The bonus you get for fusing silver into the daggers is displayed at the throwing equipment store itself. You can now choose how many daggers you'd like to fuse.


Silver isn't a vampire's best friend. So if you get attacked, and someone throws a silver fused dagger at you, there is a chance that it will poison you (ONLY if you lose the fight. You won't get poisoned if you win.) When you're poisoned, you cannot attack until the next top of hour when you're healed, or you consume the antidote.

The antidote is completely free. And available from the DC Potion Shop
or the VIP quick heal.

A few other small convenient changes have been, like the antidote link in news etc. I also remove the green poison notice on the left sidebar, you only know if you're poisoned when you go to the battle arena, or view your enemy list.

More Underground Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes let you get silver if you didn't have a coffin
  • Fixed a bug that didn't let you teleport with 10 turns exactly
  • Found the reason a couple of the quests were not listing as completed

Karma Changes

You can now give your full day's karma once every 24 hours. Use it wisely!

You can continue to give feedback or ask any questions on this dedicated thread.

Hope you enjoy these updates!

Thursday, 12 December 2013

New Throwing Equipment

It's time for a cheap shot!

Throwing Equipment

There is a new throwing equipment store that has opened up at Dead City. Prices for daggers start at just $72 each. How do they work? Well, when you attack someone, you start off by throwing a dagger at them before the battle begins. The damage on these daggers are pretty low, but there is a reason for that.

Silver Fusing

When you've purchased a dagger (or several thousand) you can head down to the Underground Level 2 (if you have access) and meet Bante, who has the skill of fusing your found silver into these daggers. The bonus you get for fusing silver into the daggers is displayed at the throwing equipment store itself.


Silver isn't a vampire's best friend. So if you get attacked, and someone throws a silver fused dagger at you, there is a chance that it will poison you (if killed). When you're poisoned, you cannot attack until you consume the antidote. Which comes at a small cost from either the VIP quick heal or the Dead City General Potion Shop.

More Underground Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes let you get silver if you didn't have a coffin
  • Fixed a bug that didn't let you teleport with 10 turns exactly
  • Found the reason a couple of the quests were not listing as completed

You can give feedback or ask any questions on this dedicated thread.

Hope you enjoy these updates!

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Some UG2 Tweaks

Underground Level 2 Tweaks

I'm so glad many of you love the new underground updates. Thanks for all the great feedback. After reading all the comments and suggestions that have been said from the people who've been playing down there, I'm happy to announce a further few updates.

  • Raid timers added - Instead of everyone becoming "raidable" at midnight, each coffin now has a 24 hour timer protection to help stop abuse
  • 5 new (silly) weapons added
  • Disband coffin ability
  • Failing raids description made more clear
  • Underground Level 2 link added to DC (to skip the turn step of level 1)
  • Game time added to both level 1 and level 2
  • Gem random daily quest changed
  • Fixed a whole lot of little bugs

More to come (including silver uses) very soon...

More New Quests

5 more rank 100 quests are now ready for your consumption:
  • Key Damage IV
  • Key Damage V
  • Silver Delight
  • Silver Delight II
  • The Ultimate Search

Little things

  • You can now give 1 karma every 5 hours (7 hours for non-vip)
  • Replaced the Realex logo with card payments logo on buy VIP basket page
  • Updated the description on the UG level 1 achievements

Thanks & enjoy!

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