Friday, 30 November 2012

A Few Tidbits

New Social Network Updates
We've updated our social networking pages to reflect our awesome new homepage design.

- Our Facebook Page
- Our Twitter Page
- Our Google+ Profile

I sometimes release promo codes and offers via the above networks, so it's well worth following us if you use any of them. (Also good places to check when we have downtime)

Game Updates & Fixes
Spent the day doing some fixes and small updates, these include:

+ Blood letter link added after a member is kicked from a coven
+ Can now kick a vampire from a coven with ID instead of just the drop down
+ Pet ID added to pet profiles
+ You must be rank 3 to post blog comments
+ House forum links added to the forum board page
+ You can now view your sent blog comments
+ Blog post status (private etc) now appears on blog lists
+ When editing a blog, the default privacy setting is now correctly displayed
+ Moved the blood letter delete link, and added a confirmation screen
+ You can now remove yourself from other peoples family lists

+ Fixed a small coven leaving glitch
+ Fixed the "next 20" page link bug on battle reports
+ Viewing another vampire's battle reports now shows the attacking vampires only and the correct result. The [View Report] link has been removed.
+ Fixed the win & stalemate showing at the same time glitch for both PvP battles and pet battles.
+ Fixed a glitch that sometimes didn't make the random daily task reset

Downtime Recently
We've had a couple spells of downtime over the last 24 hours. We are continuing to closely monitor them. We just can't trust computers to work all the time these days eh. Promocode: 30thdowntime & 30thdowntimetake2

Update: The problem was one of the servers RAM. We have now replaced it and all should be working fine again!

Double Turns Weekend
I asked yesterday what people would like to be treated to thing weekend. And the general majority wanted double turns. So enjoy double turns until Sunday night!

Have a great weekend :)

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Login Problems

Believe me when I say it annoys me more than it annoys you (the people who its happening too) when I hear about a problem that I can't replicate myself in order to fix it, most recently, the login issues. Alas, it is now resolved! If you're interested on the problem and how it was fixed, you can read it on this thread.

This brings further good news...

Dual Login Is Back!
Now that the the login problem has been resolved, the dual email  & ID login is back! Sorry for teasing with this; bringing it back, then taking it away. Hopefully it's here to stay this time ;)

Thanksgiving Event
Happy thanksgiving to everyone who's celebrating! Are you taking part in our daily Thanksgiving zombie turkey quest? You should be, click here! I have also given you a place where you can tell us all what you're thankful for.

Black Friday Special
The Black Friday deals are up on the Buy VIP page. You have until Saturday evening to grab yourself some cheap VIP and plasma (along with some free zombie turkey heads too!) The rare pack is currently up now too, you should go grab one before they sell out.

If you missed the results of the good vs evil event, you can catch up with that right here.

Enjoy the rest of the week :)

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Thanksgiving Event & Black Friday Special Week

Good vs evil event
Thanks to everyone who took part in the good vs evil event. There was one clear winner, and that was GOOD with about 10million more blood over their evil enemies.

35,509,130 blood
25,330,979 blood

Everybody who took part with good alignment has been given 100 turns and 5QP!

Dual login removed
Due to login problems we were having, I have put back the separate email and ID login scripts. That seems to have fixed the login problems that a minority had. The mobile version of this is still active, though. On another quick note, there are a very select few players who are getting randomly logged out, is that you? Please post here with details so we can fix you.

There is one more small 'image' to change on the homepage, which will be complete soon, hope it doesn't scare too many of you! So glad the majority of you like it :)

Stubborn lottery
As some of you reported, the lottery didn't run on Saturday night. I got the error: (CRON) ERROR (setreuid failed): Resource temporarily unavailable.
Instead of running it manually, I just decided to let everyone keep their tickets, and it'll run next week for an even bigger jackpot.

November competition winner
A big thanks to everyone who submitted an idea. There were loads of them! Lots of good ones too, It would take too long for me to reply each one with a thanks, so thank you everybody! Moving onto the winner... (It was so hard to pass up on the idea of searching for Turkeys, plucking them, and making colourful pillows for vampires to sleep on, you know who you are.)  The players who contributed to the final idea have the plasma shared between them. Thank you.

Thanksgiving event


The thanksgiving event is now up and running! Want to take part?
Click here to read about the Thanksgiving quest

Black Friday Special
To go with the Thanksgiving event, the Black Friday plasma is now up and live! Click here to view the bargains we have on offer. The special and thanksgiving event will end on Saturday night!

Enjoy the week!

Friday, 16 November 2012

New Homepage Layout

New Homepage Layout

It's been a while, so I thought I'd update the homepage a little bit. I know everyone hates change (although I don't mind it from time to time), but in order to create a more modern & better looking gateway into RoB, I've had a new look for the homepage made. It has the same layout as before, but with a new cleaner look. That way everything is where it used to be (with a few small adjustments), and it just looks better. Hope you agree :)

UPDATE: The dual email/id login has been removed. It now is what it was before.

Good Vs Evil Event
The results are currently displayed at the bottom of the Dead City. One side is clearly winning at the moment, but a comeback by the losing team would be good to see! The event ends 10pm Sunday night.

November Competition
Remember on the 18th of the month, the November competition will be closing! I look forward to reading all of your ideas :)

Enjoy the weekend!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Good Vs Evil Week Event

Good Vs Evil Event

Just like the previous Boys Vs Girls event I've decided to try it from a different angle. Good VS Evil alignment. The Boys VS Girls event I've been pretty got balanced on how to fairly run that event, but now we're going to try out and test a good vs evil war. (Alignment is altered at the DC Statue)

The count will be based on BLOOD. Although the win count will be calculated for statistical purposes. To win, you need to suck more blood than the other team.

Information & general rules:

- Blood will count for your alignment team every PvP attack win you make.
- The blood it says on the screen is the blood that will count (includes all potion boosts)
- Whichever team has the most total blood at the end of the event will the prizes.
- Rank 1 accounts do not count at all.
- If your alignment is 0, your kills will count for neither team.
- The event will end Sunday 18th November evening at 10pm game time.
- There will be a section at the bottom of the Dead City with a few stats, although the decision to release the current scores will be made later in the week.

The event will kick off at 10pm game time TONIGHT (Sunday 11th November).

Good luck to everyone, and I very look forward to how this event will play out.

Payment System Questions
I've had a few blood letters where people would like to buy the old set pre-paid card packs as well as using the new cart system. They are still available! If you scroll to the bottom of the BUY VIP page, you'll see some text and links that will link you directly to the Pay Safe Card page, the Ultimate Game Card page and the Onebip page, just as they were before. You can use either that or the new cart system.

November competition
The competition entries need to be in for the 18th November, so there is enough time for the preparation for the events.

Enjoy the week :)

Monday, 5 November 2012

Event Conclusions

Sandy Support Pack
First off, thanks to everyone who purchased a Sandy pack. A total of 62 you did, and I'll be donating £195 ($310) tonight. It's good to know we have players that care about the issues in the world. These kinds of things are the best way to fun-raise, let people get stuff they want in return of a portion of it going to a good cause.

As for all the anonymous haters, you're free to do your part by donating $10 directly (Just click here). If you didn't want to purchase a pack through RoB where I decided I would donate 50% of the proceeds to the good cause, that's absolutely fine.  I hope you do decide to donate directly instead :)

Halloween Event
The Halloween event is now over, thanks for all your support, and I hope you enjoyed the zombie rewards. A total of 462,071 zombies were killed! I look forward to the next event.

October Competition Winners
1919 killed ScryptLord SpawnIscaribot (41184)
1919 killed +aNtIX_XdEpReSsAnT+ (66455)
1919 killed Mr. Death (70268)
1919 killed Pyretta D`Oreb (70807)
1919 killed Reokan (73133)
1919 killed Duke Danse Macambre (85239)
1919 killed Sathyr Amaranthus (92445)
1919 killed Lanslow Kreeg (96913)
1919 killed Lothar Blackfang (106438)
1919 killed War (137469)
1919 killed Lady Kailee Adryn Hawker (137559)
1919 killed animal (140606)
1919 killed Lady Airabeth Moon (147278)
1919 killed Kiworuso Darkhold (150525)
1919 killed Lilura Mohana Gealtach™ (155172)
1919 killed Black Widow (155523)
1919 killed †Deamon Whispers† (163379)
1919 killed Sabbath (176925)
1919 killed Aislinn Genevieve™ (192423)
1919 killed Ileene Night Aestus (197369)
1919 killed nemo (204391)
1919 killed Caislyn Struevre Aestus (210419)
1919 killed Arch Aestus (236669)
1919 killed |ñƒ€®nãL †HÈ †ÖÄW LørÐ (242222)
1919 killed Parasitic (242932)
1919 killed Dreamweaver (248485)
1919 killed Sir Tristan Blazziirel (249547)
1919 killed norazina, the metal girl (255855)
1919 killed zerohatemachine (274529)
1919 killed Rilee Rae Price (275708)
1919 killed †Payne DeathSpirit† (283916)
1919 killed Bex Pierce (283954)
1919 killed The Dispatriot (284566)
1919 killed •†Soulful•Sin•Mauvaise†• (298209)
1919 killed Bloodflame Diluculo (301884)
1919 killed Mynxie-Lynxie Minoptra (311006)
1919 killed Mikkala (311519)
1919 killed Lesath ShadowLight (339349)
1919 killed Simon Kestrel (348793)
1919 killed Crimson D Butterfly (350047)
1919 killed Indoorlurker (377171)
1919 killed ~Rowen D`Artigo~ (390348)
1919 killed Sierra Rojo Tancette (390959)
1919 killed Gideon (392232)
1919 killed Adorian Tepes (404313)
1919 killed Errdegahr Venorik (415642)
1919 killed Brock (416014)
1919 killed THE DREAD PIRATE YUKI (431052)
1919 killed Shaula (434750)
1919 killed Sirocco (441156)
1919 killed Jessy Gontier Devereux™ (473503)
1919 killed Midnyte (474051)
1919 killed Zandra HateMachine (476518)
1919 killed †TOAW†CaliX†CainE† (491221)
1919 killed Crimson the Salamander (515088)
1919 killed Jamsha D. (519622)
1919 killed Michael (522259)
1919 killed Revalth Minoptra (523102)
1919 killed Michael Rahl Whispers (523379)
1919 killed †TOAW†Shar†MysticBlade† (531921)
1919 killed Ruka Urushibara (533754)
1919 killed †Halexander†The†Great† (537162)
1919 killed Vordred (539830)
1919 killed Christian Aestus (554806)
1919 killed Poseidon H.S. Blackheart (561280)
1919 killed Mayhem Pierce (563941)
1919 killed SisterGrimm D Argantael (567078)
1919 killed Melisande (570113)
1919 killed Kora Phuri Dae Semele (571220)
1919 killed Kuruoshiki Oni (583012)
1919 killed Foamy (586647)
1919 killed MillionsKnives (591953)
1919 killed John (593502)
1919 killed Vampire Pickle (593590)
1919 killed xxaphrodyte (600045)
1919 killed Abby (605888)

Above are listed all the top zombie killers of the month, each of you get 5 free plasma!

November Competition
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I want to run a small-ish event to celebrate it for our foreign players. Think up a small event for RoB to run over the Thanksgiving days, and the top idea will earn you 10 plasma. Click here for more information.

More to come.


Thursday, 1 November 2012

Hurricane Sandy Appeal

Hurricane Sandy Appeal
I'm sure everybody has heard of the disaster that Hurricane Sandy has caused. As the majority of our players are situated in the affected countries, I've decided to do something little to help.

A lot of people are doing their own thing, so this is mine. I've decided to have a dedicated plasma pack, that will also unlock double turns for you until Sunday night for just $10. Which 50% of the money raised from the pack this weekend will be donated to the Red Cross Sandy Appeal.

The pack is located on the specials page, on the front page of our RoB item store. There is no limit to how many you can buy, but you can only unlock double turns on your account once. You are able to buy it for other people.

Halloween Event & Special
Just a heads up that all the Halloween events and special will be removed Sunday night, so make sure you get all your zombie brains used by then!

More coming up.


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