Friday, 16 November 2012

New Homepage Layout

New Homepage Layout

It's been a while, so I thought I'd update the homepage a little bit. I know everyone hates change (although I don't mind it from time to time), but in order to create a more modern & better looking gateway into RoB, I've had a new look for the homepage made. It has the same layout as before, but with a new cleaner look. That way everything is where it used to be (with a few small adjustments), and it just looks better. Hope you agree :)

UPDATE: The dual email/id login has been removed. It now is what it was before.

Good Vs Evil Event
The results are currently displayed at the bottom of the Dead City. One side is clearly winning at the moment, but a comeback by the losing team would be good to see! The event ends 10pm Sunday night.

November Competition
Remember on the 18th of the month, the November competition will be closing! I look forward to reading all of your ideas :)

Enjoy the weekend!


Boudica Night Tigress said...

I have to admit Ash, I've always liked what Dark did; however, I am biased! LOL Cool stuff though, I admit!

Kaitlyn Sainte Duval said...

Bhaha.. I thought I was going insane when I loaded up my browser, hit RoB and let my information load and quickly logged in. I only caught a glimpse of it as it hadn't loaded fully yet. Thought I was seeing things. Now I had to log out and back in to take a better look at it. Change this time was good. :) Looks much cleaner!

Anonymous said...

Will we be able to use this look on the inside stat page as well? I like it much better than the current..

Aidric Turalthirum said...

ok I love it! i thought the other one was waaaay simple :p this is cool

Vurly said...

Yes that really is a nice fresh look and much more modern and sleek. Thumbs up from me.

Mathias said...

I thought it looked way better how it was. That creepy vampire with shadow tentacle hair is much cooler than some generic wolf.

Anonymous said...

I agree with mathias, it scared some of my boyfriends away from me. I thought it looked awesome and not so creepy though. I enjoy playing the game though.

VivianBlackbourne said...

The new homepage is definitely more eye-pleasing. I agree with using it for the stat page. That would be awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love this new layout, I think it would be awesome for it to be the layout for everything else! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't like the wolf... -_-

Gabriella said...

I always loved Night's work, she had her own flare I quite enjoyed seeing. However,I do love the new look. The colors and all are quite nice, and a nice change from all the red. Change isn't always bad. I'm glad that you take care of the game always making sure that it doesn't become dull and boring. I personally like variety. It keeps things interesting

Anonymous said...

*Drools all over the said home page* Amazing!! Love it. Can't wait to see the updates similar to this on the pages.

Shardy said...

Love the new look..
Great Job Ash.. :)

Anonymous said...

Since the new layout i cant use my kill folders!!!!

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