Friday, 26 December 2008

2009 soon... so what's coming up?

I hope you all had a good Christmas and ate loads, i know i did =]

Okay so what's up coming? I'm going to re-do the enemy and friends list, so they are more customisable and you can list them in different ways and do all sorts of cool stuff with them. There are going to be extra staff options added as requested by the staff to help make monitoring things easier. I have yet to look at the helper applications because of the Xmas period, but over the next week or so i will start to look at them. 

I also had an idea to add an extra harddrive onto the server so people can upload pictures and avatars etc instead of having to upload them else where and have to input the URL. I will look into prices of getting this done and take it from there.

The xmas VIP will be available until i get home, (sunday i think) even though it says the 26th on the site, gives people an extra couple days if they wanna grab a bargain.

Aswell as all that i'm going to be adding some extra little things to help new members, some things are difficult to grasp when you're new, so i'm going to help ease new people into them with some new methods i have worked out, which help keep new players playing.

On another note, i have now created a mySpace group for RoB. So if you have a mySpace please join it! Aswell as the facebook group if you have not already, both links are available at all times at the bottom of each page.

Enjoy the rest of the holidays.


Sunday, 21 December 2008

Merry Xmas :)

Well this is it guys, i'm off home for the xmas week. This week i've added a "question of the day", which can be set by a staff member with a money prize depending on the difficulty of the question.  There can be a new one each day depending on if someone remembers to post one =P Spot and I will usually be doing it but of course being Xmas not many people will be around.

After Xmas i will be releasing some sort of FaceBook group task to help get the word of RoB out there, but more of that in the new year :)

The Xmas VIP special will end on boxing day (26th Dec), so if you want some bargain plasma/VIP go get some now!

Hope you all have a great xmas and look foward to seeing you all at the end of next week =]

Thursday, 18 December 2008

A few small updates...

First off i created a FaceBook group for all the RoB members. And you should all join it :) I will be making a MySpace one too but i have to wait 7 days before i can make it.

For those who havn't noticed (hard not too) I have changed the layout of the "home" section, also added a few todays stats and viewing last posted status updates which were suggested. I've had possitive feedback so far which is good.

For new players, i have had a couple mails telling me it takes to you long to get to level 2,  agree or disagree i have had a few of these, so i have stuck a +100 blood bonus on your first battle. Everyone will get this, so enjoy the extra blood =P

Thank you to everyone who has applied for the helper position, i have yet to read them, but Aftershock has gone through a few of them and told me there is a lot lol.

The server seems to be running a bit better now, but with the sudden unexpected amount of signups it might start sucking in more resources again, so a backup plan has been set, but more on that in the new year.

There will probably be one blog post before Christmas, i'm heading off home on Saturday for the Xmas week as a lot of other people probably are too, so if you cant get to the next blog, merry christmas :)

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Helpers wanted! && Ram installed!

Good evening fellow vampires.

The extra 4gb of RAM has been installed onto the server, which along with the new processor will make the site nice and smooth.

I am in need of helpers! Helpers as you can see on the staff list is currently empty, now these helpers are to help out in the help chat when they can and be available for blood letter help too. You will be listed as "new player assistants" where new players can ask you for help if needed.

Also it would be required for you to save all questions (along with the answers) so we can build some sort of huge FAQ and knowledge base where new players can search. So instead of you having to type out the same answer every time, you can just link them to that part of the FAQ.

  • Active - Logging on at least daily.
  • Good attitude - Having a helpful general approach to people.
  • Dont mind being asked same questions over and over by new people.
  • Want a yellow tick symbol.
  • Care about the game and its future development.
Blood letter the Rob Bot (ID 2) telling him WHY YOU should be a helper.

And also i would like to thank everyone who does help out in the chat, i do check there and see some members helping out, i do really appreciate it.
Thanks and good luck :)

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

It's going to be a crazy week!

So the server upgrade was all good and the server could cope with a lot more. Then come last night it was lagging again, what the hell?! Turns out the everyone is sucking up all the RAM aswell haha. We got the processing power but needs more RAM! There is currently 2GB ram in there at the moment, so i have ordered another 4GB to be installed, which (suprisingly) will give a total of 6GB RAM. Which will be plenty to last until next year when i attach a whole new server onto RoB. For those interested at off-peak times its leaving around 400mb free memory, it cant leave anything at peak times, hence the lag.

That will be installed this saturday!

There will not be any updates these week as i have 2 essays and exams to revise for, but after this week i'm free and plan to add a few more things :)

Have a fun week.

Sunday, 7 December 2008

New server upgrade installed!

The new QuadCore processor has been installed on the server, and page loads do seem to be faster! This will mainly only improve heavy pages like the top vamps page etc.

This upgrade is a temporary fix because as the site grows it will again need another upgrade... so next year i will be purcahasing a dedicated SQL server
(so reignofblood will be running off 2 servers).

But until then enjoy the upgrade :)

As for the points, i'll be taken them off monday or tuesday due to me going back to my hometown for the weekend,
and i did take off the points on the side bar, but to sell them just go to :

Friday, 5 December 2008

Vampire powers have arrived!

If you have yet to notice, i have finally created the vampire powers feature. Which basically gives you a temporary stat boost depending on your rank!

You get 10 MP an hour to spend on these powers, with a cap of 200.

It is currently in BETA, so changes may apply depending on how it goes and how well it is recieved, more powers will be added as well as VIP only ones too. Of course there is no other way to get MP other than the hourly 10, so zapping people etc will not give you MP anymore.  Any bugs? Please let me know.

Other than that, the server upgrade is due tomorrow, the downtime will be 15mins max.

But its 2am and i have an exam tomorrow, wish me luck and enjoy :)

Monday, 1 December 2008

Important information regarding points

Happy Decemeber people :)

Firstly, the server upgrade is due to be installed this Saturday, which should speed the site up by quite a bit.

Points - Points are being removed from the game, they are a dead currency as there is no decent CPA offers around that i can find at the moment. You have until this sunday (7th Dec) to spend/trade off your points before they are removed.

The Xmas packs are very popular, and they will stay open until the end of Decemeber, so if you want to make use of the awesome santa hat you get with all the packs, treat yourself to a xmas gift :)

For those who have not noticed, i have added a new playlist on the chat pages, as the last radio thing i had up was a load of crap. This is set list i have set up, i can add a total of 200 songs to it, so if you want any songs you like on there, then simply click on the suggest songs link below the player, i will add some suggested songs every now and then.

Have a good one :)

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