A good afternoon to you all. Thought I'd blog just to let you know what's going on.
I have been playing with these voting sites, some have reported some don't work, funnily enough i tried them out and they all worked fine, I then must come to the conclusion that you're trying to vote right after reset? I think the reset times of the site and their site isn't matching, so I've put them all on resetting at the same time so you shouldn't have a problem anymore, leave it for a couple days and if you're still having problems, let me know.
As for the new voting *system* I have thought of another (but similar) way to go about it. So I'll probably spend tomorrow getting that coded up.
As for everything else, well, there is lots. Please remember if you have any suggestions please do put it in the suggestion forum, even if I don't reply, I do read them. From the current standing people in general are wanting:
- Market place tidied up
- Blood letter past messages showing up
- forum & coven forum updates
- & most popular... MORE QUESTS!
I am adding quests regularly, probably have a couple more on tomorrow. But from now on I'm going to level the quests so new players are not bombarded with all these quests. So the current lot would be rank 1, then 10 or so more for rank 5s etc etc BUT saying that, I am running out of places to have quests... ;)
Due to the interesting feedback with the coven invite update I have allowed people to use blood letters to invite people to covens. It is just comment invites which are now not allowed (because they do spam up profiles). BUT if you are reported as spam x amount of times in an x amount of time then your coven will lose the ability to be able to do it and caught doing so will not end pretty. But as long as you don't spam people you have nothing to worry about.
Last thing is I wanna get the Facebook page booming with fans, so if you have not joined yet, please do =) CLICK HERE!
Keep an eye on the updates page this week =]
*edit* below you will now see a "reaction" link, so click after reading so I can see your reaction :)
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
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dude love it keep it up
w00t!! more quests!!!
the rest is fine too Ash. ;)
thanks for everything. :)
Everything your doin Rocks... Keep it up ASH
Quests!!!!!! Yay!!!
Quests are the quickest way to my hearts. ty!
yey more quests...thanks Ash and yes the market place is tidied up!!!
Thanks for the list, we're looking forward to all of those. Keep it up!
It all sounds great to me ash. I'll have to go in later today to try the voting system. I've been off for a couple of days, so I not sure if the +10 or +6 are working for me yet.
Prior when I tried they still wouldn't give me the turns and the 404 would give me turns but not the game its vote.
As for the Facebook thing I've been meaning to sign up, so I promise I will in the next couple of days.
Thanks and much Love as always :)
Ash I just tried the +10 site and it still isn't working for me. I entered the captcha and clicked on vote right after and then went back hit refresh and it didn't give me the the votes. Thought you'd want to know. It was 15 min. til the page load so I don't think its that at least not for me.
**UPDATE** The free games(404) is working. But the +10 & +6 not.
I know I've said this in the past to most of you; but we need to vote on the non turn voting sites too. I just was on those sites and we are only in the top 10 in 2 of those sites. Vote Vote Vote. Do it for Ash, do it for the game and hell do it for yourselves.
Voting pages (specifically Apex and Directory) still not working :(
I've posted new suggestion on a suggestion forum it is called Killing Mythological Creatures for coven expiriance and using Aligments to do so mujkic
Just wondering when the arnour changes comming into effect i am sure everyone been waiting for those
Quests for different levels seems to be a good idea, but everthing else is just aimed at keeping this game treading water. Maybe you should introduce the new weapons earlier then planned
Once again thank you, Ash, for taking our suggestions into consideration and actually making them happen. I can't express how nice it is to feel like apart of a community rather than just an aimless user of a site!
In addition, I think your idea to level the quests is a GREAT idea!
Keep up to good work.. and thanks again!
Nice Job Ashy! <333
You just keep making the game better.
Thanks Ash!!!!! You keep us going. crimson cowgirl.
The +10 & +6 voting sites are not working for me still.
Same here,as well as Afreegaming,url not found.on matter what time of day i vote.bring on the quests already;-)
The 10 and 6 still not working for me too.. Afreegaming found and working.
Apex gaming (+6) And Directory of Games (+10) are still recording my vote but not giving any turn credit.
Time of day is quarter past noon GMT
Well this seems fit you are looking into the future and so am I, I love all of the new stuff that is going on throughout RoB Ash, but there is one problem you have someone within your ranks abusing their power in the game. This is sad, because so many of us love your game greatly and he is ruining it for most people.... just remember it is "spot" on to be a courteous player and ACT... Game is great can't wait to play again.
10 second rule blows.. I always opened all the sites in tabs then went and voted down the line... now it's much slower for me to vote... also the 10 and 6 sites aren't working for me either... haven't in a week or more.
Please hold all voting questions/rants/suggestions for the next blog, thank you.
but but but i have only just actually read this, despite it being open for ove 12 hours,
kill comp distracted me.
but umm, same with apex and directory, not too bothered bout it now tho, fark finally coughed up the QP :D
I am wondering how much longer this game will last when you DO run out of places to have quests???
New quests will help to extend the life of this game, but it is already showing it's age and it's popularity is obviously dropping. What is needed is an entirely new element. Adding human heros with ability to kill even the oldest of the vamps here would to the popularity of the game. New weapons and armor will help, but a total reworking of even the old weapons is required too. Otherwise the non VIP players just become so much fodder
Human heroes?
And when i run out of places i add more places ;)
like the quests... hope maybe u will add new things to do with say ghost city, ancient ruins and the dark tower:p they just sit there empty now that ive completed:p
I agree with the point of if a newbie gets a plasma and wants to sell it for $300k then they'd have to pay $3k which they might not have. I will address then somehow.
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