Thursday, 10 September 2009

New voting system, new marketplace & quests

Some of you will like this blog, some won't. Here goes anyway...

We'll start with the new voting system, instead of making them coming up one at a time i decided to simply leave the list there but put a timer on them. Last night I set it at 10 seconds, a lot of complaints charged in so I decreased it 5 seconds. Before the rant of hate for this decision, please read below (it's nothing new).

I add voting sites where you all can vote to help get RoB more players. In return for your vote i give you x amount of turns. As only Apex and DoG have incentive set up voting (meaning they have coded a script to work with my site so when you vote it adds the turns then) I think that 5 seconds is FAIR for 5 turns (more for some). They are NOT *FREE* turns, they are rewards for your support in the game. Simple as that. This block will help stop people just opening them all up and then closing (i know some people open them all up and then vote, and for those guys, i apologise for having to do it this way, but you have to agree this way is better than just having the sites appear one at a time which is what i was going to do originally). The idea is you open then 1 at a time, vote, then close. Then move onto the next. I agree that you could just open one up, leave it, and then move onto the next. But that would be boring and in my opinion i might as well vote.

5 seconds = 5+turns = fair.

As i said before, the majority of people who will complain about this are those people who just get the turns and don't vote.

Okay moving on... I have done some work on the market, to stop people posting stupid offers and to keep the market active I have made the following changes:

- Your listing is deleted (and everything returned) after 14 days of not being sold. (All current listings will start as if they were posted now). This will help keep the lowest prices on the market by getting rid of the ones that are not selling.
- You are only allowed 3 of each type of listings at any one time . (i.e. 3 plasma, 3 ap, 3 weps, 3 armour).
- To stop stupid listings there is a 1% transaction fee for all listings. So if you want to sell 1 plasma for $500,000 then you will have to pay a non refundable fee of $5000 when you make the listing. If you remove the listing from the market, you will not get your $5000 back, if you do not sell it after 14 days you will not get your $5000 back.
- Deleted all the deleted players listings

This will keep the market much cleaner and active :)

And the last thing being QUESTS, the start for the rank 5 quests has began, I have added 3 small quests to start off with.

have fun :)


EDIT: And FYI today is exactly 1 year since I posted my first RoB blog. wow =]


Aftershock "Spot" said...

Yay, you put in my market suggestions <3

Mikiala said...

Much better Ash. The 5 seconds makes a huge difference.

Like the market ideas. Can't wait to see the 999999 AP go away.

Dementia de Lincourt said...

Let the quest craze begin. And people will start listing reasonable prices. Finally.
After the 10-5 seconds change, apex and DoG work for me.
Thanks for the updates :)

Anonymous said...

Wow looks great and possibly stop profiteer's in market place . Any idea when new armour is comming to effect

Anon said...

Yay! New quests! ^_^

Anonymous said...

the new quests will help extend the life of the game for a while. Marketplace changes but not gone far enough. Max price of weapons and armor should be no more then 80% of a new weapon. They are used after all.

Zero Paradox said...

5 second window on voting is good for those of us who prefer to open them all at once then blitz our way through the captchas - thank you very much Ash :-)

With regard to the market - profiteers and sellers of items shouldn't be discriminated against (NOT that I am saying Ash has done so, this comment is in reference to the one a few places above with no name). Playing the RoB economy is part of the game, anybody can do it. With the new market system, it simply means that the savvy trader will ensure their selling-fee is compensated for by sensible maneouvers in the gravemarket ;-)

Also to the comment right above this - why should there be a limit on the price? The sellers have to deal with a transaction fee now, and also if you're paying over the odds for something, why are you buying it in the first place?

Thanks Ash, looking forward to the new quests! All your work is appreciated as ever :-)

Oupicus said...

I think everything you have done to update is great.. Keep up the good work...

SlayerXIII_Boudiccas_Line said...

Thank you so much Ash! I concur with most of the statements above. :) And I appreciate greatly that you work so diligently to make sure the game continues to be fun, sassy, and worth every minute. New voting system is excellent! Congrats on the one year anniversary of your RoB blog as well. :) *bows deeply*

Anonymous said...

Methinks a selling profiteer has squeeked. I would love to see the armor ane weapons areas listed by their rating (+3, +25, +100) rather then the selling price.

Anonymous said...

How about another 9 or 12 quests for tomorrow since these 3 have been solved?

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, I think the transaction fee for selling something in the market is kinda harsh 'cause it will only fluctuate the prices of those commodities sold in the market up... and, if you are not so bright as some players are, you will surely lose money in using the market... Please, do give some consideration to the newbies... Hope you reconsider... More power... GODspeed...

Anonymous said...

As a player you must be punished for voting and punished for making transactions. It's for your own good. :)

Anonymous said...

Solution is simple and it should be for all players charge 1% when item is sold. Why have different rules and selective rules? If the item doesn't sell then no charge it is simply removed from the list and the player can't relist it for another 14 days. This game is becoming incredible morass. Any wonder it's slipping in it's popularity?

DarkAsh said...

It's not :)

Vinushka said...

I don't believe, considering the growth this game has consistently seen, that its popularity is slipping any.

As i understand it, the point of charging a fee is to discourage silly market listings, so charging after the item is sold does not address this problem.

One is unable to use the market until rank 4, and by this time should have earned enough to pay for whatever listing they could possibly post. If not, they would simply have to wait a bit until they make the funds, same as we do when purchasing armour or weapon or anything else.

I think the 10 seconds per vote was fine; 5 is minuscule. These changes all seem best overall. There will always be someone left to complain but as Ash has surely learned, it really is impossible to please everyone.

Happy anniversary to RoB blog!

Anonymous said...

Silly listings abound throughout the armour market case in point $1,000,000 for +1 card armour. Thought they were supposed to have been taken care of.

DarkAsh said...

If they don't sell in 14 days they'll be removed. As the blog states. Thank you Vinushka.

Reasonable 7-2521 said...

I believe that the quests are too incoherent. I can understand the QOTD being a bit unanswerable sometimes due to the bonus-oriented reward, but all of the quests should not be riddles.

Semera Bloodlust said...

Great updates, Ash! Thank you and keep up the great work.

I don't care what the haters say. I love RoB even more now than I did when I first started playing! :)

Legion Avalon said...

I expect the new 1% tax to fundamentally change the market... I personally welcome this, but I have to say, when I first started here, trading was my major income, if I were still a newbie I would regard this with some dismay.

As for the voting changes. I applaud. For my personal method of voting, I like the way the screen updates itself between sites. To me, it's an improvement. :-)

Legion Avalon said...

Erm... Why do I welcome a new tax?

Well firstly, Ash has to claw back the economy somehow and this seems a good way to do it, the alternatives could be worse.

... and secondly, those of us who understand the repurcussions have an advantage. :-)

Legion Avalon said...

Sorry to multi-post but ... the quests are of their nature riddles surely? The most complex of them are solved within days if not hours by the thousands of people here. Making them harder, not easier is the way to go.

I would also, personally, favour more like the metal-man quest, which require a little dedication to the game.

Legion Avalon said...

Oh Ash? PS. The 1% tax won't make the market more active, it's more likely to kill it. I won't be posting anything to sell anymore, just buying.

Anonymous said...

Ah great Job ......I know how you feel I have more BL's than I know what to do with.....people want the code lol.... Cathal Blood Knight

Love the new Quest and like the tax on the market........Great Job as always

Arilyn said...

the new quests were fun :)
i like all the changes too, keep it up!

Anonymous said...

God what a bunch of brown nosers this game has.

Anonymous said...

The new voting system? The one that says slow down gettin your free turns......nuttin new just slower.

Anonymous said...

love the updates and thanks for all the things you do for us. FYI love the voting system and the quest too.

Aftershock "Spot" said...

People can add the 1% listing fee to their price if they want, but keep in mind, that fee will be lost if that deal does not sell, so people will be more competitive trying to have the lowest price on the market so that way their deal will be sold... I think these 2 aspects balance each other out, and there won't be a large rise or drop in the price of items on the market place.

If you don't want to use the market place, you're welcome to use the Trade/Send option on players profiles.
What I would like to see though, is another warning about trading on same IPs put on the market page like the ones on the Send Funds and profile Trade pages.

Anonymous said...

Showing appreciation and complimenting someone for a job well done is not brown nosing, if it is sincere. Actually the game has a lot more ingrates who have nothing better to do than gripe and criticize. Which is sad, considering this is a FREE entertainment site.

Legion Avalon said...

I think we're seeing the effects already, no-one wants to sell knowing that they're losing 1%. some of us work on small margins. Prices are rising, inevitable.

Anonymous said...

I don't know I see an opportunity for "Sales Agents" acting as agent for sellers and buyers who wish to complete transactions for a small (less then 1%) commission of course :)

Anonymous said...

I was sceptical of the the five second thing as I used to oprn all the windows at once, but this way works just as well> Thanx for your hard work

Anonymous said...

If you can still open up a window and then close and get the turn bonus without voting what is different or better about it?

Anonymous said...

Taking a different tack, it would seem that Barthomew is a VIP only quest.

Deamon whispers said...

its all good I vote either way

Anonymous said...

The voting system I love it way faster. Thanks Ask! :D Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Awesome. So not do only the +10 or +6 turn sites still not work, But you totally fucked this over for dial up and dsl users.

Dosiseous said...

The 10 and 6 sites do not work still no. Ok but the other changes are not that bad and in line with many other games out there anyways.

ROB is more then a game to many of us anyways it is a fun social place for us to all hang out with friends.

I love the auto refresh on the voting system and hope you figure out what is the issue with the 10 and 6 turn voting sites since I have tried them late in the day and different browsers and they do not work.

Legion Avalon said...

I think the auto-refresh is really slick, it actually makes the process faster for me... Still not happy about the 1% tax, it's kinda killed my trading activity but hey, it's an even playing field, it's a small gripe really. Rock-on Ash. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ash, the Apex and Directory portals arent working for me. Tried it twice on each; put in captcha's and all. I wouldn't lie love. Just wanted you to know.

Guildythewicked said...

ASH Love the Iron Maiden reference!!!!

Anonymous said...

Apex and directory not working AGAIN,THANKS 4 the quests:-)

DarkAsh said...

Apex and DoG WORK for me, it's so weird. I'll take a look at it over the next couple days again.

Anonymous said...

Apex and DoG,only worked on friday,went back on the fritz yesterday.i voted several times for 0 turns.the option to vote there doesn't close

Anonymous said...

I still just open them and then close em. It still reads my vote without me voting.

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