Monday, 30 November 2009

Christmas Preperations are underway!

That's right! I'm going to run something of the same context to Halloween as people seemed to really enjoy the buzz.  It'll prolly fun for 2-3 weeks and we'll take it from there. Of course I'll be adding new quests throughout December also and maybe a couple smaller new features.

2010 will be a BIG year for RoB. January is going to be where all the new MAJOR updates and new features will be added. And boy it's going to be tasty.

Also, for those who have been here a while (I mean over 2 years) you'll remember I had another website, and for some reason I let it die. But I'm bringing it back! Not a lot of people used it back then but it can give you something else to in between turns.

Enjoy the week

Sunday, 29 November 2009

I had a crazyyyyy dream

Call me sad, call me pathetic.

I had this wacky dream last night where I woke up RoBs files/layout etc and database reverted like 2 and a half years ago and there was no recent backup. So everything that happened in the last 2 and a half years was GONE. Scary! Then i just reset my computer and it worked out again (which doesn't even make sense).

Is it sad that I'm actually dreaming about RoB? Haaaa. Now all of you touch wood this actually doesn't happen.

On another note, NOBODY has figured out Unknown Quest X yet. I find that very, very amusing.

OH, and congratulations to Saturn and Aftershock on their 1 year straight-gay RoB marriage.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)


Thursday, 26 November 2009

Notice about reporting blood letters as SPAM

People are reporting stuff as spam that isn't spam... a lot of people are reporting spam when they get a blood letter like: (I have replaced a bad word with the word 'flower')

"I flower hate you, go die in hell you mother flower, im not taking your flower crap anymore!"

That is not spam. That is you having a fight with someone or someone just outright being an idiot and verbally abusing you. If that happens, DONT REPORT IT AS SPAM. It's not spam, its prolly just some guy on his monthly cycle. If you get messages like this, or lots of messages from a person that you don't want, hit the BLOCK USER button. Do not report it as spam.

It takes time to go through reported spam, and its a waste of our time doing it when people report stuff that isnt spam! Lots of problems can be solved by the sexy looking block button i built for you. It's free, so use it =D

Things that are considered spam:
 - Someone spamming other game/site links
-  Trying to sell you something (outside the game)
-  Trying to get you to signup, take part in something outside the game.

I have put a little reminder on the report spam page before you submit just incase you forget ;)

Oh, and more unknown quests have been added, not because I hate you. But because i love seeing loads of you buzzing around trying to figure them out.

Enjoy your weekend :)


Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Random update

It's been like a week since I've posted so I thought I would again. I just got back from Cardiff (Wales), went up to see Rise Against so I haven't been here the last couple days. It seems people are liking the unknown quests so I'll prolly add a couple more today.

Lots of exciting stuff being worked on and what's even better, it's Christmas soon!!


Monday, 16 November 2009

Quests Quests Quests

Lots of quests added today! Check them out...

- Laundering
- Royal Flush
- Unknown task I
- Unknown task II
- Unknown task III
- Unknown task IV
- Unknown task V

The big ass story quest has been started. I'll be working on that each day until its done. I'm sat down with a pen a paper (that still exists?) jotting down ideas. Thanks for all your input so far, i hope you'll be pleased with the result.


Saturday, 14 November 2009

Competition extended and idea for story quests

A very good morning to you all.

First thing, the November competition has been extended due to the slow speed in which search engines etc index URLs on sites. Prolly for a week or two more.

A feature that has been quite heavily suggested is running quests which tells the story of how the Dead City came to be. I'm more than happy to do that. But, I want you to be part of it. I'm not the best story teller, but in my head I have a pretty good idea how I want the story to be set up. But with your input and ideas I can make it better! Head over to my forum post and give me your feedback. I'll be using little ideas here and there from people to make it a really interesting story and fun to experience via quests.

I'll be adding more regular quests on Monday, but for now I got a ton of paper work to sort out, I think i need a secretery!

Enjoy the weekend

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Daily quests & New VIP Payment structure

Good evening all.

First off, I have added Daily Quests. Which are quests that you can complete everyday for a small extra reward. Nothing amazing, but just that little extra to reward those who are active and login each day.

If you go to the VIP page you'll be prompted to choose your currency/country. The ones that are currently supported are:

United States ($)
United Kingdom (£)
Canada ($)
Australia ($)
New Zealand ($)
Europe (Euro)

If you do not fit into any of the listed countries/currencies, don't worry! Just choose 'other' and you'll be charged in USD as before. (Paypal will display how much the packs cost before you buy as before too). I will add more currencies in the future as they're used and requested.

Hope this makes it more convenient for some people. To see the payment terms click here, to get on the VIP and choose your country go to the VIP page.


EDIT: And oh yeah, I think I've found a replacement for Boku, but we'll see...

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Poll on VIP/Plasma

I've been reading through some Paypal small print, and it seems like they do throw extra charges for buyers and sellers when it comes to converting money via PayPal. So i had the idea, and if it's liked i'll do it. Basically everyone will choose the country they're living in (it will be the main ones, USD$, GBP£, AUS$, EURO) before buying. And the prices will be displayed in that currency, that'll get around the extra buyer and seller paypal fees and make it more convenient to you as the prices are displayed as a set amount in your currency instead of fluctuating because of the exchange rates always changing. I'll be able to do this for all currencies.

This does not apply to Google Checkout as I can only charge in £ so it'll convert your currency nonetheless.

Let me know what you think


Friday, 6 November 2009

I'm back, all is normal...

I'm back! I've added all the Google Checkout and mobile packs, thanks for the patience. Things will be back on track now. I have yet to go through my blood letters, I'll do that tomorrow as I need some sleep. I had a good time, even though the recession made things more expensive!

Don't forgot about the competition, click here for info!


Sunday, 1 November 2009

NOVEMBER COMPETITION & halloween results.

Going to try something different this month. Not going to do something where you send in
entries etc, it's more of testing your use of the internet.

Competition 1 - Spread your public profile
You have the option to make your profile public, some of you don't want to do that, and that's fine. But for the people that do, this competition is for you. Basically I want you to post around the web, anywhere you can think of your public profile URL.  (Before you say anything, this is not a cheap trick to get you guys to advertise, there is another reason behind it which i might explain after the competition). For example, any site you're on where it requires you to put "Your website" in, put your RoB public profile. I will be crawling the web when it ends and the first 3 i stumble upon will win 35 plasma each. So the idea is to post it on quality sites. For example, if i searched ReignOfblood on myspace first and it brings up a list of people who have put it on there, I'd choose the number 1 result. I will be using many searching methods, so post on as many sites, forums etc as you wish. But please DO NOT SPAM. If i see you spamming it you'll be disqualified. Remember all for doing this, it might get more clicks, meaning you'd get referrals, meaning refpoints =  more QP & plasma (See referral page).

Competition 2 - Activity on Facebook
This one is for you Facebook lovers, basically i wanna see some activity on the group and fan page. SO on both pages I want you to show your love (or hate) for RoB by posting on both walls. Make sure you include your ID. The top 3 posts (from both group and fan page) that I like / find funny etc will win 25 plasma. For example you could post something like ... "I play RoB during the day and dream of it during the night cuz i'm that cool". That's stupid tbh but you get the idea.  But you can't post the same thing on both the fan page and the group. The links are too the right of this blog >>>

Both competitions will end November 10th.  Any questions please comment this and i'll reply, i'm here for the rest of today.

Good luck!

And last but not least, thank you for everything who took part in the final halloween hunt, these guys won a sparkling 5 plasma each.

Green pumpkin 1 - Erzsebet (178282)
Green pumpkin 2 - Lost Elana Skittle (83807)
Green pumpkin 3 - Blood-Luna (80314)
Green pumpkin 4 - Bella (192918)
Green pumpkin 5 - avantgarde (109004)
Green pumpkin 6 - NOT FOUND (I hid this one goooooooooooooooood)
Green pumpkin 7 - SlayerXIII_Boudiccas_Line (175390)
Green pumpkin 8 - LordBevan (118943)
Green pumpkin 9 - Alucard The Jackal (118943)
Green pumpkin 10 - Lorelei Drazdof (123174)

Onto A VIP notice, I'm afriad that Boku has to be taken off. The reason for this is because they've basically kicked me. This is the email...

"Dear BOKU publisher,
We’re reviewing our publisher accounts and, due to the costs of servicing each account, are have no choice buy to close down partners with less than $1000 USD in monthly traffic to work with one of our payment solution provider partners.

Your account currently does not meet our minimum volume requirements and will be disabled as of November 30, 2009.  Any outstanding balances will be paid out in accordance with our terms and conditions.

How rude is that? Zaypay however will remain. Will find a replacement for Boku in the coming weeks.

As  I stated on the last blog I am going away tomorrow till Friday, so all manual VIP packs (Google Checkout) will be added on Friday.

Have a good week =D


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