Saturday, 31 December 2016

2016 In Review

Happy New Year!

Top of 2016

The top players of 2016 have been revealed! Here's a little extra for those at the top. The top 5 players of each of the 4 categories (pvp wins, blood, wheel spins & coven exp) will be rewarded with (Queenie will be rewarded with the most being high on them all):

1st Place Prize: 500 RED, 20 WP, 50 QP, 10 Plasma,  #1 2016 Collectible
2nd Place Prize: 250 RED, 15 WP, 30 QP, 8 Plasma,  #2 2016 Collectible
3rd Place Prize: 100 RED, 10 WP, 20 QP,  6 Plasma, #3 2016 Collectible
4th Place Prize: 75 RED, 5 WP, 15 QP, 5 Plasma,  #4 2016 Collectible
5th Place Prize: 50 RED, 3 WP, 10 QP,  4 Plasma, #5 2016 Collectible

Top 30 players in each category will also get 10 RED, 2WP, 10 QP, 2 Potion Credits (remember, these rewards stack, and if you're on multiple top 2016 leaderboard, you'll get these multiple times). Thanks for playing this year, and enjoy the rewards! Click here to view leaderboard.

2017 Begins

2017 has now begun, and that means a fresh new top of year leaderboard. The Current Top Players page will now display the top of players of this year going forward.

RED Lottery Results December 2016

The RED Lottery results for December 2016 have now been drawn randomly. The jackpot at the end of the month was 2048 RED. There are a total of 20 winners, and top 5 were:

1st place was Alegna McClellan (520460)  winning 682 RED
2nd place was Devereux Tantalus Nex (680995) winning 341 RED
3rd place was ~Mad Vlad LaVey~ (463334) winning 256 RED
4th place was †ÆÐELÞRYÐOM† `Xii (316141) winning 155 RED
5th place was Lady Death (5) winning 103 RED

To find out if you were in the top 20, click here to view the full draw information.

The jackpot has been reset ready for this new month. Another draw happen at the end of January, so start shopping on Amazon through Reign Of Blood this month to add to that jackpot.

2016 In Review

2016 is over, but before we look ahead to 2017, lets take a quick look back over 2016 and highlight just a small selection of the changes/updates for the year. 458 updates were posted throughout the year on the game updates page.

  • Loads of new equipment updates including sharpness bonuses, luck stat, and new ways to use shields with weapons, using rubies in shields, and new Faith Stones.
  • 'The Weekly' quest added to further reward those who do daily quests every day.
  • RoB Mobile had a load of upgrades and new features over the year.
  • New random WP rewards for being on the Activity Feed.
  • Over 100 new missions.
  • Coven overhaul including new look, quest streamlining, VIP features, management & more.
  • Game store updates including the new RED universal currency.
  • Plasma Boons feature added, and brand new subscription packs and payment method.
  • Gym updates including more motivation.
  • Loads of RP and RP character updates and enhancements.

I look forward to what 2017 brings us, and don't fret, the pipeline is tasty.


Monday, 26 December 2016

Christmas Event Roundup

RED Lottery

Did you get Amazon gift cards for Christmas? Don't forgot to use them through Reign Of Blood to add to the RED Lottery prize at the end of the month.

All players that login on the 29th, 30th, and 31st will get to claim a free entry. All those who have claimed Amazon purchases will get extra entries which will be shown the RED Lottery page. The draw will take place and results posted when I do the year's roundup.

Secret Santa

189 gifts were given in this year's fresh new Secret Santa feature. That's 189 very generous vampires. All the gifts have been randomly given to all the other vampires who gave a gift.

The most generous gifts given in each category were:

Alegna McClellan (520460) gave 20 Plasma
†Annie†Smith† (708095) gave 300 RED
Dimitril Aerinil (203351) gave 30 AP
Alicia De Winter (691240) and Bituin Apolake Malicsi (537467) gave $10,000,000

Turkey Fencing

The top turkey fencing in the ego, wins and level categories will be rewarded with:

1st Place: 10 Plasmalympic Gold
2nd Place: 8 Plasmalympic Gold
3rd Place: 5 Plasmalympic Gold
4th Place: 4 Plasmalympic Gold
5th Place: 3 Plasmalympic Gold

Everyone on the leaderboards get 2 Plasmalympic Gold for all 4 categories.

You have 5 days to claim your gold (until Jan 1st). View the leaderboard here.

The year is very nearly over! I hope you enjoyed this year's Christmas event.

RED Lottery Reminder (Your Amazon Gift Cards)

RED Lottery

A lot of people received Amazon gift cards for Christmas yesterday, and remember if you live in the USA or the UK, you can shop through Reign Of Blood and your Amazon sales will be increase the RED Lottery jackpot which will be happening before the end of the month.

Go to the Red Lottery page at Dead City to start shopping.

(Or go straight here and shop on amazon if you're in the USA, or here if in the UK)

I hope you had a nice Xmas, I'm still winding down but will get back into the swing of things soon. The special and event will at midnight tonight (26th).

Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

A Reigning Christmas

Christmas Event

Welcome to this year's Christmas event. I'm mixing it up this year and bringing back the Plasmalympic games, as well as a couple favourites. The event will last 10 days from Friday 16th December to the end of Boxing day 26th. Enjoy, and have a great holiday.

Seasonal Slots: Santa Hat

The seasonal slot graces us once more. And as it is Christmas, the awesome Santa hats are back out to play. They are my favourite.

Christmas Tree

The DC Christmas tree has been fully erected once more, check it out daily for free stuff.

The Plasmalympic Games

It's been a while since we've had a Plasmalympic games event, so I thought it would be great to bring it back with a delightful Christmas theme this holiday season.

Elves Weight Training
The Elves are so small and weak and they are tired of being ridiculed. In order to increase their street credit among the Christmas community, they've started doing some intense work outs. Train your Strength and Toughness with the daring Elves.

Santa's Sprint
Santa is already working off his holiday weight gain. His belly is dragging him down even before the big delivery day arrives. Train your Speed with him at Santa's Sprint.

Snowmen Shooting
Can you imagine anything more cruel than shooting at something that can't move and defend themselves? Luckily, most vampires don't have pity for such situations. So go and let out your anger at the snowmen.

Reigndeer Archery
Reigndeers, not to be confused with reindeers,  are much more plump, and quite frankly, much more delicious. Even though they're much more juicy, they can be harder to catch. But why waste energy? Grab a bow and shoot the beasts!

Turkey Fencing
There is nothing more amusing than the thought of vicious animals using actual weapons against each other. Evolution will eventually give us this, but probably not in our life time. Grab a turkey and fence against other turkeys for gold.

There will be extra gold given out at the end of the event for the top fencing players.

VIP/Plasma Special

Oh, yes! To go along with this Christmas event there is of course a delicious VIP/Plasma sale for you to sink your teeth into. Click here to check them out.


Tuesday, 13 December 2016

RED Lottery Program

RED Lottery

I made a forum thread a few days ago with an idea to help further fund Reign Of Blood ads that won't cost anybody anything extra. The idea is Amazon shopping.

When shopping on Amazon through Reign Of Blood's link Amazon pay a small % for each sale. For every $1 that Reign Of Blood earns through your Amazon shopping, it will be spent on Reign Of Blood ads and I'll put 100 RED into the the RED Lottery program.

At the end of each month, active players who login with 3 days of the draw date will be given a free ticket to win a share of the RED. If you make larger Amazon purchases, you can submit the sale to me for extra entry tickets, see the RED Lottery page for more info.

This costs you nothing extra! Before you buy something on Amazon, go through the links on Reign Of Blood's RED Lottery page to add to the RED jackpot.

It is currently only available to USA and UK players, and I will also be looking at extending this to eBay and other online market places if this is a success.

You can check out the RED Lottery page using the link below. The jackpot will be updated every couple of days when the credit for sales is applied.

Click here to check out the dedicated RED Lottery page


Monday, 5 December 2016

Some RP Updates

Today I have some updates that focus on the RP side of the game. I hope you enjoy them.

More Control Over RP Characters

Today I have updated your RP characters to give you even more control over them.
  • You can now order all the fields in any way you want
  • Added Nickname to the field list 
  • You can now make RP characters private, friends, or family only
  • Personal notes (only seen by you) added to RP characters, is searchable
  • View list of what forums your RP character is part of
  • Mass order character by name, last edited, created
  • Made it clear how to hide unwanted fields

Thanks to Karina for writing up new descriptions for all the fields, they have been added in.

Finally, you can now create folders and organise your RP characters into them.

New RP Panel

The RP Panel has been given an updated look to make room for these new features.
There is a new search bar which you can use to search character names and personal notes on characters. As well as quick access to your character folders and more.

Plasma RP Boons

I've had the idea of having RP VIP for a while, it's been suggested and talked about over the last couple of years, but I've never really been able to come up with a concept for it to be worth it. But last month I introduced Plasma Boons, and I believe that is a better system is tackle this approach.

Today, I am introducing a new Plasma Boon relating to the RP features of the game. All RP based Plasma Boons will all cost just 1 Plasma each. The new Boon is called 'RP Character Customs', which allows a further 5 custom RP character fields.

You'll find these Boons on the Dead City Plasma Shop page.

Blog Updates

I have added in the option to allow blog posts that are linked to your RP character, to show up as if your RP character had written them. If you want this, simply unlink the blog, and re-link it, and then the option for this will be displayed.

RP/Social Missions

I have also added 24 new missions which include profile rating, blog rating, RP character rating, and giving karma. That's a pretty easy 24 QP!

General Bug Fixes

  • If you have over 10 characters and no longer have VIP days, you'll get the warning why only 10 of your characters are being listed, and not all of them.
  • Fixed an error with the next 25 link on the character directory.

Please report any issues as always.

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