Wednesday 18 August 2010

Enjoying the V quest?

Hello from sunny Florida!

Havin' a good time over here. But i hear people are not having such a good time with this V quest? HA! I also see nobody has actually found it yet. What would be more amusing is nobody finding it until I get back. I love driving you wild. As well as the unbearably amazing 95 degree heat i am thinking of you all pulling your faces off with this quest. I've heard some cool rumours i.e you have to add me onto your enemy list, you have to send me a comment etc etc funny stuff. (None is true by the way). V is indeed my favourite letter.

To clear a few things up, the V is not on any user generated content. I.E chat, forums etc. It's a static letter on the game.

Enjoy yourselves =D



Anonymous said...

I hate V. When i find it I shall go and murder anyone with the letter "V" in their name.

~Most Unholy~ Alchemist (316707) said...

I found it! [devil]

Anonymous said...

I also hate the Letter V. I will find it & when I do I will rule the world! -evil laugh- JK but this quest really bites. AND not in the fun Kinky way either...

Anonymous said...

I better be careful not to have the letter V in my name then :'D And, Ash, you're a meanie. You should've taken me with you! :(


†Lady†Angelina†Of†Avalon† said...

V hahaha it is in my name, but oh well...

looking for this V ok I have a head ache...

Blood Shard said...

Hehe,, you seem to be having fun ,,good,, :)

I do like quest,,this one is heck man,,LOL
No V in my name,, :p
I do not hate V ,there will be Victory ,, ~hugs~

Boudica_Icenei_Queen said...

WooT!!! By the looks of those drinks Ash you're going to get right pissed! lmao Glad that you're having a grand time in sunny FL; next time consider the West coast ... it's wwwaaayyyy kewler! *giggling* Enjoy ... rock out and we'll hope we all have some hair left when you return!

Fei-Hung Wong said...

Phew* There is no V in my name.

Undead Chaos Gnome™ said...

I hate this damn quest ash. u are a punk for making it, to many "V"s in the game

Anonymous said...

95 degrees? Ash you need to come to California. It hasn't been less than 100 in weeks :)

Anonymous said...

Sucks balls.

†Lady Isobel Gray† said...

-Grins- At least there is no V in my name either...Thank, goodness! Alas, I'm having one hell of a time trying to find that tricky little letter...-_- I'll find it, eventually...I hope.

On a side note: Have fun in FL, Ash! Hope you bring a lot of souvenirs back! Haha. XD

Anonymous said...

I think this quest is glitched. My hint (the tip that usually appears when you click upon the quest link in Quest Hall) disappeared. Clicking 'V is the best letter' now only leads me to a blank screen with [Back]. The hint is no longer there.

However, no QP were received & the 'V is the best letter' link is still in the Quest Hall so I'm not sure what happened. I mean, why would the hint disappear if the quest wasn't finished? It doesn't make any sense.

Anonymous said...

1. I know hate the letter V. Thank you.
2. I'm in Texas and have been to Florida. Very hot.
3. Mean Ash.

Anonymous said...

I love the letter V. Did you ever see the movie V for Vendetta ash? Pretty good, lots of fighting. The main characters name is V, he has this pretty long speech with another character in the movie.

V: VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
[carves V into wall]
V: The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.
V: Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.
Evey Hammond: Are you like a crazy person?
V: I'm quite sure they will say so.

Blackwidow Tsunade Dragonesti said...

This is mean. There are V's all over the place. And nobody wants to be here, in the States, in this heat that will melt your eyeballs. Unholy Al, If you found it I'm coming over.

Riz said...

This is pure torture! Who goes to Florida in August *facepalm*

Anonymous said...

I live here in Florida. Its not that great...

Anonymous said...

Here in Washington State it's not much better with the heat only here it's the dry heat not heat plus humidity like Florida which I think is a little better lol don't feel it though.

hector malo said...

planet hollywood? thought they went under... you should go to universal studios 'islands of adventure'

Anonymous said...

its so nice that the owner of the game(who makes no money) can do an over 2 grand vacation....Keep spending that money, while the game STILL lags the same, during TOH. Have fun in Florida Ash. Keep laughing at the dumb people, feeding you money.

SirenKitty said...

I already knew it had to be static D:

Anonymous said...

OMG I hate this stupid letter!! Why do we even need it in the damn alphabet??????

Anonymous said...

curse you Ash!!!

Kira Belial said...

Thank god no V in my name!!!
And ya shoulda gone to Hawaii or something....why Florida??
Oh yea...I HATE THE LETTER V!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gabriella DeathWish said...

mmm no comment lmao...u have a geat vacay love a challenge

DarkAsh said...

Thanks :) Its good to get away, haven't for a while, been saving for ages. I see some people are starting to get the V quest, awww what a shame ;)

Aedan y GwaedDu~Kostelai said...

When I find that V so help me I'm going to stuff it up your....well you get the idea :P . And by the way 95 degrees? I've seen higher temperatures daily since the start of Aug, you're lucky.

Anonymous said...

We have organized! Join and Protest against that Nasty Letter!

C.S.S said...

Thank goodness I found it. Ash that was one of the hardest quests that you made. LOVE IT! (well I do now since I found it already :D)

Anonymous said...

Where is it! 1mil to whoever tells me!

Anonymous said...

That quest wasn't as irritating as people made it out to be. I found it without much bother. Great quest Ash. Hope to see more like it. =]

°Kinky HellCat Sookie°™

Anonymous said...

I hate you Ash! Marry me!

Anonymous said...

tell me i will give u whole rob with ash as well .hahah

Anonymous said...

Drake: You found it!

Finally. Now for my killing spree =)

Anonymous said...

I seemed to have a pretty easy time with it, got it on my first try ;)

Theo DeathSpirit said...

3 QP is TOO LITTLE REWARD FOR SUCH FRUSTRATING QUEST ASHHHHHHHHH. It should give at least 5 QP... But at least I found it :D

Anonymous said...

Cmon Ash make them harder I hardly had to put any effort at all in on this one.

Lexia Takano (376127) said...

I finally got it. Christ Ash.. if it weren't so hot I'd march down there and kick in you the squishy bits for that one!

Anonymous said...

I am in jail please help!

Anonymous said...

I got my V... ut others are not having any luck. They are getting the message "You're so close" but they are doing the same thing I did. Whats up with that?

C.S.S said...

You need to be in Dead City in order to complete the quest. Any other place it will only say you're close.

Anonymous said...

I found it. ^^, Crap, I have the letter v in my name, oh well. :P

Anonymous said...

This quest is bugged.. Plain and simple.. Some people can get it.. Some people it just says "You're close".. Recode the quest imo.

Kitkara, White Tiger said...

I swear, if the reward is a measly few QP I'm going to be so pissed.

Anonymous said...

I agree. The quest is bugged. If you go to the page once & leave without clicking the hidden link, then the link will disappear & you won't get another chance. The click-able 'V' will no longer be there.

Anonymous said...

awsome ^^

Anonymous said...

when i find that V I'm going to rip out your central nervous system and use it as floss!

Monica said...

Hai everyone , i found the way to get the ''V'' for the quest , To get it go to Vampire powers , then activate Speed #1 and when it says : The power as been Activated , click the V , And PLOP! u get ur reward ... a merely wasted 3 QP ...

Anonymoous said...

Check this vampire test with twins and mirror:

Anonymous said...

You do realize that quests aren't supposed to be posted in public areas, right? *sighs*

Lilith le Fay (327598) has a solution to the `V` quest glitch. If you`re one of the unlucky few who got screwed over with a "You`re close" message, then send her a BL.

Anonymous said...

Nice job giving out the quest info.. what a friggin Noob!!

Jhonee Duvall said...

May you get a sunburn for the v quest.
Have a blast Ash.

Anonymous said...

I found it WOOT WOOT!!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously Ash, you had people looking for the letter V in a vampire I only one that finds irony in that?

Anonymous said...

i found it i know where it is and its glitched please fix it ash

Anonymous said...

i found it after checking every freaking v in the game yaya

Anonymous said...

Vell i zink zat V is a vonderful letter. It really captures the whole mood of ze alvabet. As ve zay in vonderful Transylvania "Vere vould ve be vizout a V?" ';^;'

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