Tuesday, 2 February 2010

NEW WEAPONS SYSTEM! All the updated info included in this blog.

Now this is going to be quit a beefy blog, as you can see...

So i've been working on this idea for a few months now and it's finally realised. Even though this bug has taken most my energy, I've powered through and I introduce the new weapon system...

Reasons for this new system:
- The current weapon prices are so cheap now, I haven't increased them in a long time which means you could pretty much sell 1 plasma and get the best equipment, that had to change.
- I wanted to add a bit of spice to battles, if you know you kill someone, things might be a little different now.
- To get some of nearly $16,000,000,000 (billion) out the game. Saying that, for the player base it's not a lot... compared to other games where their economy is through the roof with hundreds of trillions laying around.

So you're wondering, what exactly has been changed? Here goes...

New Weapons and Armour
A  brand new set of weapons and armour is now located in the new Equipment Shop at the Dead City.

Critical & Block %
To add extra spice into the battles and the new equipment, block and critical hits are now in motion! So how does that work? All of the new weapon and armour comes with a base 1% critical (or block% if its armour). Which means you can expect 1 in every 100 hits to be a critical. The same with block.

What is Critical and Block?
When you get a CRITICAL hit you double your attack for that hit. If the opponent BLOCKS you only do half the damage for that hit. Pretty simple eh? (If your hit is critical, and they block it, simply cancels each other out).

Blood Rubies
Okay so we all now know that weapons and armour come with the 1% base, how do we increase it? That's where 'Blood Rubies' come in. Blood rubies can be bought from the Blood  Ruby store at the Dead City. Now this is where it gets expensive... Each weapon (and armour) and 3 available slots. 3 slots where you can put 1 Ruby into each. Each Ruby has its own stats and adds to your critical or block % in battle.

Is it rank based?
What i wanted to do was with the new weapons is set a rank cap on each one, that was very disliked. So I took that feedback in and came up with a solution that would satisfy everyone. The new weapons and armour are NOT ranked based (as they have always been) BUT the Blood Rubies ARE rank based.

HAHA I'll just get a high rank to fuse the weapon and send it to me!
No. When a Blood Ruby is fused into a weapon (or armour) that weapon (or armour) THEN becomes rank based. So you will not be able to equip that certain weapon if it has a ruby rank requirement  is higher than your rank. It is possible to remove rubies from equipment (at a price) and once the ruby is removed you can use that weapon again.

What about the current weapons?
Had long thinks about how I can not piss everyone off and still make the new weapons more valuable. Your current weapons are still usable, they will be not be deleted and you will not be forced to sell them, but the old weapons will NOT be able to be upgraded with Rubies to have any critical or block %. This does not apply to the current VIP weapons and the achievement weapons, they have been upgraded so they are slot-able. It's down to your expense to dispose of the current weapons and upgrade to the new if you wish. I hope that makes sense.

Anything else?
Rubies can be added to equipment, taken from equipment and sold on the market. They cannot be donated to covens although you can donate equipment to a coven (and trade it over the market) and the rubies will belong to the coven (in the weapon) until its sent to someone else and they become the ruby owners. You cannot sell your weapon at the reselling store if you have any rubies attached to it. I am now going to spend time upgrading all the pages with equipment information and added Ruby info too (aswell as unlocking all the trade options). Oh, and the equipment page has been redesigned too. VIPs still get 20% off the equipment, there is no VIP discount on the Rubies yet.

I hope you like it, It will bring unpredictable good changes to the economy, it will give people something to save for. I'm exciting to see how this works out, I hope you are too.

Over the next few days i will be making small changes to the layout etc depending on the feedback and any small bugs that crop up.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the new weapon system!


BUGS - If you find any bugs with this system please send me DarkAsh(1) and blood letter and you will be rewarded plasma. 

I will reply to any questions i see here in red.
- When you donate equipment to the coven the coven has no access to the ruby. If you donate a weapon with a ruby in, then it will appear on the coven armoury as a weapon with a ruby in. When it is GIVEN OR LOANED the ruby remains in tact with the weapon and to be used with whoever is given or lent it. If someone LENDS you a weapon from a coven with a ruby in it, they will not be able to sell the weapon nor take the rubies out, though if the weapon is GIVEN then they are able to take the rubies out and sell them. 

- Edit, you can now sell your weapons if they have rubies in, you don't get anything from the rubies but a warning message comes up. 

- Rubies have no affect on coven stats.
- There is no advantage or disadvantage to the slot you chose to put the ruby in.

Current VIP/Achievements weapon update:
 - (Achievement weapons) The 325s comes with a 1% base, and the 350s come with a 2% base.
- The current +250s VIP equipment owners get a free upgrade to +280 and 2% base critical. (I think this is a fair compromise to the feedback)

The new VIP equipment pack is now available from the BUY VIP page! 

These weapons are expensive to give you something to SAVE FOR. You can get the old top weapons no problem. The best weapons aren't meant to be easily affordable... That's the entire idea behind them. You wouldn't play an xbox game and instantly be given the best stuff on the first level, would you?... That would be boring. It gives you something to work for, something to try and achieve... A reason to play the game.

Also, as for the achievement to buy a weapon, the weapon has been changed to one of the ones in the new equipment shop.


Anonymous said...

Thx Ash, I've got no prob with earning the weapons, just w/ rank 2's buying them on their 4th day.


DarkAsh said...

@Star - you're thinking of it the wrong way, its no different if someone buys a $25 plasma pack and sells all the plasma to get the 10mil for the best weapon in the shop. So the vip equipment pack doesn't make any difference, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much Ash. This is exactly what I have been waiting for. You rock.

Gabriel (173076)

Anonymous said...

"You wouldn't play an xbox game and instantly be given the best stuff on the first level, would you?"............ You also wouldn't play a game where the people who actually work to be able to keep up with your updates, get screwed over because people who horde money...well, horde money.

shadow said...

Thank you ash it makes a Difference to those of use who play the game and worked hard to finish our achievement lists... But I do think that this will cause a drop in players... Just my thoughts

Anonymous said...

I have posted a new breed of weapons and armors which cannot be bought and purchased with a money who isn't 50.000 or more.Click on non-game forum everybody

Lacarabella said...

My weapons show 3 slots available. I purchased blood rubies, but am unable to slot them in. Please advise....

DarkAsh said...

@Lacarabella what weapon?

DarkAsh said...

@Lacarabella If your game ID is 288598 then none of your weapons are slotable.

galahad said...

This is great...thanks for the upgrade for the VIP weapons...

Donovan Hades (141899) said...

I only have one complaint. I already paid 25 dollars for a weapon/armor pack. Now there's another set for the same price that does better and yet in just the regular stores with only game money that are worth more than 25 dollar set I paid for in the first place.

Donovan Hades (141899) said...

I think you should either raise the old 250 set to at least over the in game store weapons otherwise they lose value big time or any current weapon/armor owner that currently has bought 250 set should get the new weapon/armor pack without having to pay another 25 bucks again.

Paradox said...

Regards my previous comment about VIP equipment before you updated this blog - nicely solved, and very swiftly too. Still have my reservations about the rubies at the higher end of the scale, although a definite thank you for fixing the achievement list weapons promptly too.
Keep up the good work, much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

:O why is there a diffirence in the old bought weapona and armour pack (dantes plate 280+ and absinth sword 280 + ) and the new weapons (axe of lords 310+ and dark shadow 310+)

further i like new weapons upgrades :d

Anonymous said...

plasma lunchers are missing in the store... can't finish my achievement list #2... lol...


Anonymous said...

The new equipment page makes my browser crash... -_-

But other than that it looks great! :-)

DarkAsh said...

http://reignofblood.net/equip.php is crashing you?

Shadow Stalker said...

Last question from me...is it allowed to buy 3 rubies of the same level or do the Rubies need to be 3 different level?
For example can a level 300 player buy 3 weapon Ruby 10's for 45mill gaining a combined critical of 36%

DarkAsh said...

YOu can buy 3 of the same ruby and use it in each slot on one weapon, yes.

Anonymous said...

The new upgrades are unjust seeing as those of us that spent real money on the 250+ set are equiped with less then what is offered in the equipment store... Those that purchased the 250+ sets should have better sets then what can be acquired without spending real money on the game. Isn't that why we invest in the game so we can have better then those that can not.

Anonymous said...

"VIPs still get 20% off the equipment, there is no VIP discount on the Rubies yet."

So you're saying there will be a discount? ...or?

I feel the rank/% increase/cost is a bit messed up. There could easily be a more linear cost per percent raise by rank that would actually eat up more money. What you have set up is a pretty radical J-curve... I guess it is a little late for that though ;)

In the description above: "Rubies can be added to equipment, taken from equipment and sold on the market." You make it sound as if the rubies will be sell-able on the market. Is this so? Still setting it up?

shadow said...

I also feel Ash less people are going to be buying your 250 sets on the vip when they can spend Rob money and buy better weapons....I think this was all a good idea but needs some things changed a bit .... I think the 300 set is what should have been bought through vip and the not bought in the store this would help you and please more people ....

shadow said...

Never mind I see you fix that .... thanks

DarkAsh said...

Yes selling rubies on the market will be open tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I know what those rubbies are for they are sockets to enhance you attacking abbylity and making your attacks better and stronger every time you have been attacked,mujkic

EatME said...

Looks good! I was wondering why the +300 set comes with a critical base of 3% and my +350 set only has a 2% base?

Anonymous said...

Out of pure curiosity, with the new weapons available in the market and the new vip weapons with those bonuses will the achievement list weapons be gaining in bonus? I only ask this because before the add the difference between the best you could buy and the ones that you earned was 75 per item and now its only 15 and they have a lower crit rate (referring to achievement list 1).

Blood Shard said...

Hummm,, I will need time to assess this,,
Sounds good but we shall see,,*wink*
Thank you Ash,,

Anonymous said...

I'm noticing that the VIP weapons for $25 that were 250s are now 280s, with 2%, with the same name, but the current VIP weapons being sold are 310s, with 2%. Shouldn't the old 250s be fully upgraded to the new standard, instead of just halfway, to 280???

mars1637 said...

rubies!ash!rock on and thanks!

shadow said...

Anonymous .... any way you look at it we are getting the short end for all the work and money already shelled out .... the object is to spend more money......

Aftershock "Spot" said...

To all those people bitching and moaning that your old VIP equipment is the best, shut up. You bought a weapon and armour that was 250+. That is exactly what you got. Heck, Ash even gave the old VIP weapons a boost, giving you something for nothing. Never did Ash advertise "Buy this equipment, it is and forever will be the best equipment in the game".
People were complaining to Ash that with the new weapons, the old VIP equipment wasn't worth as much on the market when they try to sell. Ash increased the old VIP equipment stats and gave it a base % to give it more value, returning their market value back to about the same price that it was before. If Ash upgraded the old VIP sets to 310+, they would be worth more (or at least the same) on the markets than 10mill each (the store price of 300+), and people who had the 250+ set would receive instant free cash value for doing nothing.
Ash tried his best to make a fair compromise after people complained that their monetary value was degraded, and you're still bitching.
If you still don't like the oldVIP equipment that you have, sell it on the market. Take that money and go buy as much plasma as you can, and I'm sure you'll come up just short of the amount in a $25 plasma pack (11mill worth market price), thus, exchanging your $25 oldVIP equipment for $25 worth of plasma (almost). Or, just use that money to put towards the 300+ in the store.

Aftershock "Spot" said...

*that your old VIP equipment is not the best anymore

Eli said...

I dont think its fair you can go buy +300's with 3% but for the items we worked for to get to lvl 100 and 150 for the 325's and 350's only has 1 and 2% there rewards for hard work yet we get craped on over anything you can buy? should be 5% should be better than anything you can buy.

Anonymous said...

yeah the VIP is just as good as the ones you get for lvl 100 thats crap ASH. they have higher crit and 15 lower dam. The one we earn should be awsome and worth the 40000 battles and hard work put in to earn them.

Aftershock "Spot" said...

Ha, see? Make the VIP weps better and the people with the achievement weps complain... There's just no possible way Ash could please everyone.
Eli, if you're unhappy about it's base % being 1% lower than the the VIP weps, just go buy the lowest blood ruby and attach that to your weapon, will only cost $60,000 or so, and then it will be even to the 3% of the VIP weapons.

shadow said...

afershock you have totally missed the point.... we worked hard and now get crap for it we should not have to spend more money to make it even ...

Derek Doomsayer said...

Ummm the new equipment page makes my browser crash too. What can be done to rectify the problem?

Eli said...

yes the point is ANYONE can go buy the VIP weapons. the weapons achieved by hard work should be better than the VIP or bought weapons by a larger margian as it always was. Before you had best bought weapon +200 then Vip +250 then the earned ones of +325 and +350 now you have +300 in store +310 for VIP and yet the achieved ones did not go up at all! They should get something to make them better than crap you can buy in the store is my point we need more of a margian than 15 points when before we had 75.

Eli said...

The people were complaining that the VIP bought weapons were not strong enough because there bought with real money. Before you had the +200 in shop and then VIP paid for the +250's so there was a big advantage, then ASH made the 300 in shop instead of leaving it at 200 so he needed to boost the VIP to match the boost to shop bought weapons yet the Achieved weapons got no freaking boost and we put in alot of work to get them.

Aftershock "Spot" said...

People who bought the oldVIP weapons bought a 250+ weapon set. That's what they got. That's what they paid for. Ash was kind enough to boost them up. They're better than what you paid for... And yet you're still complaining?
No-one is making you purchase the 300+ set or go buy the new VIP equipment. Nothing wrong with just sticking with your current weapons and just ignoring the new weapons and rubies all together.
As for the person complaining about people who horde cash... Wtf? You're complaining that they can buy the weapons because they were patient and saved their money? They outplayed you, STFU and stop complaining.

Eli said...

no shock I dont care if ASH boosted or didnt boost old VIP weapons I use the 325's. What I am saying is to make things more balanced as they were before :ie: +200 in shop, +250 bought and +325 and +350 for achievement. now there is +300 in shop and +310 bought a boost of 100 points and 60 points respectivly. I feel the achieved weapons should get a boost also to keep the balance as was before making them worth the task of earning them. This is a feed back post. Ash asked for feedback. Just want the balance back.

DarkAsh said...

I gave the current VIP weps a FREE upgrade. When i changed the 200 VIP weps to the 250 VIP weps there were NO COMPLAINTS, i didnt even give a free upgrade then. I want you to think about this analogy: "its the same with anything.... Microsoft bring out a new windows... you bought vista so you should get a free upgrade to windows 7 right? It doesn't work like that.".

Eli said...

I am talking about the achievement weapons not VIP. Do you not see where I am coming from with the 100 point boost to shop weapons and 60 to VIP would some kind of boost to the achieved weapons bring them back in line with the new weapon system or am I alone in that thought?

Aftershock "Spot" said...

Guess you'll just have to wait for Achievement list #3 then, Eli ;)

Eli said...

*shrugs* guess so. I thought the whole point was to balance not reward those who havent and take from those who have. and no I am not talking about the damn VIP weapons before anyone goes off on that again lol.

Kashka DeLaRosa said...

"When a Blood Ruby is fused into a weapon (or armour) that weapon (or armour) THEN becomes rank based. So you will not be able to equip that certain weapon if it has a ruby rank requirement is higher than your rank"

Does this also apply for weapons bought from the Market Place? If I buy a weapon that has no slots open and has been infused with rubies beyond my rank, can I equip it?

Aftershock "Spot" said...

Obviously not, as stated in the bit that you copied and pasted.

"you will not be able to equip that certain weapon if it has a ruby rank requirement is higher than your rank"

Eli said...

if a ranked ruby is over your rank and put into a weapon or armor slot you will not be able to use it. regardless of what weapon or armor it is.

Braeden said...

I agree with Upgrading the previous achievement weapons.

shadow said...

just my thought I do feel that if the 350 set is to be the strongest weapons they should have higher damage points .... we lost our point difference. I feel it should be balanced out better

shadow said...

Ash not to be a smart *** but if you go buy a laptop with vista most stores will upgrade to windows 7.....

Guardian said...

Ok.. time for me to way in on this. I mean no offense to anyone by saying this but at this point its like crying over spilled milk. Earlier you could buy +325 weapons and armor or even +350 at times from the market place for around 11 million. At this point there is no way a rank one will make 7 million dollars, if they could? they would probably easily make 11 million as well.

Also, if someone was VIP and gained a coven loan for 6 million it would take them One hundred days in order just to have an extra 6 million saving every penny of interest. So it would probaby be well over a third of a year before someone would be able to buy a +300 weapon.

If you want to argue and have your voice heared about something that would actually make a difference in the game go to the suggestion thread and find my post about bar prices. If the way the bar works changed and it dropped in price *( as realistically it would drop if it was based on demand and not how it is at the moment) So would the price of AP. As we all know AP is one of the easiest ways for new players to get 6 mill in the bank, with lower AP costs it would be harder for them to get the weapons and armor. Resolving this whole squable.

Wolfpack said...

Ash, i have to agree with Shadow Stalker and Eli about the deflation of the achievement weapons (+325s and +350s). it would be nice if a better balance could be found with the highest rank weapons(+300s) now for sale in the shop as we went from a 75 stat point advantage over the +250 vip weapons to 25 stat and no crit base. i find that will negatively infuence the game dynamics.

Legion White Tiger said...

I generally like the new system Ash, but I have to say that having equipment for purchase with +3% critical/block, when the achievement weapons have less seems a little odd?

Legion White Tiger said...

By the way... I don't mean to damn with faint praise... It's another awesome upgrade in the greatest BBG. Rock-on. :)

Legion White Tiger said...

@Guardian... I thought that one of the main points of this upgrade is to sink-away some of the in-game cash which will result in a fall in the bar prices and as a knock-on AP? Apologies for spamming here, just trying to answer as question.

Guardain said...

That is what ash has said, but at the same time that some people might find it in the kindness of their hearts to spend all their cash on weapons and rubies, its unlikely. Most of the cash from what I have seen is held by top covens like buds or single players, First question will be who gets the better upgrades in the coven. Or will coven cash be used for that (hopefully) and likely it will be. The other part are all of the players who hord cash. And once they have one weapon why would they spend more?.. its a delaying move to the problem more or less. I do understand that Ash has writen the Bar to take into account the total money in game and the total amount of players in game, he might be trying to even out that equation by making the cost of each player higher, But really how many players are going to see the high end high cash weapons. I just think a new system would be better then trying to fix one that has been around for a long time and (as ash puts it) works perfectly.

But it is up to ash. I just do not understand the whining and complaning about the relitive power of the weapons going down. There are larger problems with the game then these. And as I said before, if someone has the means to buy a +300 weapon the likely hood is that they would of been able to buy +325 weapons off the market in the old system anyways.

Anonymous said...

The new equipment page also crashes my browser,

I use IE and i am currently using the ROB lite mode, hope this helps :)

Mesayah (227156)

shadow said...

Like I said before ... no matter what is done those that can afford to buy plasma will always have money .... and always sit on top ....I buy lots of plasma myself so Im not speeking on half of me but the players who cannot buy it who now with this system will be less likely to want to keep playing .....
Yes I think the Prices should be high that they have to work to get the new weapons but as long as we can buy and sell plasma and Ap there will always be large Rob cash flow ....

Arkhon said...

I also think the Achievement weapons should get boosted, think about it, the first Zeon used to be better by +125 the plasma launchers, I know they are still the best weapons but the difference is just +25. I don't ask for a big boost, +50 sounds reasonable.

Anonymous said...

It's all a gimmick anyway ;) I still kill the people I was killing before...and certainly even those that have obviously upgraded their weapons with rubies at that... What we really need are Speed 'shoes' ;) and make those 3-4x the cost of the weapons...AND rank based(no ruby slots)...You'll see the $$$ people hold start to fall...

Mastema said...

to all you bitches complaining anonymously.... "STFU".. k thanks.. If you really feel strongly that your opinion matters, and that your views on Ash should be taken seriously, then put your name up bitches... nuff said.. :)

Derek Doomsayer said...

Ash thanks for fixing the equipment page glitch. Question for you though. On the new equipment page are all the new weapons and armor listed slottable? Or do some of the new monikers represent the old equipment. Just wondering since I see that there are two +200 weapons and armor listings.

Anonymous said...

achievemevement weapon that i got plasma launcher should bind the rubeyi got but whey do not

Anonymous said...

Achievement weapons/armor have indeed lost a bit of their edge compared to the previous situation. They're still the best, but the margin is less decisive than before.

Of course, if Achievement list #3 is in the works, then I suppose the edge will be regained with the corresponding equipment, and I'd be fully satisfied with that. :)

Kalann (87441)

Kashka DeLaRosa said...

Well, is there a way we can know before we buy something off the market? If I'm considering buying a weapon, I don't know if I'm going to be able to use it or not. I don't want to buy it, find out I can't use it, then try to resell it.

OuP said...

Did not have time to read it all, but I was one of those aggervated about the VIP weapons then someone put it in a way that seems fair.. We got an upgrade on them and the +2% which is a good deal. "When Windows went to Windows 7 from Vista should we have gotton it for free." The answere is no of course you have to pay if you want the better shit. :)

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