I have spent most of the morning (and afternoon now) upgrading the help ticket system as before it was pretty inefficient. Now when you submit a ticket it gets added into a separate ticket database (away from blood letters as it worked before). You can add more replies after you've submitted one in-case you want to add something extra. When a staff member replies to your problem you will get a blood letter notification, you can then go to your tickets page (accessible on the help page) where you can view the reply.
Hopefully this will make communication a lot easier.
Oh, and the lottery jackpot for tomorow night is hitting $24,000,000. Someones going to be rich! (Unless it rolls over, ha!).
Friday, 26 February 2010
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Good-oh. Maybe things will get answered now lol.
I'm all excited for the lottery. :D
You are always
helping us,,
Thank you Ash,,*smiles*
this reminds me of a petition system we use over on PP, very well done ash!
Mesayah 227156
Way to go again Ash! Thanks for upgrading the help system as I'm sure Staff will appreciate it more than I. *grins* As always, you ROCK!!!
Thanks ash xD
cool lotto
Still don't see the 2nd and 3rd place winners for the Jan/Feb contest. Are there not any?
Thanks Ash :) much love!!
Carpe Noctem,
What about Promo Codes?
toxic blood [stfu]
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