Some of you may or may not have noticed that things are running a bit faster now, excpecially in the chats. This is because of a recent database upgrade that was made. I notice a difference, and I've had a lot of feedback saying that too. With the new servers arriving mid-February that will add to the speed at peak times also.
This bastard bug has hit me again and my damn throat is on FIRE. A guy does everything he can to help boost his immune system but the sucker bugs still get by. Nevertheless, my plan for tomorrows update (previous blog) I will still be working of during the day. Worse comes to worse it'll carry over to Wednesday too.
I also see eveyone's all Tomato throwing happy? Awesome!
Thanks & Enjoy!
Monday, 1 February 2010
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Feel better Ash and thanks for all the hard work! I have noted more speed and look forward to all the new goodies with glee! *claps hands* Sweat it out ... break the fever ... and rock on! *Hands Ash cup of echinacea tea*
Excellent, glad to hear it. And yes, the site has been running faster. :)
ty ash hope you feel better soon
Roasted Garlic and strawberries Ash! Lots of vitamin C there in the berries and the garlic does something--can't remember, but I always get better 3x as fast.
Tomato throwing was awesome! and indeed, everything is running faster...get better man.
Ash, you gotta rest. If the update needs a few more days, it will need a few more days. So, rest and get well. Plenty of liquid, Vitamin C 1000 mg (but don't go pee right after drinking it as it will be useless)
And yes, we loved the tomato throwing.
Hope you feel better Ash! Keep up that great work, but you should be resting :P
Ash I love the maters, and stop kissing dirty girls. You wont get that bug. :D lol
lol I like throwing the Tomatoes but i don't like getting them thrown at me. I wish I could make tomato soup.:) Can I get a pot, some wood, and a match in here?
PS. Good job dark ash. No worries you'll get better.:)
Sorry you are still sick,,*HUGS*
Try and get rest as well,,,
Thank you for all you do fore us,,,,
Amazing work,,,Ty,,,,
Sorry to hear that you are not well.
Get better soon!
Mr Ashley, no work wednesday afternoon, you have a date with halo bumpal <3
hey for u'r throat pain drink sum hard stuff vodka for example
Hope your feeling better soon ash, have noticed the speed increase in page loading and G-chat, cheers.
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