Vampire only appeal to a small amount of people out there, wouldn't you agree? But everyone loves, right? With the extra server space we are going to have i thought i'd try and tap a different market which is more popular than vampires. 'Rain Of Love' is just the start of the development phase that ReignOfblood is moving into...
This just the beta stage... the name is also tempory, we think adding flowers will also increase player volume, we are thinking of the name... Rain Of Flower Love.....
We all love love, right?
Let me know your thoughts on this idea.
Hope you vampire lovers still decide to stay and play :)
have a good day,
(We love peace, not war!)
Tuesday 31 March 2009
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Wtf??!?!?!?!? AHHHH!! PINK!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!
hahaha.. so we are like vampire hippies now? It's cool... the girly girls out there will like.. fits in well with easter season :)
I think it will get mixed reviews, but it's your game so do what works best and benefits all the most.
Peace and love
Flower Bella
lol i think the flowers will push away more existing players more that attract new ones
;) haha
DUDE!! NO!! Change it back! I mean PINK!! EWWWWWY!!! HELP ME!!!! *choking on all the pink*
hey there it sounds good but we who are inlove with vamps already . but a sister site may be ok. butsome still love blood.
tho ur right about the market u shouldnt change the name but start a second game if u must. the people who play this do it exactly cause its a vampire game not a love game....
ummm Ash you running a fever?
hehehe....i got shocked with the new background...i was! :D
@_@ so weird, i almost got blind! Please bring the black back...
I have no problem with developing the game but why pink man? i dont really think many guys will be interested.
>_< color blind to blues an greens.... but MAGENTA???????????? ah god, eye bleach, retinas destroyed
**barfs** Im giving you my two weeks notice Ash. Lol <33 Saya
Well I love blood,war and carnage so basicaly WTF
what in the world Pink and Purple? Are we turning gay or something this is weird. And why is it called the RAIN OF LOVE that definitly doesn't fit this game!!! All the colors and flowers will make players not want to play. The world is coming to an END.
This recent development makes me want to hurt myself and others.
wth...? hell no
you'd rather kill me ASH!!! change it back!!! is it an early April joke?
this is so not my idea of fun.....
no no no no no no no no
no not pink please it hurts my eyes and defo no flowers
I would rather poke out my eyes....
Pink? Flowers? Rainoflove? *shivers with disgust* If this is an april's fool prank, congratulations, Ash, (censored) ....... I hope you change it back ASAP.......
I do so hope this is a sick joke!!!
I though i was going to turn gay this is going to make me stop playing if i have to see Flowers everyday. And pink and Purple! Im a gurl but i don't even like those colors where's the red and black. PROTEST- Bring back Red and Black! We want it NOW
and what are you planning to in Rain of Love? RoB is about killing, this about... er, loving?
i prefered it the way it was, who wants to look at flowers all day, wheres the coolness in that?
yea we all love...but we all die too. pink is so scarey...would be a bad move in my opinion
wat in the hell happened!!!??? i wanted to play a vampire game not some hippy sado game why....why is this happening it's turned gay! this is sooo not right my vampire world is coming to an END!!!!!
I sincerely hope this is an early April Fool's joke. /crosses fingers) lol
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH GOOOOOOOOOOD, I thought the color was bad.... go into battle hugging? O_O Are we moogles then??????????
lol this game has to be rethinked from basis not just making it pink or changing name :D
its rly pushing away the fact of Vampires.
Its going to look totally fake if theirs like flowers and hearts.
Like rly, were going to get a whole bunch of lovey people out there.
rain of love? what is that XD sounds like a place you go on to meet your match. or something.
Its not going to be looked seriously anymore. : [
happy early april fools' to you too!
i'm really hoping this is an april fools thing...the site now is giving me a migraine with those colours...can't you do two separate games and leave the one we originally had as it was?
BLURG!!!!! I'm sorry but I'm a girl and I hate it!!!!! Too much pink!!! GO BACK TO THE OLD WAY!!!!!!!!
no way ash turn it back this is so gay
vampire game should be dark and messed up
not pink and freaking lovedubby. -.-
I hope dearly that this is some early April Fools joke or i may have just wasted buying VIP, did not join this game for love and flowers.
Well, from now on, Ash, I'm going to be too busy running from your game to kill anymore vampires...
Oh my my gosh, NO!
Flower Power!!!
The Age of Aquarius by Steve Carell^^
let the sunshine... let the sunshine in... the sunnnnnshine innnnn...^^
I love it :-P Early April Fool's because you're busy tomorrow right? (Hope I haven't spoilt this for everyone...)
Wait, are you serious??? :-S Well, love the purple text, don't like the background though. If you are serious, make it a sister site gets my vote - having just spent cash on upgrades for the sake of all vampire kind...
I am traumatized for life... ARE U INSANE???)))
Are we having another April Fools Day moment again this year Ash?
lmao.. instead of killing.. its hugging now :D April fools.. right ash?
It really isn't that bright lol
I knew love was a april fools joke -grins-
Tell me this is an early april fool's joke
I'm a girl and even I don't like pink. Change it back please!! I'm begging you! I hate pink!
Sorry, Ash, but I think it sucks. We are supposed to be creatures of the night, not bright fluffy pink bleh!
Wow all the sudden I have the feeling that I don't want to kill wait, it passes must have been
it really aint that bright... are you kidding me? at 4:24 AM and its pritty much dark then LOTS of bright colours... ITS PURE CARNIGE!
So i'm confused. Are you getting rid of the vampire thing altogether?
ok ummm.... too much happy crack much? my eyes are burning out of my skull from all the pink. please dont make me kill myself... I LIKE BLOOD....and red...and black...... PINK HURTS!!!
Not that bright? No, no, no, maybe you'll have to give sunglasses to all those that play now.
omg what happened? i thought someone had hacked my computer!!! uhm it is ok, but hope it doesn't change the game....i rather enjoy being a vampire and tasting blood...don't change the way we play the game and i will be ok with it.
Hey Ash, whatever you smoke pass me a couple!!
This has to be an April fool prank.
OMFG!!! ASH!!! R U GAY NOW??? O.o U cant do this to your players!!!!! Im scared!!! I HATE PINK!!! and Im a girl!!!!
with hate Uchiha Sakura
I understand were Ash if coming from. He prolly want more females to play this game. As I reviewed all the other comments, even the women that love vampires are very scared of the bright colors. The Vampire theme fits the game very well but romance also fits the vampire theme do to the fact vampires can get very affectionate. Ash you should make a way to combine the romance with the blood and gore. Vampires are neither only violent or only romantic. The bright colors will indeed scare away many members and prolly bring new faces. I just think you should keep all your older members and atract more members. The dark colors just add a good element to the game. If you like the flowers and colors you should put that as a theme that players choose to veiw so that all players are happy, and keep both fetures available for all player.
i agree with Amond, please do that than forcing everyone to play with the bright colors.
No flowers! I chose this because I love being a vampire not a tree hugging hippie, (no offense to anyone) I love the darkness.
ASH!!!! Im KILLING YOU!!! this a joke right?? Im not battleeling with hugs!!! and Im not collecting LOVE instead of blood!!! betetr be a joke kiddo XD
This must be a early april fools joke......PLEASE let this be a april fools joke
hahaha real fun ash april fools huh
if not owell
i am saddened when i go to my home page to find pink swirls and hearts.
Were not promoting Love here! ><
those who are rly into vampires will come here, it doesn't matter if Love attracts people, it doesn't attract those who like vampires. so i dont know how this will help at all for RoB.
I have nothing to say...Nothing. All I am doing is looking for a ticket to england..
LOL great April Fools idea, good one!!
ASH ARE YOU INSANE!?!?!? THIS IS BLOODY WRONG! WE are vampires for god sakes! Not fuzzy little bunnies..... If you change us to fuzzy little bunnies so help me god.....
please ash have some mercy on my eyes the bright pink is killing them
hope this IS an April fool's joke...if not I am outta here!!!
So, whats going to happen to the Dead City? I have an idead... lets called it Love Flower City. Just trying to help!!!
Happy April fools day... I hope!!!
I would have to agree, this wouldn't be a small thing.....everyone here enjoys the game for what it is, we should keep it the same.
Uhh dude The Flowers so not cool. Pink? So not cool. Changing a vampire site to a Love site so not cool.. We should have war who cares about the love factor this is a killing game. If this is an April Fool's joke nicely done. Now change the Page back ^_^
ash release us from the grips of the annoyingly bright pink!!! HAVE SOME MERCY ON YOUR MEMBERS PLEASE!
"Come on People now
Smile on your Brother
Everybody get together
Try to love one another
right now"
Someone is channeling Timothy Leary today I see.
this is the dumbest idea ever...I agree with some of the others that making a new game and calling it peace love dope would be great for some...but consider for now the loyal ROB players, fans, etc...Though if this an April fools joke, I give you mad props :)
I see no point in this phase
AHH! my eyes!
Oh no. I don't think this is a good idea. I think this will cause you to lose players.
Wow this got like the most blog repsonses ever!! Nice prank.. hopefully. though some in coven have said they want to keep.. LMAO whatever! haha
I logged n & was like "wtf some1 done hacked n my password",so i go change my pass word then realize that u done went loco on us...i haven't been here long but the reason i joined was because i like the whole vampier theme & set up.i think it should still b the original
I just gotta say ABOUT Time!!! * throws flower petals on Ash. *
puuuu---leeeeaaaaaaaze make a different skin T_T
lik, sure the default can be this wierd pinkish thing, but make another one *sniffels*
Man are you lucky its april first tomorrow, or id think you were serious
what? so we won't be vampires any more? we're be loveable vampires kind of takes away from the killing asspect of the game, don't you think? i mean, how do you incorperate peace harmony and love into bloodsucking and killing. No, i don't think it's a good idea.
I'd forgotten about april fool's day. damn i feel like an idiot!
wow, what the hell, did you take a binge for the weekend,
that is horrible, im a woman and i play this game because i like
it for the most part the way it was and there are many woman
on the game, i think its a joke but whatever, you cant just
change this game to something stupid, u will loose
all the players you have now, i laughed so hard and now
am in shock, yuck. if you want to attract other players make
a sister site and play gay there, i have spent a long time playing
now and over all that time, im sick really because i feel
that i have wasted so much, really dont know what it going on,
gotta be a april fools joke.......hahahaha
This is disturbing man. I will have nightmares now for the rest of my life!!!!!! Change it back!!!! lol
I'm allergic to flowers...
NOOOooooo..... To Much Sun!!!!
Thats got something to do with april fool's right?
Ah! Pink! No! Why? Too much flowery! No likey!
hmmm i love u now i'm going to kill u and drink your blood it dont quite work dose it
as a girl i hve to say is the pink stays i go
I thought the very same dude. I leave my computer to patrol for a while and come back to Agonizing Pink Brightness. WTF!!! I am Certified and Authorized to take a Life if necessary....Don't make me come over there, damnit!!! LOL. JOKES, everyone loves a joke. Hahahaa (Nervously)
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaase! Don't make us all GLITTERY AND FANTASTICAL NOW!!!! NOOOOO!!!!
You think pink will bring people? You think love will bring people? You're wrong, it'll bring those people who love love but what about people who just want some vampires and hardcore vampires. Those that may be punk and stuff... This is not going to help.
Believe me, if you do change it to something like this, you'll be losing a member. Yeah, sure, you'll replace me but what happens to those who loved RoB and not some "Rain of Love" crap.
This is disgusting. Seriously, if this look stays - I quit this game. It is a VAMPIRE RPG for hell's sake! This must be some sick april fools joke.
Ew. It is an april fools joke, isn't it?
You got us all worried about a change, and then you'll change it back tomorrow sometime, or on April 2nd.
Some of you are taking this way to seriously ^^
Hmmm... An interesting experiment. You will get mixed results and unexpected responses. Love and vampires don't seem like they will mix, but they can. Try and be open minded, people. I will give it a shot before judging.
is that an early April fools day?
Nice April fools joke, LMAO i laughed and laughed when i remembered what the date was, i wonder how many people fipped ^ ^
Please, no. Even if it's for April fools... Please, no.
Was I really the first to understand it's a joke? I guess it was just too weird for me to believe that's real :D
The first of april isn't untill tomorrow oO? though, despite me being a girl.. I almost fell down from my chair when I saw the headline and all the pink stuff, on this normally dark page.
I dont think Girly girls are going to play this game, just because of the pink and flowers and everything.
Just my saing.
I havent been around that long but man when iI came on I went in to diabetic coma sugary sweetness just aint my thing oh man did that hurt. Please I came because I was introduced to"one of the best vampire RP sites ever...."pink has a baby clothes
i love pink!!
but we could have pink vampires! omg, pink and vampires go together soo well. lmao.
nice one ^^
Wow... Some People REALLY need to get lives xD haha oh and...
Edward Cullen said...
what? so we won't be vampires any more? we're be loveable vampires kind of takes away from the killing asspect of the game, don't you think? i mean, how do you incorperate peace harmony and love into bloodsucking and killing. No, i don't think it's a good idea.
31 March 2009 11:22
Edward Cullen said...
I'd forgotten about april fool's day. damn i feel like an idiot!
31 March 2009 11:24
Can someone please point out to this guy that his name sake is from a vampire ROMANCE novel? Out of everyone here I found his post the most humorous :]
Nice one Dark Ash; that being said you do owe me some sunglasses now for torching my eyes with pink and magenta :P
Ash!, be my love buddy <3
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