Call me sad, call me pathetic.
I had this wacky dream last night where I woke up RoBs files/layout etc and database reverted like 2 and a half years ago and there was no recent backup. So everything that happened in the last 2 and a half years was GONE. Scary! Then i just reset my computer and it worked out again (which doesn't even make sense).
Is it sad that I'm actually dreaming about RoB? Haaaa. Now all of you touch wood this actually doesn't happen.
On another note, NOBODY has figured out Unknown Quest X yet. I find that very, very amusing.
OH, and congratulations to Saturn and Aftershock on their 1 year straight-gay RoB marriage.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)
Sunday, 29 November 2009
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Wow what did you eat before you went to bed? Sometimes different foods give you really weird dreams. As for Quest X, it is ridiculous. Can we get another hint? ;)
Congrats Spot and Saturn on your 1 year. :)
nice dream ash *touches wood*
also lol at saturn and spot
To be quite honest Saturn would welcome RoB-2yrs. When it was more game orientated and less retarded.
I'd gladly have Slave and Raz back.
Not really sad that you dreamt about RoB, but it is funny XD I guess it would be more of a nightmare if you didn't get back that 2 and a half years of data, layouts, ect. I guess it's a good thing that it was only a dream though.
And I agree, couldn't we get a little hint? Lol
You don`t want to know about my dreams, that is when I sleep.
Congratulations on your one year Saturn and Spot!
Would just like to say that it's not abnormal to have such dreams... But I have a feeling it has something to do with Task X. Another hint might cure these nightmares. ^_^
It's not that crazy actually. I've had dreams about RoB, the RP forums (literally imagined scrolling down to find that new post and full on read it), and I've dreamed about creating webpages's not that crazy. Then again, since it was me who dreamed about it, it's really insane. Perhaps we should just put you in a straightjacket now?
all these dreaming about a website and "RP" is extremely sad. Go outside, it's real.
Well I don't think it's sad since, I wake up. I log on, I log off I go to sleep. Alot of days I just spend on here. There a lot of people I don't like sure. But there some really cool ones and some damn good rpers to be found on RoB. Just have to search through the clutter just like anything else on the net and in rl. It's there. You just have to find it. Congrats Spot and Saturn. Thank you Ash for caring enough to dream about the site... even it's bad dreams..
well,seeing as you are the creator of RoB, i think its normal to have a dream about it.And Congrats to the couple.
Hi and no its not really that sad I don't dream I can't sleep and i don't need sleep so I would'nt know about dreams
Congrats Aftershock and Saturn :)
@"Anonymous said... all these dreaming about a website and "RP" is extremely sad. Go outside, it's real."
I totally forgot. You must be one of those very few people who control what dreams you have.
As for your dream,,Not Cool,,Please keep back ups,,,
Quest X ,,Amusing to you,,,,lol
Your hints are lacking,you know,,,,lol
If you wonted we wouldn't mind help or more to the hint,,,*smiles*
Thank you Ash,,,
*knocks on wood for Ash*
Laugh all you like hon. Someone will figure it out.....eventually XD
Ash, you can charge an extra dollar for plasma packs the rest of the month as long as you did a backup as soon as you woke up. I believe in getting paid overtime for dreaming about work.
ebil ash..... its the bloody green pumpkins all over again.....:P i hate you, but i love you....>:D
i had a dream i punched a tree cuz it was looking at me :)
Your nightmare could have been alot worse, you could have dreamt you woke up in between Spot and Sat. .
ive done quest 6 >.<
ROFL Ash i got Quest 10 Neenerneener :P
LOST (93986)
Aww congrats to the awesome couple!
And nah, I don't think it's weird, either... You're the creator, I think it'd be weird if you DIDN'T have at least one dream about RoB. :P
HA HA HA I Figure X out anyone want to know???? LOL......not that hard to figure out.....
I want a hint on X. I'm sooo lost.
-Knocks on wood-
Congrats Spot and Sat!
sup ppl
I don't any1 here but sum1 sent this blog so i blwow 2 the ladies and shake hands wit the gentlemen in hopes makin sum new friends and i don't what 2 say 2 the dream but i'm hopin itz not4 tellin future events so i u made copies just in case shut down on it self and 2 the person send me the blog i say ty in makin new friends and if not its a pleasure and still sayin ty 4 sendin me the blog...
@ Anonymous aka KID16
....wat the fuck?
I figured it out just decided not to finish it
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