Wednesday, 24 June 2015


"We want RAHP, we want RAHP"... the chants have begun.

Click here to sound off your chant.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

New Missions & Co-op Quests

New Missions

A whole bunch of new standard missions have been added. These include:

  • Coffin Raid Missions
  • Rage Stone Upgrade Count Missions
  • PvP Wins With Rage Stone Equipped Missions
  • Collectibles Missions
  • Alignment Missions
  • Reputation Missions

And a few new plasma missions too.  These include:

  • Spend Plasma Today Missions
  • AP Used Today Missions
  • Get Drunk Missions

New Co-op Quests

15 new co-op quests have been added. These include:

  • Rank 30 - QP Addicts I-V
  • Rank 40 - Kill By Day I-V
  • Rank 50 - Werewolf Slayer I-III, Plasma Lover, The Gambler

RAHP Extended

We'll extend RAHP until Thursday the 18th. You lucky devils. To take full advantage, grab yourself a special RAHP pack.

Enjoy the week ahead,

Monday, 8 June 2015

Double Blood Wednesday

RAHP On Inactives

I'm glad many of you are enjoying the extra blood the RAHP on the inactives is giving. We will continue to let this run for another week, and we'll have a vote on the future.

Double Wednesday

This Wednesday 10th June everyone can enjoy, with RAHP active, double blood all day.

Forum Reaction

I know not everyone likes to post on the forum. A lot of people follow what goes on but never posts.  Remember, if you don't like saying something in public, you can send me a blood letter for any feedback or ideas, I read them all. However, in light of this, and taking the idea from this blog, I have added a new reactions section to each thread (which are different depending on the board), for people to be able to give a quick feedback reaction to what was posted.

Other Updates

Here are some other updates today if you've missed them:

  • Coven Conflict box defaults at the top (but below notification box), but can be changed to back to bottom of your account page
  • Coven Relic Shop now shows current relic stats
  • Increased the chance of getting potion credits & plasma from a coven raid by 20%. Also increased the money cap by about 30%.
  • Now a chance to get a potion credit and plasma even if the coven you raid has none
  • Coven Conflict box now defaults at the top of the left sidebar, but there is an account page option to move it back down if you don't want it there
  • You can now remove RP characters from RP, house & coven forum threads
  • New QOTD page look, and now shows question from yesterday

Enjoy the week,

Monday, 1 June 2015

RAHP For Inactive & Coven Updates

Finish Them & NPC Updates

If you haven't read the recent blog post about the new finish them feature & NPC updates, don't feel bad, get caught up with it here before reading on today's update blog.

RAHP Inactives

For the next 2 weeks, starting right now, we're going to do a new RAHP test. People come, people go, its only natural, but in the day to day running of RoB, I cater for the people playing, and them only. What do people want? More blood! And what better to use those who no longer can be with us for that extra blood? I think it's a fantastic idea.

So, starting from today the RAHP will be active (Revive At Half Past) for all players who have not logged in for at least a month. Go get that extra blood!

The last day of this will be June 14th, when we'll rendezvous and discuss. For full details and the small print on this little experiment, visit the DC event page.

Coven Conflict Tweaks

Firstly, the Top Covens page has been updated to now show all the leaderboards relating to raids, skirmishes, invasions and the war of covens.

Secondly, the coven ranking page has been updated to include all the same information on the contribution of your own members in the coven conflict features.

Thirdly, the Coven Wheel Of Death now pays out both tokens to earn, and tokens that can be spent now. The tokens you receive after spinning will be clearly marked which is which.

Fourthly, I have tweaked the prices in the Coven Token Shop, and added in the option to buy a Coven Relic. But, I also increased the payout of tokens of skirmishes and invasions.

Raid Tweaks

In regards to the Raids specifically, I have changed the wait times a bit. If you declare a raid in the first 15 minutes of an hour, then the raid will start at the end of that hour. If you declare after the 15 minutes, it will start the hour afterwards.  (For example, if you declare at 9:43, the raid will start at 11:00, if you declare at 14:05, the raid will start at 15:00.)

I have also, for the time being, reduced the raid duration to 2 hours down from 3.

There has been a little confusion in regards to the first kill(s) bonus +10 raid exp. The math (their active member count/10). If they had less than 10 active members, it would be in the negative, so you wouldn't get any kills at +10. Today I have changed it so if that is the case, everyone gets one +10 hit.

And finally, I'd like to do a little something to help with failing raids. I've been told it sucks to lose and get nothing. Sure, of course, but I don't want it to be a turn off. So now, as long as at some point during the raid you hit your required exp, you will receive a few tokens.

I hope you enjoy these changes, and as always, report any problems please.

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