Saturday, 29 October 2016

Quiz Night Results

Quiz Night

Thanks to everyone who turned up to the quiz night last night, and thank you to all the staff who helped out. It was a big turnout once more. 25 questions were asked and fought over, and below are the winners.

Plasma (first place) Winners
Brennan Rego Malik (602429) x6
Mireille Fiore (210419) x4
Morti-Kitty (293358) x3
Darion Lancaster  (203259) x3
WINONA (707634) x2
Sunshine (353331) x2
Don Quizote (648041) x2
Lars Nyght  (167413) x2
Woonton (449150) x1

10 RED (second place) 
Darion Lancaster (203259) x3
Luna (704433) x 2
Sunshine (353331)
Brennan Rego Malik (602429) x2
WINONA (707634) x2
Woonton (449150) x2
Mireille Fiore (210419) x2
Death of Silence (570523) x2
Lars Nyght (167413) x2
His Angel Hellsing  (230121)
Lord Vladimir Dracovich (704399)
Reltz (533863)
Don Quizote  (648041)
Morti-Kitty (293358)
Zombiralda (701990)
Enoch Caitrin (319393)

5 RED (second place) 
Zombiralda (701990) x4
Enoch Caitrin (319393) x3
Darion Lancaster (203259) x3
WINONA (707634) x3
His Angel Hellsing (230121) x2
ÆÐELÞRYÐOM (316141) x2
Don Quizote  (648041) x2
Sunshine (353331)
Amayia (Nyx) C. Nex (677073)
Alegna McClellan (520460)
Luna (704433)
Death of Silence  (570523)
Pharaoh (710379)
Dagan Vinx Fidela (96270)

Finally, there's a Halloween surprise pack now available. The general Halloween event will last until the end of October 31st. Enjoy the rest of the event.


Friday, 21 October 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween 2016

It is that time of year again! This Halloween event we have some old favourites, and a few new bits. For 10 whole days starting from Saturday 22nd and ending midnight Monday 31st, you can enjoy all the features of this year's event.

Seasonal Equipment: Witch Hat
The seasonal equipment is back again! This Halloween we'll be sporting some very attractive Witch hats. Complete your daily quests and earn seasonal tokens to upgrade the power of your hat.

Trick Or Treat
The daily trick or treat will once again plague the Dead City! Test your luck for free each day.

AP Cauldron
The witch's AP Cauldron is ready for your AP once more. Throw your AP into the Cauldron and see what magic happens.

Pumpkin Search
This year we have a delicious pumpkin search. Every one of the 10 days of the event, you'll be able to search for a hidden pumpkin. Once found, you'll get a little treat.

Halloween Chat Quiz Night
As I announced in the last blog post, we'll be having a general chat Halloween themed quiz night. This will take place on Friday 28th October. Win free Plasma and RED!

There is a nice little leaderboard showing the top players of this Halloween event. The leaderboards include top AP cauldron attempts, seasonal upgrade counts, and a trick or treat log.

Halloween Special
And finally, a fantastic VIP & Plasma special will available during this event.  Yes, you can use your RED to pay or discount your packs, and all packs do come with a small amount of RED also. Click here to check out all the special packs available.

The event will start on Saturday 22nd October!


Thursday, 13 October 2016

Halloween Chat Quiz

While I'm hard at work preparing for our Halloween event this year, I have decided to give some extra notice of a Halloween Chat Quiz night we're going to run in general chat this year. It's been a while since we've had a quiz night, and I think running it along side the Halloween event will be great.

The quiz night will take place in General Chat on Friday 28th October.  We will look to begin preparations at 11:30pm game time, ready to start questions shortly after that.

The prizes will include Plasma, and for the first time, RED.

For more information, check out this forum post.


Friday, 7 October 2016

Changes To The Game Store (Part 1)

I hope you enjoyed the week of free boosts after the AP rage event!

It has been a long, long, long time since I've updated or touched the game store, including VIP and Plasma. So recently, I've been given it a lot of thought and how we can improve the system for everyone. This is quite a big update and a lot to take in, so it's broken down a few parts. This is part 1.

An Updated Look

Firstly, I've gone through and streamlined and updated all the game store pages. All the back buttons work as they should, and there has been some general housekeeping over there. You'll notice the biggest change on the page you choose the payment method (image below).

Introducing The New Currency: RED

Introducing RED. One of the main hurdlers I've seen is the ability to freely and easily trade to get the packs you want. At the moment we can trade the currency of plasma, VIP credits and packs themselves. But, paying for them is tricky because everyone wants different things in return. I saw a demand for a new universal currency, which can also be used to buy any special or surprise packs too.

RED, which stands for RoB Enterprise Dollar,  which also works well with the colour of the site, and the colour of that delicious liquid stuff.

Each pack on the Reign Of Blood store now has a set RED price too. For example, the 30 day VIP pack ($5) has a price off 500 RED. Having RED worth small amounts makes them easy to buy, trade, earn and give away.

How Does RED Work?

When you add the packs from the game store you want to your basket, and then click go to checkout, as you'll see in the screenshot above, an option to pay with RED will appear. This works exactly the same as paying with real money.

RED can be bought from the game store, located below the VIP and Plasma packs. The price of RED will always stay the same, as we don't want a fluctuating currency on both ends. There are ways to earn and win RED too, stay tuned.

RED is totally flexible. You can use it to buy any of our game store packs (for you or someone else), use it to reduce the cost of the packs, you can sell it on the market, you can give some to other players, and you can also donate it to your coven. Coven owners can give it out their players as freely as they like. You can also sell them on the auction market for in game cash or AP, and there's also a spot on the wants market too.

Earning RED

There are some ways you can earn RED in game too! They will also be special events that pay out some RED. I'll dive deeper into that in part 2 of this update in the coming weeks.

Points, mCredits & VIP Credits Merging to RED

With the introduction of RED this means that I will be retiring Points. Points will no longer be rewarded for the offers and surveys, they will now pay out RED. This also applies to mCredits (which is what is used to purchase packs via mobile via Xsolla), and also VIP Credits. For the few of you who still have VIP Credits, you can still go to the VIP Credit page (link on its FAQ) to trade them for VIP. The same goes for Points. That option won't go away. RED is displayed on the left sidebar, which you should see now.

The points page will be taken down today and tomorrow while I do the transfer of currency.

Vial Changes

To help simplify Vials, there are now only 4 vial colours.  Plasma packs give multiples of blue Vial to easily show you get more in higher packs. If you owed any of the colours that were removed, I have given you that same quantity in blue vials so you're not being shortchanged.

Final Words

This has been a lot to take in, I know. And there's still more to come!  I have also made a forum post that goes into a little more detail if you have any concerns or are interested. You can click here to read that forum post.


Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Openbucks (sort of) being discontinued

OpenBucks Changes

As you read last week, the currency "points" will be ending soon with an upcoming update, but today I must announce that the contract between myself and Openbucks will be terminated this month. For those who do not know, Openbucks (USA only) allows you to buy Subway gift cards, Burger King gift cards etc and use them as real debit card to buy packs on Reign Of Blood.

Due to apparent "increased service costs" on their end, they are imposing a $100/month fee to use the service, on top of the ~20% fee on all transactions. Openbucks isn't a widely used option, but it's good for people who can't or don't want to use a debit/credit card, as you can pick up most of the accepted gift cards when you go grocery shopping.

Due to this change it is no longer sustainable to have a direct contract with them, so it will be terminating it this month.

The good news is, Openbucks is accepted through Xsolla, and I have talked to Xsolla to make sure Openbucks is available on the platform. Even though there is Xsolla fees on top of the Openbucks transaction fees, the option is still there if you want to use it, but you must now go through Xsolla, rather than Openbuck's own system like you have to date.

I will try to make this clear on the payment pages soon.


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