Sunday, 26 April 2015

Reign Of Blood's 9th Birthday

New Server Update

I'm glad many of you are loving the speed of the new servers. I can't even believe how fast they are. Good stuff. The majority of the errors have been ironed out, which is great. Thanks to everyone who helped report the problems. If anything else crops up that I've missed, be sure to report it.

Happy Birthday

9 years down...
Monday the 27th of April will mark 9 years of Reign Of Blood. 9 years. That's a long time. You don't see many games last this long, and the ones that do, you won't see the owner/development team (me!) login each day to work on it over all this time. As always thanks to you all for letting me keep this going for so long, and I can't wait to see wait to see what the many future years bring. Happy Birthday Reign Of Blood.

AP Rage Event

Many have come to expect the AP rage event around birthday celebrations, so I would hate to disappoint. Starting from Monday (27th) and lasting all the way through Sunday, the AP rage event will be active. And what's even better, we have the super fast server to do this on.  There is of course a delicious plasma special for those that need some cheap plasma.

Enjoy the event, and happy birthday RoB!

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Reign Of Blood On SSD's

New Server

There is nothing quite like the smell of a fresh server. Breathe in that fresh air. The new server was successfully installed with no hiccups (so far)! There was a couple delays with setting up the IP addresses etc, but we're all good now. I know not everyone has logged back in yet, but the new SSD drives seemed to have improved page loads quite a bit!!

Thank you for your patience. I have started up a new forum thread for you to give any feedback on the new servers and to report any problems or glitches that I've missed.

Possible glitches that will be resolved in the next 24 hours that need not be reported:
- Profile pictures, avatars (all uploadable content) may appear broken or not existing
- Some people unable to reach the site due to the IP of the server changing, be patient

Promocode: newserver2015

Thanks & enjoy.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

New Server [Downtime]

New Server 

I have been told new server is just about ready. In light of this awesome news, we will be scheduling some downtime to begin the transfer onto the spanking new bit of kit.

Reign Of Blood will be taken offline at 10am (game time) Thursday 23rd April.

The transfer will take anywhere between 2 and 4 hours. So prepare for up to 4 hours of downtime. If everything goes smoothly, it will hopefully be much less than that.

I can't wait to feel RoB  on SSD's.


Thursday, 16 April 2015

Double Weekend For All

Free Double Weekend

This weekend, from Saturday 00:01 until Sunday 23:59 enjoy 48 hours of:

  • Double Blood
  • Double Turns
  • Double Coven Exp

Let the bloodbath commence!


Thursday, 2 April 2015

Easter Baby Egg Event

Easter Baby Egg Event

This years 8 day Easter event is now available in its comfortable Dead City location. Complete quests to get baby eggs from the big giant golden eggs. The quests begin at midnight tonight. Complete the quests each day to earn gold coins, which can traded for baby eggs, which can be turned into POWER. There will be 8 days of quests, and the quests will vary each day.

There is also a delicious Easter special too, of course.


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