Thursday, 23 April 2015

Reign Of Blood On SSD's

New Server

There is nothing quite like the smell of a fresh server. Breathe in that fresh air. The new server was successfully installed with no hiccups (so far)! There was a couple delays with setting up the IP addresses etc, but we're all good now. I know not everyone has logged back in yet, but the new SSD drives seemed to have improved page loads quite a bit!!

Thank you for your patience. I have started up a new forum thread for you to give any feedback on the new servers and to report any problems or glitches that I've missed.

Possible glitches that will be resolved in the next 24 hours that need not be reported:
- Profile pictures, avatars (all uploadable content) may appear broken or not existing
- Some people unable to reach the site due to the IP of the server changing, be patient

Promocode: newserver2015

Thanks & enjoy.

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