Thursday, 26 June 2014

New Payment Methods

Buy VIP Page Updates

It's been a while since I've given some love to our precious payment store. So today, I've spent time time on the layout and negotiated some more payment options. I'd also like to point out that due to currency fluctuations, the New Zealand dollar price has been reduced to average out with the other currency options we offer. I have also made some tweaks to Onebip should make it work better.

New Payment Options

I mentioned in the forums that I got a tip that the Ultimate Game Card is going to be shut down a month or so ago. Unfortunately, it turned out to be correct. They'll slowly start coming off the shelves now, and will be completely discontinued by 30th September 2014. (It annoys me because I know how many of you rely on them, and the reason they're closing it down is because they got bought out by Visa and the UGC is not part of their "vision", so they're closing it down, even though it's insanely popular and profitable! Oh well...)

Luckily I was able to get some new payment methods set up that'll fill that void (& more)!

When this company came to me, I was a little confused. They were a payment company who deal with using store giftcards as a general payment method. (Please note this is currently USA only.) For Americans, this completely fills the gap Ultimate Game Card has left. Basically, you can go into any Subway, any Burger King, any Circle K & more, buy their own store giftcards, come onto RoB, and buy VIP/plasma with it. How awesome is that?

Openbucks payment options
Xsolla is a payment company that is essentially a hub for all other payment methods.  They offer so many different methods, you'll find it hard finding one that you can't access. There are even more pre-paid card options (good news for the old Paysafecard users). Paysafecard and Ukash are everywhere around Europe, and Rixty is everywhere in the US. (They run also run MoneyPak and Coinstar.)

Xsolla prepaid card options

They also have several other payment methods, including even more mobile phone payment options (as we just offer Onebip independently).

Xsolla payment options

The methods will differ from country to country, the above is what I see from the UK. Have a  look around and you will find something that is available to you.

I hope this helps with the all the requests I get about methods that isn't just credit cards. Been hard work getting all this sorted and I'm glad it finally is! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

New Layout

The buy VIP/Plasma has had a little bit of a facelift. I've put the VIP packs and the plasma packs side by side so you don't have to keep scrolling down the page to see it all.

New Vials [Tonics]

Packs now come with free vials, which can be traded in Dead City for delicious tonics. You can also get your hands on these as prizes, and from the top daily quest. More ways to get vials will come over time.


To celebrate the new payment methods, there is a 3 day variety pack available. You'll find the link to get your hands on this pack on the top of your pages, or click here.

Quiz night

This Saturday evening we will be hosting another quiz night in our general chat room. Everyone is welcome! They'll be a total of 50 questions, and the first correct answer of each will win QP, and the most correct answers will win plasma at the end of the night. It will be hosted at just past midnight this Saturday night (Sunday morning). Click here for full details. Hope to see you there!


Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Revisited: Houses

State Of Houses

Houses were introduced a while ago to appeal to the "non killing covens". They're a place where you can get together socially without the game benefits that a coven gives you. Due to the way they were setup, you could only join a few, and they were not as fluid as I would have hoped them to be. But today, after much thinking and designing, I have come up with a new house system.

New House System

Houses have been completely rebuilt from the ground up. The internal structure has been completely changed to allow for all the new features and fixes.

House Directory
The house directory has been updated along with the new houses. The layout has been updated, and now the list of houses now incorporate a new house  VIP feature that'll be explained in a minute. Finally, the member count is added to the house lists too.

House Changes
What's great about the new structure I created, is that it gives a lot more freedom. Which allows you to join and create more houses than before. Everyone can be part (or own) up to a total of 5 houses, VIP members can enjoy being a member of up to 10 houses, and VIP+ members can join up to 20. You can now own more than 1 house if you'd like, but each owning house counts towards your house total cap.

House staff members now have access to even more. Including accepting & kicking members, editing the welcome pages, moderating the forum and the chat, and editing other members titles and colours. Each house can have up to 5 staff members, and VIP houses can have up to 20.

The house chat and forum has been updated to the latest versions, and now (hopefully) work as they should. The house RP forum works exactly in the same way as the coven RP forums.

There is now (just like with the covens) a formal invite feature, so you can quickly and easily invite other players to join your family house.

Social Page Update

The social page has had a little facelift to go with this update. Firstly, there is a new section on the right dedicated to houses. This box will list all the houses you're a member of, and next to the name of each house is a shortcut to the chat and the forum. (The name lists will also be coloured if the house is VIP).

House VIP
The house VIP features have also been updated a little. These now include:

- Upload family avatar image
- Coloured house name on all lists and player profiles
- Coloured member titles
- HTML/CSS allowed on the apply & home page
- Ability to have up to 20 staff members
- Mass blood letter all members (subject to approval)

The house avatar is shown at the top of the house page, as well as in the house directory.

The main issue with building a new structure to make something better is the old system is never going to be completely compatible. And unfortunately, the new house system isn't compatible with the old one at all. BUT! Because I'm so nice and all, I've spent a few hours creating a migration tool. Which allows you to transfer the majority of your house' content, into a new house (bringing the members along with it). You'll see a green link on the your social page (house owners only) where you can find out how to migrate your house.

Other updates

There have been loads of other updates, quests and fixes made since the last blog post, all of which are listed on the game updates page. One of the most shocking is mass coven blood letters. You'd never thought you see that happen, did you?

Please report any bugs or feedback on this thread. You can also see a more in-depth guide on the migration system on that thread also.


Monday, 9 June 2014

The Winners Are...

Plasma Pack Lottery Results

Well, that was an easy way to take half a billion out the game's economy. Here are the random winners of the Plasma Pack Lottery, where the winners will share over $250 worth of plasma! Here are the winners:

$100 Pack
Takuyia Marose (208663)

$50 Pack
Lexi Axenus Teller (533290)

$25 Packs
†Izabetta Freakshow† (200221)
Jerich Phuri Dae Anvari (631597)
Demetreus D`Spartan² (612013)

$10 Packs
Lydea Mey Keates (292043)
Sinara VeRosso Dominor (162961)
Footman DCXLV (40487)
Connor Farron (229642)
Rilee Rae Price (275708)

Unlucky to those who didn't win, congrats to those who did.
Some updates to come, stay tuned.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Plasma Pack Lottery

While I'm working on updates, I've decided to run a little plasma pack lottery.

Plasma Pack Lottery

A new lottery location has popped up at Dead City, where you can win a plasma pack. Tickets are available for in-game cash for $500,000 each. The plasma packs that are being given away are 1x $100 pack, 1x $50 pack, 3x $25 pack, 5x $10 pack. To buy your tickets, please visit the Plasma Lottery Center. The more tickets, the higher chance of winning.

The draw will take place Sunday night  so tune in then to see if you've won. 

Remember to keep up to date with all the game updates on the game update page.

Good luck,

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