Wednesday, 25 March 2015

List 9, New Power Relic & More

Achievements List 9

While the Coven Conflict is going on, here's list 9 as promised. You'll be able to access it from your home page or any of the other achievements list for those who dare challenge it. There are a couple secrets which will get revealed in the next few months.

Coven Achievements List 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

I've noticed quite a few people would love an achievements list for your covens, and today I can announce that's exactly what I've done. Achievements list 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for covens is now live for your completing pleasure. You can access the list on your coven pages.

Some of the tasks on these lists require things you didn't have access to before. The variables that are required that you don't know, have been added to the coven stats page. I have also added a new section on the activity feed to show coven achievement completions too.

New Coven Power Relic

The Coven Power Relics are great. It gives covens a little something to fight for every now and then. Each of the 3 relics are pretty desirable, but I want to add in another even more desirable one to heat up the competition even more. Introducing the new Ultimate Boost Relic. It gives +10% coven exp and +10% blood. This gives us a total of 4 Coven Power Relics for your enjoyment.


I have reached out to some of the still active applicants of the writing jobs I released a few months ago. I'm excited to get the ball rolling on these projects. If you didn't apply and want to contribute to the writing project and have a lot of time to give to it, you can send me a blood letter, be quick, though.


Saturday, 21 March 2015

Coven Conflict Full Run

Coven Conflict

Working progress, i like it. All the below systems will be open for play on Monday 23rd for a full week. Overall changes include:

  • New look coven conflict page
  • Coven conflict links added to the coven page
  • Left box now appears for raids, skirmishes and invasions
  • Dedicated vampire lists added where exp pays only for active hits


Here are the changes to raids and another an overview of the feature:

  • Your first kills (their active member count/10) will yield + 10 raid exp (up from 5)
  • Every kill after will yield the same + 3 raid exp, zaps remain + 2 raid exp
  • Your score can no longer go into negatives (so only have to work back up from 0)
  • Only active players (within a month) give off raid exp
  • Quick link added to the coven member attack list page

I will keep a close eye on making sure the raids complete when they should. If you're in a raid that didn't end when it should, be sure to let me know ASAP so I can clear it manually and look into why.


One change and one addition to the skirmishes at the moment. The divide by active members formula at the end of each round now counts members logged on the past 3 days, rather than a few weeks. Which will reduce the division amount, so having a few lingering inactive don't count as much as against your coven score, and will encourage everyone online to contribute to increase the score.

I have also added a coven tier list page so you can see a full list of covens and all the tiers.


Due to no complaints on the invasion side, it's currently staying as is.

Token Shop

The token shop is open for business! Instead of just going ahead with this on my own, I'd like everyone who is in a coven, owns a coven, runs a coven to pitch it on what they think the token shop boosts should cost. I've started a thread to discuss this subject.

An extra enhancement to a current conflict feature and leaderboards to come soon. To give feedback etc for this particular update, please use this thread.

New Server

The new server arrived a couple days ago, and we'll most probably get plugged in and transferred sometime early next week. I will keep you in the loop of when that will happen, keep an eye on the game updates or our Facebook page.


Friday, 13 March 2015

Coven Conflict: Invasions

Coven Conflict: Invasions

The Invasion part of the coven conflict system is now open for public testing. It is, at its core, the same as the old coven battles, with a few changes. Here are some of them:

- Interface has been updated to fit in with the new coven systems
- Invasion tier has been added to all relevant pages, this is separate to skirmish tier
- Hourly round bonuses now boost final exp by +3%
- Hourly round wins now boost coven exp payout by +1% per hour round win. When defending, your coven can actually earn coven exp just by winning rounds
- A few hour wait added before the invasion begins
- Zapping now earns invasion exp
- The rounds last from top of hour to top of hour, instead of half past
- You no longer have to wait until the end of the day for the invasions to finish, it checks every half an hour
- Banners no longer appear at the top of the battle pages, a new box on the left appears

There are a couple more changes I'd like to make, like the exp payouts, but I want to get this out there and tested before I go in and tweak.

Coven Wheel Changes

As you have probably noticed, the coven wheel is currently taking a little break. There is good reason for this. It was causing a few bugs with the war, and I've completely changed my mind about how to use this giveaway feature. It will remain down until next week, but don't worry, it'll be worth the wait.

Coven Conflict Overview

I will leave Invasions open for around 5-6 days, and then next week will work my ass off finishing off and making final tweaks to the whole coven conflict system. Bringing them altogether and doing a week of everything being open and available. And yes, that includes opening up the token shop and one more surprise feature.

For comments and bug reports on these new Invasions, please use this forum thread.

New Server Update

The server order has been placed and it should be arriving within a week. Super excited to see how RoB runs on SSD's. I'll update you when it arrives and there is a set date for install and transferring of files.

St. Patrick's Day Mini-Event

Starting from today you can enjoy the St. Patrick's mini-event. It will run for one week, and there is of course a delicious VIP/Plasma special to go along with it. Head to the Dead City to find out more.

Oh, and you can all have a drink on me.


Sunday, 8 March 2015

Blood Thirst Results

Blood Thirst Results

Thanks to everyone who took part in the Blood Thirst Competition. It was a lot of fun. And the overall positive response from it was great to see as well. Here are the winning teams, and the top players who contributed the most towards their teams.

The Winner(s)

Tie First Place: White & Green Team (9 points each)
Second Place: Red Team (6 points)
Third Place: Yellow Team (4 points)
Fourth Place: Blue Team (2 points)

The Top Wins

Position 1 
Team Green (42,282 Wins)

Position 2 
Team White (40,307 Wins)

Position 3 
Team Red (38,944 Wins)

Position 4 
Team Yellow (37,681 Wins)

Position 5 
Team Blue (21,756 Wins)

The Top Blood

Position 1 
Team White (7,577,487 Blood)

Position 2 
Team Green (7,170,267 Blood)

Position 3 
Team Red (5,848,088 Blood)

Position 4 
Team Yellow (5,293,251 Blood)

Position 5 
Team Blue (4,349,576 Blood)

Top Player Wins

[Team Green] King Sassy (645468) got 2842 wins
[Team Yellow] Chestii Morbide (439725) got 2640 wins
[Team Red] vonhof glitch master (90159) got 2629 wins
[Team Red] RavenRouge (466509) got 2584 wins
[Team White] Alexis Romanov Drakon (390348) got 2557 wins
[Team White] Brennan Rego Malik (602429) got 2536 wins
[Team White] Lady Vladina LR Phuri Dae (477343) got 2499 wins
[Team Green] Angelique (676509) got 2494 wins
[Team Green] Lyla LaVey (331357) got 2491 wins
[Team Red] Reokan (73133) got 2452 wins

Top Player Blood

[Team Green] Morganika Bellator (93008) got 1823047 blood
[Team White] Brennan Rego Malik (602429) got 1743976 blood
[Team White] Ylenia Dalca (60993) got 1404737 blood
[Team Red] Reokan (73133) got 1328711 blood
[Team Blue] Queenie Happy Lil Killer (218258) got 909614 blood
[Team Yellow] Revalth Phuri Dae-LR (523102) got 902926 blood
[Team White] Brock Keates (416014) got 767242 blood
[Team Yellow] Michael (522259) got 679589 blood
[Team Green] Jocelyn Shamrock Nex (586647) got 659150 blood
[Team White] Lady Vladina LR Phuri Dae (477343) got 638568 blood

As you can see, it was pretty close.  It was insane seeing the battle lists so empty! The days activity was huge. We will have to do this again soon.

If you head back to the Blood Thirst page you can now collect your prizes.


Thursday, 5 March 2015

Blood Thirst Competition

New Server

I've been doing some thinking, some research and some chatting to my hosting tech guys about the future of Reign Of Blood's servers. We mingled over the usage, the power consumed at resets and came to the conclusion it was time for an upgrade. Long story short, we worked out some of the bottleneck comes from the I/O speed of the hard disks. So instead of keeping on adding more and more servers to our network, we're going to do something radical.

I have ordered, a rather beautiful, new server for Reign Of Blood. And it's quite a beast. It'll have top of the line SSD drives, a lot of RAM and super fast Intel server grade processors. It'll be about twice as fast as the one we have now, which was also part of it, our servers are getting onto being 4 years old now. There will be some downtime in a week or two as we make the transfer, but I'll know more information closer to the time, this is just a heads up!

Blood Thirst Competition

The time for Blood Thirst is almost here! I have just gone though and sorted all the vampires who have entered into 5 teams. Head to the Blood Thirst page at Dead City to see which team you are in. I have also added a special temporary chat, where you can talk to just your team mates.

The competition will start counting kills and blood from midnight game time tonight, for a whole 48 hours. To find the full scoring information, head over to the Blood Thirst page.

I hope you enjoy the competition.


Monday, 2 March 2015

Blood Thirst Team up

Blood Thirst Team Up Competition

I've decided to try out a new concept for an event type feature. And that has resulted in this new Blood Thirst Team Up. Basically, there are 5 coloured teams, and those 5 teams will compete with each other over a 2 day period this weekend.

The teams will be sorted & balanced by power. And this will happen on Thursday evening. The fight will begin Thursday night midnight until Saturday evening midnight (the entire 48 hour period of Friday and Saturday).

In order to take part in this competition, you must manually enter. You can do that by heading to the Dead City page and clicking the new green link, or by clicking here. And you must to do before the teams are sorted on Thursday evening. Keep an eye on the game updates page on Thursday for the exact end time. You will not be able to enter after the teams have been sorted.

All the players that enter will be broken down into 5 coloured teams. Then on Friday and Saturday, the vampire wins and blood earned will be totalled and ranked. (Full information on the above linked page.)

Prizes will be given to the winning time, and there will also be runner up prizes. The prizes will also be based on how much you contribute, so don't expect to just enter and get lots of free stuff ;) There will be a collectible within the prizes too!

I look forward to it, and good luck!

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