Wednesday, 25 March 2015

List 9, New Power Relic & More

Achievements List 9

While the Coven Conflict is going on, here's list 9 as promised. You'll be able to access it from your home page or any of the other achievements list for those who dare challenge it. There are a couple secrets which will get revealed in the next few months.

Coven Achievements List 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

I've noticed quite a few people would love an achievements list for your covens, and today I can announce that's exactly what I've done. Achievements list 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for covens is now live for your completing pleasure. You can access the list on your coven pages.

Some of the tasks on these lists require things you didn't have access to before. The variables that are required that you don't know, have been added to the coven stats page. I have also added a new section on the activity feed to show coven achievement completions too.

New Coven Power Relic

The Coven Power Relics are great. It gives covens a little something to fight for every now and then. Each of the 3 relics are pretty desirable, but I want to add in another even more desirable one to heat up the competition even more. Introducing the new Ultimate Boost Relic. It gives +10% coven exp and +10% blood. This gives us a total of 4 Coven Power Relics for your enjoyment.


I have reached out to some of the still active applicants of the writing jobs I released a few months ago. I'm excited to get the ball rolling on these projects. If you didn't apply and want to contribute to the writing project and have a lot of time to give to it, you can send me a blood letter, be quick, though.


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