Ending Points
Due to the upcoming updates, I am giving some warning about the Points currency which I will be retiring next month.Points have for a long time been rewards for completing offers and surveys, and then can be converted into Plasma or VIP Days.
To be clear, the ability to complete the offers and surveys are not going away. It is just the Points currency that is. The daily turn reward for completing one is not going away either.
This will make room for what is coming up. Early next month, the offers will no longer pay out Points, which will make Points a dead currency. I will not be simply wiping everyone points. The points that remain will always be there, but will not be shown or displayed anywhere. When this switch is made, you'll be able to access the points shop to spend any points you still have left over through the Points help FAQ page.
It'll all make sense soon, and it'll be glorious.