Friday, 24 June 2016

Summer Special & Double Sunday

Taking a break from the shocking news around the world this morning, I decided that we could use some positive. And who doesn't love a bargain and free double days?

Summer Special

For the next 9 days (until July 3rd) there will be a delicious summer sale. Click here to check out the packs that are available. There are two collectibles in with the packs, too.

Double Sunday

This Sunday (26th June) everyone can enjoy free:

- Double Turns
- Double Blood
- Double Coven Exp


Thursday, 16 June 2016

Daddy Vs Mummy

Daddy Vs Mummy

It's been a while since we had a good Boys Vs Girls contest, so let's have one! What's even better, we'll give it a little theme seeing as its Father's day on Sunday.

You won't need to enter this time, we'll simply tally up all the kills and blood over the 48 hour period and see who comes out on top.

The event will begin Sunday 19th June and run for 48 hours.


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