Friday, 28 May 2010

Changes Changes Changes

I posted a blog yesterday about the changes to the RP chats, i know i only posted it yesterday so some of you might have missed it, to read about that click here.

I've done a bit of twiddling around today. Some of the things I've done is added a new story quest "The Dead City",  2 new DAILY quests "The Battle II" & "The Feed". I have also done some more work on Spring Valley and Vadenhill. In regards to VadenHill I have given it's own section on the home tab page. You'll be able to see the feeds you have as well as your total feeds and the new today's feed stat. I've moved the invite friends section to the bottom of the page to make room for this. I have also added a VadenHill leaderboard similar to the Spring Valley leaderboard which can be found at the bottom of the VadenHill feeding grid.

A lot of people say you get killed a lot in Spring Valley, that's correct, you do. But what I have done is reduced the probability for you being caught by about a half.  This should please some people. I have also reduced your chance of finding a trap and getting killed in the underground too. Another change to Spring Valley you'll notice is the way the houses are displayed. You have 3 rows of houses instead of 2 so it doesn't stretch down the page as much.

For the coven owners & members, the coven advertising system seems to be a success, so I plan to leave that in. One small change I've made is your ad rank now only counts covens with currently active ads.

There is less than a week away for the Xbox 360 competition, please enter into that if you can.

As for the May Competition coming to an end this weekend, how are the top players going? Lets see...

5508 gems - Grand Duchess Gabrielle (233579)
5504 gems - .hack//Shhac.â„¢ (1893)
5454 gems - Loki McLovin (333226)
5285 gems - Rez (153767)
5045 gems - Raven Oleander (157479)
5000 gems - Lady Aestolia Silverfalls (172014)
4919 gems - Ileene Ryu (197369)
4753 gems - Jane (222557)
4713 gems - Tancman (248616)
4696 gems - Moon Raven (311006)
4647 gems - Xiola (212025)
4630 gems - Akroma (260038)
4596 gems - Mr. Death (70268)
4587 gems - LSD (89035)
4459 gems - Moriha Raven (89607)
4426 gems - Dark August Night (85300)
4397 gems - Shar Atreides (275708)
4367 gems - ädriel -¤OuP¤- (217745)
4336 gems - StarLitFire18 (205042)
4331 gems - Sanguine.Lullaby (193268)

It's going to be close, wonder who will slide ahead near the finish on Monday.

There are a couple big things panned, I am really looking forward to implementing them.

Enjoy your weekend,

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Roleplaying chat rule changes

For a lot of people this blog post wont be for you, but recently I've had complaints of people copying and pasting very lengthy bios in the RP chats & users feel "pushed out" because of the amount of text just being copied and pasted flooding the chat.

After seeing someone (not mentioning names) posting 16 posts in a row describing their Bio (&others), I have made the following changes...

Role-play chat 1 is dedicated to longer RPers.
- Twice the maximum character count in posts than before
- Allowed to post up to 3 full length posts in a row
- The amount of posts displayed in the chat is doubled

Role-play chat 2 is dedicated to to shorter quick RPs
- Same character length as before
- Anything than more than 3 posts in a row is considered spam.
- No more than 1 line bios are allowed

It is not necessary for you to paste paragraphs of bio into the chat, that is not what it's for. Go ahead and give yourself a small 1 post introduction, but do not flood the chat with bios, if you have a bio that is that long either RP in the forum or put the bio in your profile. If you are feel "pushed out" in RP 1 please go to RP 2.

The rules for each chat are located on the chat page, so please make sure you read them before you RP in there again.

The warnings and bannings will be given out on the mods descection as per the rules. Any problems, please let me know.

Couple new daily quests hopefully coming tomorrow and more story quests are in the works!


Tuesday, 25 May 2010

The next stage of VadenHill!

 VadenHill has turned out to be a well liked feature. Even more so that I thought.  With the recent forum discussions of possible upgrades for it, Lilith le Fay suggested having an option to use your unused humans to earn your coven EXP. With new features coming up to earn coven EXP I didn't see a problem adding this one in either.

Ok, so what's changed?
When you're rank 20 you can opt to use your humans to earn some exp for your coven. After you have harvested a human an option will appear to give the human to your coven. There is a small chance that taking that human to your coven requires a feed to be used, which means you must have at least 1 feed to do this. There is also another small chance that your human becomes quickly rotten after you take them from their harvesting place. The juiciness left of the human determins the chance of you getting the human to your coven in one piece. The table below shows the success chance:

Juiciness: 10/10 = 90% Success Chance
Juiciness: 9/10 = 80% Success Chance
Juiciness: 8/10 = 70% Success Chance
Juiciness: 7/10 = 60% Success Chance
Juiciness: 6/10 = 50% Success Chance
Juiciness: 5/10 = 40% Success Chance
Juiciness: 4/10 = 30% Success Chance
Juiciness: 3/10 = 20% Success Chance
Juiciness: 2/10 = 10% Success Chance
Juiciness: 1/10 = 0% Success Chance

If you successfully return the human to your coven you'll give your coven exp based upon your rank. Your coven doesn't get to do anything with the human when it's been delivered, this is simply for gaining exp.

Sound good?

I've also added a link at the bottom of VadenHill to a page which explains all of this and the other VadenHill features. Couple other small changes I've made you'll be glad to know:

- It now says x/25 humans you have to make it more clear you can only have 25.
- And reduced the chance of not getting a succesful feed off a human.

I hope you Vadenhillers like this new update & continue to enjoy it. I will run this for a while, see how it turns out & act on any feedback if necessary.

Couple new daily quests coming soon as with more story quests in the works!


Thursday, 20 May 2010

May competition leaderboard update.

Good afternoon,
I have updated the may gem competition leader board as shown below...

3649 gems - Loki McLovin (333226)
3515 gems - Grand Duchess Gabrielle (233579)
3460 gems - .hack//Shhac.â„¢ (1893)
3315 gems - Rez (153767)
3251 gems - Lady Aestolia Silverfalls (172014)
3019 gems - Raven Oleander (157479)
2927 gems - The Count (76085)
2899 gems - Xiola (212025)
2879 gems - ädriel -¤OuP¤- (217745)
2872 gems - Mr. Death (70268)
2851 gems - Moriha Raven (89607)
2850 gems - Ileene Ryu (197369)
2849 gems - LSD (89035)
2824 gems - Dark August Night (85300)
2815 gems - Moon Raven (311006)
2796 gems - StarLitFire18 (205042)
2795 gems - Zephyr`s MiZz RoZziE (283088)
2761 gems - Akroma (260038)
2743 gems - CrimsonLust AKA Mrs X (45459)
2734 gems - Tancman (248616)

*UPDATE* Gems now show up MORE OFTEN! There's no giving up now, we've got over a week left of this competition and now with Gems showing up more regularly it's easier for people to over take you.  The leader board has shifted a bit over the past few days and it's good to see people taking part.

The top 3 will win the 3 prizes as indicated before, but the top 17 people after that will also win a small extra prize. What will that be? You'll have to wait and see.

Remember also about the Xbox 360 competition which is ending in a couple weeks too.

VIP+ update - The upgrade to VIP+ link now appears when you have VIP days full stop, the fact you need 100 VIP days to upgrade to purchase VIP+ still stands at 100 VIP days. Although, I have given everybody 2 free days of VIP+ (to all that have over 10 VIP days) for a taste of the upgrade.

Thanks & Enjoy

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Story quests continued & May gem competition current leaderboard...

I am glad a high majority of you are enjoying the story quests. We will continue to pump them out to give you the story of how the Dead City came to be. As some of you have pointed out they don't appear to make much sense, but that's exactly the point. "What the hell, this has nothing to do with ReignOfBlood?" Yes it does, just be patient. The story will not be necessarily be in chronicle order, because I have found that stories are more exciting when you get fed small bits of information and then come back to it at a later date to get the "oooh yeah" feeling.  The story will start to make more sense as more quests come out, but I hope overall you're enjoying them and staying interested in how the story develops. Just released the latest story quest "the vampire council", go check it out if you haven't already.

The leaderboard of the gem competition (at 16:00 game time) is as follows:

1 - 3038
2 - 2928
3 - 2780
4 - 2689
5 - 2672
6 - 2558
7 - 2510
8 - 2395
9 - 2376
10 - 2369
11 - 2364
12 - 2352
13 - 2348
14 - 2295
15 - 2286

As you can see it's very close. Remember you will get to trade your gems in for something not exciting, so even if you are not in the top 15 you can still keep your gems coming in and trade them in for something unknown at this point in time.

Next week I will update the leaderboard again with NAMES. Please comment this blog and let us know what YOU think about the story quests so far, or post on the forum by clicking here.

Have a good week

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Introducing Story Quests.

I'm guilty. I've been slipping when it comes to adding new quests. Been too obsessed with working on the next 5 new features I have on my notepad. (VIP+ and wants market was 2 of them). The next 3 are almost ready to be coded. I'm excited and hope you continue to like the updates I do to the game.

QUESTS! The most requested request on this game is more quests. A lot of people want to know the story behind the Dead City and how it came to be. So the next bunch of quests that will be created will be STORY QUESTS. Story quests now have their own heading on the quest log page. Over the next few months in between other game upgrades I will be regularly adding story quests that explain the story of all the parts of Reign Of Blood.

Thanks to every who is taking part in the Xbox 360 competition, we need to get more entries in!

The may gem competition is starting to look interesting. I bet you're dying to know where you stand? Well good news, next week I have decided to release a leaderboard which will show you exactly that. More good news is that I may consider keeping gems in the underground and make them trad-able (not on the market between players) for something. So even if you don't win, you might be able to reclaim something back with those gems you've collected.

Have a fun weekend!

Friday, 7 May 2010

Wants market update & changes to Xbox 360 competition

Thank you for your feedback so far with regards to the wants market. I did not build this for it to be an instant hit. Over time buyers and sellers use strategic methods to get the most money from their currency or the cheapest price to buy that currency. Researching into both the wants market and the normal market gives you more options and risks to take when trading in Reign Of Blood. This adds another dimension and risk with trading, which makes people more vigilant and strategic with their decision, i can't see how this makes it less fun.

Now onto the Xbox 360 competition...
Thank you to all your support so far! As I said last night, the winner will be chosen randomly on the 9th June. The more tickets you buy the more chance you have winning. To enter there is a $10 pack added on the BUY VIP page, the $10 pack now gives you 5 plasma and 1 entry (all those who bought a pack when when it was 3 plasma will have 2 plasma added shortly).  The prize tiers are as follows:

1st place: Xbox 360 Console
2ns place: 365 VIP Days & 100 VIP+ Days
3rd place: 180 VIP days & 21 VIP+ Days.

If you wish to enter using Wallie or the Ultimate game card, please contact me directly.


New Wants Market & a chance to win an XBOX 360!

A very good evening to you all,  I'm sat here tonight and already on my 3rd can of Monster. I know it's pretty well known in America but it's not been around here in the UK for long, and my god Its so much more nicer than red bull.

Back to business... Last week whilst i was just chilling eating my dinner (fun I know) I was thinking that it would be cool to have a place where you can tell people what you want instead of enquiring over the forum.  So I proudly present... the WANTS MARKET. You'll see a slight layout change in the Dead City where there is dedicated market square for the market, this & 1 more thing coming up.

Cut the crap, what is the wants market?
It's a place where you can post listings to other players of what you want for the price you want to pay. It is currently only available for Plasma, AP & Points. (There are no current plans to add equipment to this). You go on there & add a listing. We'll use plasma as an example. You tell the system how many plasma you want and how much you want to pay for each plasma, the system takes the money (plus a 1% fee like the market hehehe). It'll stay active for a 2 weeks (same as the market listings) where other players can go look at it and decide whether they want to sell you the plasma for that price or not. There is a minimum cap for each currency to stop people wanting plasma for $1 etc. Go and check it out at the Dead City and let me know what you think of it.

Now onto the next bit.... WIN AN XBOX 360!
XBOX 360! XBOX 360! XBOX 360! XBOX 360! XBOX 360! XBOX 360!

Remember before i ran those $10 competitions for iTunes vouchers etc? Well I've decided to up the game and give away an Xbox 360 console as the prize! Even if you don't want an Xbox, you can sell it , eat it, or whatever you feel. For those who think I'm stupid, I am prepared. The Xbox will be bought in the winners country and shipped to them direct, so I will not be sending UK Xbox's to Australia etc.  The price to enter into this competition:

$10 pack = 3 plasma & 1 entry

The competition will end on the 9th June where one random winner will be picked (same system as the lottery) to win the prize. The more entries = more chance of winning. First place will win the Xbox 360 console and 2nd place will win 365 days VIP & 100 days VIP+, 3rd place will win 180 days VIP and 21 days VIP+

Good luck to all that enter.


Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Coven forums updated

Huzzah! The coven forums have been updated to the new forum version I created for the regular forums. I have spent the last few hours upgrading it and testing it, but there may be some bugs still in there, so if you find any please let me know!

The only thing different with this is that there is no default board. Which means the coven owner needs to add some boards before the coven members can start chatting on there, so coven owners get over there and add some boards!

Access to the old coven forums can be found at the top of the new coven forum page, and you'll be able to access them for a couple weeks which gives plenty of time to copy over quest/help info etc. I'm afraid there is no easy way to transfer to the new forum system other than copy/paste.

I see a lot of people have decided to take part in the May competition, it's funny that I can see who's winning and you cant. Gotta love the power, right? I indeed agree that waiting 3 days before to see the leaderboards is not enough, so I've decided to change it to a week before the close date. So a week before the competition ends you can see where you stand in your quest for gems.

I will tell you this though... There is only 100 gem difference between #1 and #10. It's going to be close.

Oh and congratulations to Shadow Cat for somehow winning second place on the lottery twice in a row. I must admit, just watching the lottery outcome is exciting.

Enjoy what's left of the week.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

May 2010 Competition!

I've decided to set this  months competition in the dreaded underground. The turn draining evil place is full of hidden shiny worthless gems. I would really appreciate if you down there and get as many as you can. They are scattered everywhere and as far as I know there is no limit to the amount of gems down there. So what's in it for you? There will be 3 winners which will be the 3 vampires that finds the most amount of gems by May 31st. It's an entire month away, so you'll have to decide hard whether to invest your turns into this. The beauty of it is, you wont know where you are in comparison to other players. Around 3 days before the end (the 28thish) I will post a leader-board of the top 10 gem finders. Oh this will be fun.

1st prize: 365 VIP Days, 100 VIP+ Days, 50 Plasma
2nd prize: 180 VIP Days, 50 VIP+ Days, 10 Plasma
3rd prize: 100 VIP Days, 21 VIP+ Days, 5 Plasma

Do you wish to take the gamble to win these prizes? Or just leave it for someone to enjoy? That's up to you. PLEASE MAKE SURE you are over rank 10 on the 31st May or you cannot win any prize regardless if you're a winner. (I will be working on the underground over the month but this competition won't change). The gems are not and will not be tradable.

Invest your turns wisely.

The 4th birthday special and all related to the event will be removed tonight.

See you down under.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Keeping you updated!

Good morning to all you.

Thanks for the great feedback on VIP+ so far, it's looking good. On a side note, there will be a May (Free) competition this month, I will set that up over the next week, so stay tuned for that. I hope to get this new equipment feature in then too.

Until I open up more Cities i want to know what kind of quests you would like to see in the game. I've started a forum thread where you can give your feedback (please do not comment this blog with anything regarding this thread, please do so on the forum so you can get feedback on your ideas).

The lottery jackpot so far is $32,000,000. I noticed from last week that is much better liked now you have 3 weekly winners instead of 1. To get the jackpot up a bit for tonight I'll give 1st place 10 plasma, 2nd place 5 plasma, and 3rd place 3 plasma extra. Go get some tickets!

The Birthday special will last until SUNDAY! This includes those sexy balloon icons in chat.

Thanks & have a great weekend!

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