Monday, 1 June 2009

New weapon/armour system discussion.

The weapon system needs to change... but of course i want your feedback before i do anything drastic and annoy everyone, of course.

Click the above link to go to the discussion forum, if you have an idea or comment, please post. Spam will not be tolerated though, i don't want to have to spend hours searching through the crap to get to the decent opinions.

As well as that another feature is in progress, but the weapons needs to be sorted out first before that can be done! Exciting!



BloodLust said...

first =P haha..
=[ cant check it out..Im jailed..hehehe..

Anonymous said...

what u need to do is to detail a armor of the mind that will make us better at battling so please give it a shot it might sound crazy but for the mind to be trained it will give us a better aspect on winning.

jits glc said...

upgradeable armor that increases in strength as you level or train in the gym would allow those who play the most to benifit and those players that are new can build up while saving for batter fixed armor

Anonymous said...

this game is worth playing

Sosa the Terrible said...

I am afraid that associating rank to weapon use will force players to rank up when they may not want to! It might not be fair for a player to be limited in his/her choice of weapon because they don't want to rank up for a while. Even though they may not go on killing sprees, a player may just like to have the best weapons for defensive purposes

LadyWolf said...

Make the armor level up based on an average of a players stats.

Anonymous said...

Make armor that explodes if you fart

NemesisAlien said...

Judging on the above, perhaps you could make a weapon mix, say defensive weapons for those who want to train and not level, offensive weapons for those who are serial killers.
I'm thinking on a D&D level + abit of diabalo inside, specific types of weapons. =)

rikshaw said...

make the weapon stronger based on your game age instead of rank.

Anonymous said...

Limiting weapons via rank is a ridiculous idea. If anything have weapons for every 10 rank gives +2% damage but still with a base damage of +200 this would mean a level 30 would do 212 damage with the weapon but a level 100 would do 240 damage. same with defense a start of +200 defense but say its a hell expensive item and does +10% for every 10 rank. a level 30 would do 260 block and a level 100 would do 400 block. still rewards higher ranks in the game but still gives the lower ranks a small boost

Anonymous said...

Well make the weapons stronger by the age of the player. In everything vampires are stronger as they age(they dont . . .lol)
What i mean is their power grows as they are older . . .

driftermyte said...

I like the sound of the weapons and armour that gets stronger the older you are.

Anonymous said...

i think that he should choose for himself becuz anything we say others are going to disagree with. and it is easier than us arguing over what we want. it would be easier for him to do it on his own and then hear our opinions.

Anonymous said...

sounds good!

Anonymous said...


VampyreKane said...

Only Thing I Can Thing Of Is Make Different Weapons/Armours For Different Ammouts Of Aligment

mikkooo said...

i think... its good to have armor and weapon alchemy... whereas players could improve their weapons/armors by synthesizing it with potions and such... ^_^

(idea from the game Mana Khemia)

Alan Alabon said...

weapon damages should be fixed as they are in real life. A 50 y/o will not do more damage with the same sword than a 20 y/o man. The stronger person would do more damage. You could make stronger weapons available to higher ranks, or allow a weapon to be upgraded or customized to do more damage, but the base weapon damage should be the same, period.

Crimsonlust said...

i think that there should be 2-3 weapons and arms available for every level... they should have different powers from all the others. some could say zap health by half on the first hit, or they could take away the mp powers that the other person has... maybe u also could have one that takes the stats from ur husband/wife and adds that to ur stats for 10 mins an hour

Shadow Stalker said...

Hey Ash well done for letting people have there say but sometimes you just gotta get on and do stuff otherwise the talking never stops 2 days is enough you can see yourself the threads however many you make will become personal and go off topic and remember you aint gonna please eveyone as we all have different agendas especially those who percieve they have most to loose or feel threatened

13Slayer said...

Greetings M'Lord Ash . . .
Adding to the discussion, it would seem to me that perhaps the only upgrade in weaponry could potentially be another pack of some type? Upgrade that, and then put higher +stats to existing games for those who cannot purchase.

Given that we are vampires, perhaps another good thing would be to use the alignment to strenthen the vampire powers; mental, hynotizing, (or glamouring as it's also known) and it will encourage more to jump in for that part.

And I also agree with those who have commented that the game age need factor in as age does bring more powers to the vampire. Can kill two birds with one stone that way! :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i agree with the older you are the stronger you should b!

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