Thursday, 4 June 2009

Mobile payments & new VIP page!

I have found a couple companies that seem to be good for mobile payments. Mobillcash & Zaypay. If one is not available to you, the other might be lol. It's hard to find a company that supports everyone, so I've chosen the best 2. If your country is not supported we are sorry, there is nothing we can do. You might also find that certain amount are only available in some countries too. It's a pain but that extra option is there for people who want VIP and don't have access to a credit card.

The whole VIP page has been updated with extra information about the payments, currencies etc, should be more clear now!

have a good one


Revan Fios said...

Thanks Ash!

CrimsonDragon said...

Nice :D good to hear

Anonymous said...

Rock on am looking forward to being VIP soon.

Anonymous said...

i have a problem my voting sites are gonne dessappear in thin air and i dont know how to bring them back those voting sites

Edward Cullen said...

you might want to mention that when you buy ViP days, that the new ViP day starts on the UK day, or whereever you are, Ash. this could be misleading to a USA ViP buyer who baught 180 ViP days, at 5:00 PM central time, and an hour later, only had 170 vip days.

13Slayer said...

Thanks Ash!!! Well done!

DarkAsh said...

@Edward Cullen: The system takes one day off a day not 10, so it would be 179 days.

Anonymous said...

Obviously that was a typo, but you understand his point, right?

Anonymous said...

was wondering when the whole pay by cell phone thing was going to happen...


BloodLust said...

oh..thank be so much easier for me.. =]

DarkAsh said...

I know the Google checkout and mobile packs add 31 days for a $5 pack, was pretty sure paypals did too...

Edward Cullen said...

yeah. 179 is what i meant. still would be worth mentioning.

irishunicorn said...

good stuff ash, only problem is mobilecash charge for the service so costs €9 instead of €4 for $5 pack :(

DarkAsh said...

Yeah it's going to be like that i'm afraid. Sucks.

Anonymous said...


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