Sunday, 28 June 2009

Recent downtime...

Hey guys sorry about the recent downtime, some firewall screw up or something. I am in heated debates with the host about getting it sorted, as well as the new servers, and going to host a RoB server status site hosted else where which will be used to post updates if anything goes wrong. (using twitter at the moment because its free, but it's pretty crap so i'm going to make a personal status site).

I have given every 500 turns, sorry again, we try our best to get RoB accessible 24/7



Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ash. Hell, the downtimes give some people a chance to get the hell off the computer! ;)

Sekem said...

These thing happen when you are in a hosted data centre! What speaks volumes is not so much the SLA and outage, as it is the great effort you spend on communicating about it! Thanks, Ash!

Anonymous said...

yes ash i agree with sekem alot of game hosts woudnt bother telling there players why the game as been offline so your doing something right there:P


Vinushka said...

Thanks Ash. We appreciate the extra turns, at least you make it up to us when things go wrong. I don't know any other game site that bothers doing that.

Kitty said...

Thank you worries hun- it was prob good for me to have to go do something besides surf forums! LOL! Thanks for the turns... *hugs*

Lâdy D3âth Dârkclaw (59875) said...

Well, at least the game is back up. Lol. Hopefully things get better for you Ash. Oh, and thanks for the turns.

Anonymous said...

No worries Ash, these things happen.

goldmage said...

no sweat ash things happen gave some the time to go to the can LOL

Anonymous said...

its all good ash thanks for the turns though

Anonymous said...

Greetings and thank you Ash. lol. I did use the down time to pull myself away from the computer. Thank you for letting us know what is going on. It's nice to be informed.

Anonymous said...

Thanx and God Bless u Ash and can i ask u something can i post 1 trance video clips so i was woundering if would allowe me to post on a chill it is music groupe called Paffendorf Be COOL MUJKIC

Lone Wolf (189312) said...

its all good Ash thxs for the turns

lloyd said...

thanks ash! i'm only started so much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

So thats the reason I had 800 turns this morning. Thanks.

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