Tuesday, 28 January 2014

War Of Covens

War Of Covens (beta)

The time has come. War is upon the covens of the Dead City. Strive for blood, strive for power, strive for victory. Don't let your enemies push you aside.

I'm excited to release the anticipated new Reign Of Blood "War Of Covens" feature that has been wanted for a while now. The Dead City Covens have, for a long time, earned coven experience for more relics to increase their member's power. The lust for these relics will only continue. With covens wanting to earn more and more experience to obtain these relics, the War Of Covens is born.

The owner (or co-owner) of each coven can choose a day to be their war day the next week. When your day comes, you have 24 hours, from midnight-midnight* game time to get higher War Score than the other covens.

Although the covens actually warring that day are hidden, you will be put against them. Only until the war is over, will you know what covens you were warring directly with the previous day, fighting for coven experience.

War Score is earned by members of the coven fighting all other coven members. You get +1 War Exp for each unique vampire you kill outside your own coven, and in other covens. These numbers are tallied at the end of the day, exp will be paid out, and then all results will be posted on Dead City's War Of Covens page.

Calling all coven owners and co-owners. The wars will begin Monday 3rd February.  You have until this Sunday (23:54 game time) to choose the day next week you would like to war. (As tempting as it  for everybody to choose Monday because you want to play  ASAP, this does means huge competition on this day, and less chance ranking high gaining higher exp.)

A few other points I'd like to make at this stage:
- It is currently set that the top 5 covens that have the highest War Score will earn experience. This probably will change and expand as I see the system used.
- The current payouts for each position will probably change (for the better).
- After this week of testing, and after any tweaking is made, "War Rank" will be added.
- A guide to full information can be found on the War Of Covens page.

Enjoy the wars! Any questions or bugs please post them on this thread.


*Wars last 23 hours and 54 minutes. Ending at 23:54 game time each day.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

New Greenwood!

New Greenwood

Don't let the dodgy looking scenery distract from the money pile

It was just over 2 years ago when I launched Greenwood. Greenwood, a location you can travel to on the portal map, is primarily used to make some money. It was introduced as a way for new players to be able to spend some time making a bit of cash outside of all the other Reign Of Blood activities.

At the end of last year, I suggested that Greenwood would soon be getting an update. I'm happy to announce that it's now ready for you to enjoy.

Changes that have been made:
  • A whole new layout and new way to explore
  • New explore options, including walking forward, to the right, or the left
  • Over 300 brand new images taken by myself and edited by Azz
  • 25 items added solely for selling at the Dead City Pawn Store
  • The overall average payout increased by +45%
That's not all! To add to the mystery of Greenwood, there are 5 places (that appear randomly when searched) where there is hidden QP. These reset each day at midnight game time. The finders are listed on the Greenwood page.

Little Things

  • Dark Tower guide added (The whole feature is getting updated soon)
  • Mordant's Corner quest removed
  • Coven co-owners can now modify coven quests
  • Greenwood daily quest increased to $2,000
  • Fountain of Awe is now compatibility with the upgraded weapon level damage
  • You no longer lose life when using Awe's "Attack On the Dead"
  • Fixed a bug that made the coven clear chat option not appear

War Of Covens

Towards the end of the last year we got a good discussion going about the wars. Now dubbed, War Of Covens. I have created a new thread for all final thoughts before going ahead and working on it (as I said I would in the new year). If you're into the wars, please give it a read and let me know any feedback. Click here to view the thread.


Monday, 6 January 2014

Pawn Shop & VIP+ Updates

Dead City Pawn Shop

At some point or another (most probably not yet) you'll come into items that are not usable, or have no real value to yourself. Well lucky for you, Somter has opened up a Pawn Shop at the Dead City. He pays a fair price for pretty much anything, he's a bit of a hoarder, you see.

Little Things

  • Coven co-owners can now spend relics (owner option to disallow this)
  • New owner/co-owner option to view jailed members
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to have more silver fused dagger than daggers
  • WP Store added to the Dead City shop list
  • Karma is fixed and now open for use again

New VIP+ Features & Special

VIP+ gives you extra benefits over VIP. It hasn't been tweaked in a while, so I've decided to make a couple changes and run a little special for it (as people keep asking). As you know, the VIP MAX packs incude both VIP and VIP+ days. But some of the older players are loads of VIP, and want to just purchase VIP+. You can purchase VIP+ by itself (as long as you have the same or more VIP days) on the dedicated VIP+ page. You can find this page at any time using the [?] link next to VIP+ Days on the left sidebar.

There are now 3 VIP+ packs. 1 month, 6 month and 12 month packs. The price per day decreases the more you buy, the same as VIP.

Until Friday 10th January, get FREE plasma with each VIP+ purchase from one of the packs on this VIP+ page. The more you buy, the more plasma you get!

A few changes/tweaks to the VIP+ benefits:
  • Turn cap increased to 1200
  • Select equipment to sell at reselling store
  • Select items to sell at pawn shop
  • Reduced healing wait time to 20 seconds
  • Ability to  view quest page from any location

The complete VIP+ benefits are listed below and on the VIP+ page:

The Pawn shop is leading to an update that will be released this week...

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Christmas Event Roundup

2013 Christmas Event

I hope you all enjoyed the Christmas event. Using the full features of every event can give you loads of benefits. I know many of you took advantage of it all. If you missed my 2013 year roundup, you can read it here.

Giant Snowman

The Dead City Giant Snowman was finally conquered! He has retreated to whatever chilly cave he came from. Did you actively attack him? If you did, you get a share of sugar he was stashing!

Total grams of sugar he stashed: 400,000 grams
Successful victories: 3,901
Sugar you will earn: 102 grams per victory

Head to Dead City where the giant snowman was located to find out how much of the stash you are entitled to.

Visit and use it by the end of the 5th January. The Dead City Candy Muncher & Maker will stay open until then too.

Lets have a great 2014, shall we? Happy new year to all.

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