Friday, 27 March 2009

Easter VIP time & RoB getting re-branded?!

RoB is growing faster than i am upgrading the hardware to support it, it's like a wild goose chase. So i'm going to make one major upgrade (AKA adding 2 more servers onto the current 2 servers), instead of just adding a stick of ram to the current servers (which are all maxed out with 8gb), i'm still waiting on a price for this, but the estimate wasn't pretty. So as it's Easter time i've put on a Easter plasma pack special to help raise extra funds for this.

Also over the next week RoB will be going through a rebrand... more info on that closer to the time.

Enjoy the small updates as i get time in between coursework, just over a month left, yay =]



Anonymous said...

What is a Re-Brand?

Anonymous said...

well im willing to support the future of ROB.... well done ash....too bad i bought my vip hours before the easter deals lol

DarkAsh said...

It's a secret :P

Anonymous said...

A rebrand is where a company gives itself a new look and feel in order to refresh it's current customers or attract new ones. In this case, just expect alot of the pages to be tidied up and redone. :P

Anonymous said...

dam your not the only one that bought plasma before the easter deals lol

DarkAsh said...


lostboy said...

how long are the deals going to be up?

Anonymous said...

I just joined this. It looks pretty fun.. I have a question though. Do you have to be on for one hour to train, like at the gym and stuff?

Dymitri Noqturnus said...

No you just have to have turns...but here really isn't the place to ask question. All the while, i hope I've assisted.

MiffedJust a Bit said...

Well, I really hope you don't change it to much. I like the original feel of the site, and already it's get a bit, cumbersome. The graphic's aren't what they used to be, and what is with that Star? My friends think I'm on a kiddy website getting flashcards.

LegionAvalon said...

Wow - Major upgrade Ash. My best wishes for all your hopes and dreams. :-)

Anonymous said...

RoB is awesome, been here about 2 months now, given me the best winter nights I could wish for. Will be buying some plasma to help you with your quest for funds! :-) Might even grab some weaponry while I'm at it. Awesome game Ash, here's to the future, long live RoB **raises glass** Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!RoB is awesome!!

shadowmist said...

Rats got my plasma 1 day to soon lol but will get more to help with the upgrades good job ASH

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