Tuesday, 31 March 2009

HATE SOMEONE!!?! Then delete them!! (This goes out the Rain Of Love haters too!!!)

You people make me sick.

Rain Of Love is an AMAZING IDEA, why the hell was it so hated? Nothing to do it really being a prank... never got so many blog comments haha, took ages reading through them laughing my ass off...

To most of you who believed it, jokes on you. Silly people.

Anyone, i was quite offended with the amount of HATE i got on that thread. Joke or not, that's not on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hate someone? I sure have a lot of hate in me now... click here ... and get rid of 1 person you hate. I'm going to choose one of the haters of Rain Of love... took me ages to set that up. Damn you. You can only delete ONE person (not me of course so dont try), make it count.


Anonymous said...

Can I choose to delete God? He gets on my nerves/

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a great joke, regardless how much I despise pink. :) lol

Anonymous said...

yea i know right? it was pretty funny... though i still don't like pink

Guildythewicked said...

Aww shucks!! *throws now dead flower petals*

Anonymous said...

I liked it!!!
i really thought it got changed
can i have it permanantly.. but in red?


Full title

Nefarious Serpine - Prince Of Death =D, but everyone can calll me nef

Mike said...

Ash, your doing a hell of a job! Glad to see the owner of a game interact with its members.

PS Your delete player function is broken :(

Anonymous said...

That was a good Joke lol

shadowmist said...

had me going there thought you might have gone too sweet there LOLOL

Anonymous said...

hey why can't i delete you Ash? c'mon :))

Anonymous said...

it was funny i think it just scared ppl. lol maybe you should have thrown stuff at everyone

Anonymous said...

my girl liked the pink.. make a sister site...... could be money in it?

Myriad said...

Save it. You can bring it back out again every Valentines Day. ;)

Anonymous said...

is this a prank too?

Anonymous said...

(the question asked before clicking on the delete link)

Anonymous said...

Better draining 'em than erasing 'em :)

Anonymous said...

owww we cant really delete anyone and i really wanted to:D

Dr Paradox said...

Ash - you are a comic genius! I salute you! **performs the best Arnold Judas Rimmer salute known to date**
Having spent a number of years with no net access, I joined RoB...I have found a new home :-D
You have my support for whatever you do with RoB (except the flowers!), wish you all the best mate, you deserve it

DarkAsh said...

Thanks Dr Paradox =]

Jeffrey said...

Ash baby, next time there should be benefit of reciving an news info about who wanted to delete me.

I´d love to know how many people would like to delete my account :)

Anonymous said...

Hahah. That's great. But yeah, it would be wrong to delete someone out of spite. I had a feeling it was a prank, but I tried it anyway. XD

Arkhon said...

I want to delete RoB-Bot, he never replied my comment LOL

I liked theses jokes, specially all the ppl. who fell for them, there's still time for one more ;)

Anonymous said...

I dont know how anyone here thought it was real, and actually got pissed abotu it! losers the lot of ye!

Anonymous said...

what? no flower love!?
-throws daisies on the floor-
where will the hippie vampires go now???

I loved the changing the "Attack" to "Hug" on the Battle thingie that really made me lol xD

Well done Ash RoB rocks :]
(though not as much as RoL would have... -sniffle- )

Anonymous said...

is there a counter running so that we can get the top 10 of who we'd like to delete afterwards? :)

Anonymous said...

LOL this was awesome. XD Great stuff!

Anonymous said...

LOLOL Nice joke Ash.. thought i was going to have to start hugging people in here.

Anonymous said...

*Crys* awww man come on, you know how much drama I could have started....i tried deleting Bux,the owner of the buds coven.....lol now THAT would have been awesome....

Impure said...

Dorkbutt. :P

Dylan said...

Dang! Dang you str8 to heck!! lolz thats a pretty awesome joke i tried to delete some random guy with a twilight character name...

Anonymous said...

when i saw the layout i thought 'WTF?!?! Who the he** did this and why?!?!

Death said...

it was a good prank, nice one :-)

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahaha i was like wait wtf is he really gonna let us do that?

LegionAvalon said...

Ash... If you stand for Prime Minister you have my vote - Rock ON!!!

Lilly said...

I rather enjoyed the prank, I laughed when I logged in and everything was pink! Pay no mind to all the haters....jokes on them!

LegionAvalon said...

You do of course remember that Ghandi and Lennon were assasinated... then there was the guy who was nailed to a cross... LOL... Don't worry man, Me and the peace police will form a protective circle. :-)

Anonymous said...

ill delete everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TempoVivace said...

I like the idea of bringing it out for valentines day! I think it'd be hilarious.
I thought it was a funny change. Haters are lamesauce.

Anonymous said...

lol, thats hilarious! I tried and I fell for your prank xD

Anonymous said...

haha nice one ashie BW

Anonymous said...

great job on this game,rain of love would been great too..lol

Anonymous said...

Awww i loves you ash :P

Taikarath said...

Haha, I knew I wouldn't really be able to delete someone, but it was nice trying to do so anyway, just to see what the denial message would be. Great job, love the game, please keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hehe. that was really a good joke. we laughed in coven for soooo long xP

Anonymous said...

ive tried 8 times now to delete the same person shows how much i hate him:D

Haruka Uzumaki said...

awwww i liked it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't you put it on as an opinion layout for us? Please!!!!!!!!!!!!

sluttysexymiya said...

dude that RoL was fucking hilarious!

sluttysexymiya said...

i wanted to delete someone but it didnt work though lol. tha bitch is still here.....lol

Anonymous said...

haha. xp

Airot said...

i wish I were there for it :( Sounds soo awesome :p

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