Monday, 28 November 2011

Charity donations to date ($1338 raised!)

First off, I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has bought any of charity packs or Trik's potions since our charity campaign started. Although even kindness has obstacles, I think overall it's good to help out others in need, even if we're playing as blood sucking vampires.

2012 will be a different year
I have no plan on stopping charity support, but next year we're going to do things a bit differently. Instead of a different charity every month, we're going to take the whole years pot of money and let the players who added to the pot choose the top 5 charities it should equally go to. It will be a lot easier to organise and run, and will give you the chance of having a say of who we support. I hope you agree with this change.

How much have we raised?
We have a raised a total of $1348 (£885)

Action Aid [ Fundraising page ]
£250 + £120

British Red Cross

Cancer Research  [ Fundraising page ]

Help For Heroes [ Recent donated image ]
£80 + £50

Save the Children 

WWF (tiger)  

Here's what some of our players say about our charity support:

"And R.O.B is definitely setting the standard, paving the way, leading by example by donating to various charities"

"It`s an honor to be apart of such a diverse and generous online community that is willing to give to the various charitable organizations"

"I've never played a game with the owner who cares about the world around them"

"My aunt died of cancer last year and it made me so happy that the online game I play was supporting a breast cancer charity"

"This makes me even more proud to be a ROB player"

December Charity
Decembers charity, and the final month of the year, will be WWF again. They have a new snow winter pack, which goes to support penguins, snow leopards & polar bears. I want to raise the $200 (£125) needed for this donation.

Thanks again for all your support!


Thursday, 24 November 2011

Black Friday weekend celebrations

Ye olde plasma sale
The majority of the world are celebrating discounts today, so why not us as well? Great offers on plasma packs, head to the Buy Plasma page for all the details.

Black Friday plasma rewards
So you've just got a great deal on some plasma, want to be rewarded more? Excellent idea! Head the to Black Friday plasma rewards page at Dead City, where you can get even more rewards for supporting the game this weekend. (The first 2 deals are open to everyone!) Paypal, Google & Ultimate game card special packs add to your Black Friday plasma count.

Black Friday quest
Can't celebrate a weekend without a little quest, right? A nice simple *shopping list* type quest for you to complete for a tasty little reward.

Black Friday double turn weekend
Just to top this all off, we're going to have a double turns weekend too!

ALL of this will end Sunday night, enjoy it whilst it lasts!

Oh, and happy thanksgiving to all the Americans!

Enjoy the weekend!

Monday, 21 November 2011

New VIP Subscriptions [updated]

New subscriptions - Never run out of VIP again! [UPDATED]
An idea that has been suggested several times, more targeted at the vampires that prefer less effort, is VIP subscriptions. Well, finally, they are here! And what's even better the plasma ones come with better rates. Click here to check them out!

Unfortunately, this feature is only available with Paypal, as they are the only payment system that currently offers this service. Our payment terms page has been updated to accommodate the terms with subscriptions.

[UPDATE] I've had some teething problems with multi-currency subscriptions (the first few that subscribed would have noticed this, as I had to add your packs manually). I closed new subscriptions down all the day yesterday until I could call Paypal this morning, which I have just done. They found a fix to the problem (although it's really long winded) and I have escalated a feature request to their tech team which would make things a bit easier (my end).  All current subscriptions are active, although if you don't get your stuff when your payment is taken next month, let me know right away. If you have any concerns or questions about your subscriptions, please send me a blood letter. All new subscriptions from now on will be fine, so feel free to subscribe to any pack.  There are still free gifts to be earned for people who subscribe, and they'll all be giving out at the end of the week.

And the other updates from yesterdays blog if you missed it...

New VIP Page
I have completely re-designed the Reign Of Blood upgrade store. Hit the BUY VIP/PLASMA link to check it out. It's broken down a lot better instead of everything just listed on one page.

Thank you for your patience with the change over from Wallie. My application to a new provider is still being processed, will let you know when it's ready as soon as possible.

Ultimate game card
I've had reports of people finding lots of retail stores in Australia that now sell the Ultimate Game Card. So I've happily added it to RoB!

Can you guess?
Our 2000 day old celebration blog included a little competition. The answer I was thinking was : The base price for VIP has always been based on $5 USD. Congratulations to Lust~N~Desire (519885) for getting it first.

Please let me know if you have any problems with the above updates.

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

New VIP SUBSCRIPTIONS (with offer) & page layout

New VIP Page
I have completely re-designed the Reign Of Blood upgrade store. Hit the BUY VIP/PLASMA link to check it out. It's broken down a lot better instead of everything just listed on one page.

New subscriptions - Never run out of VIP again!
An idea that has been suggested several times, more targeted at the vampires that prefer less effort, is VIP subscriptions. Well, finally, they are here! And what's even better the plasma ones come with better rates. Click here to check them out!

Unfortunately, this feature is only available with Paypal, as they are the only payment system that currently offers this service. Our payment terms page has been updated to accommodate the terms with subscriptions.

The first 20 people to subscribe to any pack will receive a free random gift!

Thank you for your patience with the change over from Wallie. My application to a new provider is still being processed, will let you know when it's ready as soon as possible.

Ultimate game card
I've had reports of people finding lots of retail stores in Australia that now sell the Ultimate Game Card. So I've happily added it to RoB!

Can you guess?
Our 2000 day old celebration blog included a little competition. The answer I was thinking was : The base price for VIP has always been based on $5 USD. Congratulations to Lust~N~Desire (519885) for getting it first.

Please let me know if you have any problems with the above updates.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, 14 November 2011

New forum update, blood letter changes & more

Good afternoon vampires! I've spent my time today going through the suggestion forum and started implementing some features that you guys want!

Relationship Forum
[ Thread ] With complaints of the last forum posts flooded with marriage and family threads, I have decided it is indeed needed to have a dedicated forum board for the family finding needs. You'll find a link to this new forum board on the "other forums" section at the top of the main forum page.

Coven pages changes
[ Thread ] Coven stats & relic information are now fused into one page.  Your coven war tier & war information is also now also displayed on the coven stats page. The coven members page now has a quick blood letter option link.

Name colours
[ Thread ] When you change your chat font colour, or your chat name colour, the colour is now displayed on the confirmation page, so you don't have to go post something in the chat to see what it's changed to. I've also added a link to w3schools, which has a large variety of hex colour codes you can choose from.

Blood Letter updates
There have been a few blood letter suggestions, so here are the ideas I've deemed suitable:

- You can now delete items from your sent messages notification list
- Search sent blood letter notifications with subject or vampire ID
- You can now save message templates (up to 5)
- You can now quickly send a blood letter to anyone on your friends list
- (A blood letter link has been added to the coven members lists)

War loophole
It seems someone found a good loophole in the wars to annoys their enemy. How do you do this? By disbanding a coven whilst in a war! A bit extreme, but this loophole has been closed. If you want to ever disband your coven, you now have to wait until any active wars are over.

Lottery Jackpot
Saturday night saw Reign Of Blood's biggest lottery jackpot ever, reaching over $1billion. Congratulations to the winners, spend it wisely.

Wallie Card
Wallie, as of tomorrow, is not being sold anywhere anymore. I had a letter through the post with all the details. All current Wallie Cards are valid until January 2012, but here at Reign Of Blood we'll be removing Wallie completely in the next couple weeks.

We have a replacement lined up, a bigger prepaid card company (that sells in all the places Wallie does & then some). More info on that soon.

Blog link changes
All links on this blog now open in a new window/tab. I didn't realise they didn't before, and I know that can be annoying, but they all now open in a new tab :)

Big update?
There are several updates already coded that are linked to the new upcoming big update, which is a bit frustrating! It's a lot more work than i thought, but I'm dedicating a lot of my time at the moment (as well as these other smaller updates) and getting it done as fast as I can. It's going to be a lot of fun.

Enjoy your week!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Reign Of Blood is 2000 days old

Here's to the next 2000
Not a normal milestone, but one worth noting nonetheless. Reign Of Blood was opened 2000 days ago today. That's a long time! And what a journey it's been...

Promocode: 2000days

(To quickly use your promo code, on the RoB toolbar, hit "top links" then "[promo codes]", otherwise go to the game updates page)

Can you guess?
There is one thing (I'm thinking of) which has NOT changed in the last 2000 days of RoB's existence. 1 plasma to the person who first guesses correctly what that thing is. Click here to visit the thread, one post each.

Social Networks
If you're not following us on the below social networks, you should be!
- Our Facebook page
- Our Google+ page
- Our Twitter page

Thanks to everyone who has supported the game in the last 2000 days, and here's to everyone who supports it in the next 2000!


Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Reign Of Blood's Official Google Plus Page

Offical Google Plus page
[ Click here to view our Google+ page ]

Google+ have officially opened up pages for Google+ users. So I've decided to make one for RoB. Click the link above or image below to check it out.

So everybody who is on Google+, please follow and +1 us :)

Lottery Rollover
The lottery rollover jackpot for this weekend is over $550mil. There's going to be a few richer vampires in the Dead City this week. It's probably worth getting a few tickets, even if you don't usually buy any.

The Reign Of Blood toolbar has been updated with the new Google+ page link. Firefox and IE users can get the toolbar here for free.

More to come, enjoy the rest of the week!

Friday, 4 November 2011

Double points weekend, November competition & charity

October Competition Winner
The best RAHP rap was done by Jagerbong (486781)

Rap is crap, we ain`t down with that, 
But Rahp attack is a effin blast! 

Twice revived, yeah twice alive, 
gettin a piece of that apple pie.

Every 30 minutes best prepare to die, 
when my zeon blade comes down from the sky. 

So get on your knees, it`s time to beg Ash please,
give the rob community what it needs.

Just 1 more day, just one more time,
Revive at half past puts us in overdrive. 

Everyone who entered properly will now be sent a plasma just for entering, thanks for taking part!

November Competition
November's competition is to think up a motto for Reign Of Blood's Christmas advertising campaign next month. I know, i know, it's the start of November. but if the supermarkets already have entire isles dedicated to xmas, surely it's okay for us to start a little early too?

The motto should be no more than a sentence long, it could arrange from serious to silly-funny. The winner will get 10 plasma, and for every other one that I like / amuses me, will get a plasma too.

Head to the competition page for more information.

November charity

To celebrate remembrance day this month, the charity will be Help For Heroes again, supporting the soldiers who get wounded defending our countries.

The lottery has finally rolled over again, it's been a while since it has. The jackpot is over $200million, and I'm sure it'll be higher before tomorrow nights draw, good luck to all those who have entered.

Double Points weekend
Earn double points again on all points offers. This will end Sunday night.

Halloween events & specials
The zombie slaying even is now over, the VIP and plasma special will continue until Sunday night. Thanks for taking part and all your support.

311,706 zombies were killed in total, good job!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Halloween is over for another year :(

I hope you all enjoyed this years Halloween events. The zombie slaying will continue for a couple more days, and the plasma special will last until the end of the week. Can't wait to get more updates done for you guys soon.

Enjoy the week!

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