Thursday, 10 November 2011

Reign Of Blood is 2000 days old

Here's to the next 2000
Not a normal milestone, but one worth noting nonetheless. Reign Of Blood was opened 2000 days ago today. That's a long time! And what a journey it's been...

Promocode: 2000days

(To quickly use your promo code, on the RoB toolbar, hit "top links" then "[promo codes]", otherwise go to the game updates page)

Can you guess?
There is one thing (I'm thinking of) which has NOT changed in the last 2000 days of RoB's existence. 1 plasma to the person who first guesses correctly what that thing is. Click here to visit the thread, one post each.

Social Networks
If you're not following us on the below social networks, you should be!
- Our Facebook page
- Our Google+ page
- Our Twitter page

Thanks to everyone who has supported the game in the last 2000 days, and here's to everyone who supports it in the next 2000!



Guildythewicked said...

Congrats Ash and thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats and thanks

Apophis said...

Congrats Ash and here's to the next 2000!

Morganika said...

Congrats Ash. Thank you for making such an awesome game! <3

Anonymous said...

Happy b day Rob.

Michael Diack said...

Happy birthday. Congrats on all the hard work.

Michael Diack said...

Congrats on all the hard work. This is the only online game I still play.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS ASH, And Thank You. All the best for the next 2000 .

Asthenia said...

Happy Birthday to ROB, and Congrats on the success, Ash! I have personally been on the site for around half that long, but how has Dead City grown! Lets go on for twice as much!

Anonymous said...

Grats RoB!!!

Holy crap that means I'm 2000 days old too.... lol

Lady Death (5)

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