June's Charity
This months Charity was going to be UniCef, they help children all over the world and also one of main charities which are helping with the Haiti Crisis. But after I setup the fund-raising page, I got this *DENIED* email:
Hello Ashley,
I wanted to make contact to inform you that we have unfortunately needed to remove your myfundraising page. Although we are very grateful for your support here at UNICEF, after careful consideration we have decided not to accept the funds raised through your ‘reign of blood’ game. We feel it would be inappropriate to accept funds raised through a vampire computer game. We are also guided by the public view and perceptions of companies in the UK. Whilst we understand that that these might not always be totally accurate, we must take these views into account in order to avoid any negative publicity.
I didn't realise charities could afford to push away donations. I guess a vampire game isn't good enough for them. Their loss!
UPDATE: They sent me another email.
So this months charity will be...
Everybody knows the Help For Heroes charity. We're going to do our bit to help those who are injured fighting in the current wars.
Thank you for all your continuous support & allowing us to be one the few online games that help out good causes (or at least try in some cases).
Real time Clock
If you've not already noticed (or read the last blog yet) we have a new ticking clock! Pretty cool huh? But remember, if it doesn't work properly in your browser/mobile device, you can turn it off the account options page.
May competition winner
Here is the winner for the may competition. Why? Simply because it speaks truth. Congratulations - Xenia Le Doux (319314) [ View Image ]
June Competition
This month's competition is being held in Greenwood. Special grams of dirt are hiding around inside caves, the top 3 players with the most amount of dirt found by the 30th June, will win 100 plasma, 30 plasma, and 10 plasma. Leaderboards will be put up later in the month.Blood shortage
Battling activity is at a all time high. Although that's a good thing, but with the lack of ~20,000 blood filled accounts being killed an hour, there isn't enough to go around anymore. (Even with the 200-300 new vampires each day). We are working on more ways to get blood to you all. Yummy blood. Stay tuned.
Enjoy the weekend to come,
Damn Unicef, going to have to stick my foot up their arse now. *scowls*
At least they are successfully avoiding negative publicity.
LOL now I see why they can't help when they have to; that's a very stupid attitude, does it matter where the money came from when you are in need for help? No!!! You need help, you take whatever comes in!!!
The "public view and perceptions of companies in the UK" must be very narrow to make Unicef think they won't get more support because a "vampire game" helped them, oh man that's why the UN fails!
So a vampire game equals negative publicity? They can go screw themselves. Anyway, congrats to the competition winner!
Unicef is so full of shit. To worried about thier 'image' that they turn away help?! Wft Unicef.
It's a CHARITY how does it get any publicity then the fact it's helping someone?? Are they LYING?? for god sakes, that's insane..
Thanks for the news Ash ... and as for the charity, how lame!!! Here we have Planned Parenthood which I would think is also in the UK in some form??? I'm sure they wouldn't turn down money on the basis of "public image" (not they don't get disssed continuously). How said that Unicef has taken this approach ... as I can imagine that they have many employees who read, write and probably PLAY RoB!!!! Egads!!! *shakes head and walks away with her head held high, reminding Ash to do the same. :)
I think everybody should hit unicef up and call them on there bull shit on face book they do have a facebook site
Well, it's UniCef's loss. By rejecting a donation based on something as stupid as "Image". I thought they were all about helping children? Huh...
Oh wow, that is totally lame. Stuck up bastards. Oh well, I'm not going to junk up our blog with my hatred of their nonsense... Congrats to the contest winner! And thanks Ash for starting to work on our blood problem.
I think they are over reacting. I honestly don't think they would get any negative publicity or their other major donators would care. If any publicity came from the donation it would be to commend Ash for setting up the game, turning it into something successful that generates revinue and donating some of the proceeds to charity at such a young age.
They only avoided "negative publicity" until somebody accidentally lets it slip that Unicef turned away a donation. A charity turning away a donation, publicity doesn't get much more negative than that. Just sayin'.
They only avoided "negative publicity" until someone let's it slip that they turned away a donation. A charity refusing a donation, really? Publicity doesn't get much more negative than that. Just sayin'.
Thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I cannot believe a charity would actually turn down donations. What is the world coming to when certain money is not good enough because of a game....
Like the Childrenn would be so "picky" about where the money came from .... about as stupid as marking the names of donors of cans of food to a Food Bank so the hungry could be certain of Where their food is coming from .... !!!! Wonder IF those image conscious ppl donate to charities themselves .... ummm ... mmmmm ..... Vladina
I think any charity that denies donations no matter where they come from are stuck up charities!!!! Ash I think your new charity pick is an amazing one and that a lot of people forget that no matter what country you live in it is the Soldiers that keep us in our life styles and give us the ability to play Reign of Blood!!!! GREAT PIC AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR OPEN HEART WITH DOING THE CHARITY PROGRAM BRO HIGH 5 BRO!!!!! Flereous Cain
BAHAHAHA wow omg way to go unicef. I can't believe they turned our money down. I know i won't be donating to them in the future, i mean if there too well of that they can pick and choose who their donations come from , clearly they don't need MY Money.
I'm proud to be apart of a community of online gamers who WANT to give to charity. You don't see any other online gaming communities doing that. I'm proud of Ash for heading that up for us and making it another reason that ROB is a gaming experience you can't find elsewhere.
As far as UNITWATS go. I really think someone needs to write the press and let them know that we've been discriminated against just because of our game. Had each of us as individuals turned money into them it would have been welcomed. ROB players money is as green as the next guys and it's deplorable that they would take away from people who could have benefited from our generosity. Screw them.
~Kitty Kat
It's truly a shame that Unicef would be so narrow-minded, but I'm thankful to hear that you were able to pick such an excellent charity to replace them with.
Keep up the good work!
wonder if they would turn down help from soldiers and other military? I know the kids in Egypt that were given my sons rations were happy to have it.
That is absolutely stupid, denying RoB's donations. Ungrateful and definitely stuck up.
Shame on UNICEF!!!
I get the impression that UNICEF do not know what our game is all about - it is as much community as anything - and I am sure that they are not too proud to receive the voluntary donations the member states make, bearing in mind that money comes directly from the taxes we pay.
A real shame, but on the other hand, congrats to Help For Heroes
You know I've been paying attention to things when in the almost 2 years I've been here, I thought DarkAsh was a dude XDDD
And UniCef isn't all that good of a charity if you actually look at them, nor are they a charity that'll draw as much support from the American population as Hope for Heroes will
Excellent alternative choice of charity, massive support for Help for Heroes.
what the... are they even in 'need' of donations? I mean if they can decline funds... they do not seem to be in dire need right?
well since I aren't American I do not know 'Help for heroes' but after reading about them I must say more than an excellent choice..
I'm just wandering if one of those million kids in need or families hear that he is not getting food this month because it comes from a place that it does not suit a political image...because it is pure political bullshit.
Unicef, do you really think kids dying will f...care where the food is coming from?
That is crazy about the charity.You would think money was money to a charity.I might could see it if this was a drug cartel donating drug money.Well,congrates to Mays comp winner and I would like to know how to get in on this months competion.
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