Sunday, 5 June 2011

Plasma lottery feature test, new coven donate options & June comp status

Plasma Lottery
Going to buy plasma this week? Good call. I had this idea brought to me a while back, and spent 15 minutes coding it up. I don't know whether it will be successful or not, the only real way is to try out. A new plasma lottery (this week only for now) has been launched! It'll give people who buy plasma this week a chance to win a bit more! If you go to the BUY VIP page you'll see the amount of entries you get with each of the plasma packs. This also includes the charity plasma pack. Whether this will be successful or not, we'll have some fun with it this week. The draw takes place on Saturday night and you can enter up to the draw. (The exact time has not been decided yet). Just a little extra thank you to our supporters. You can find the link below the regular lottery in the Dead City. If you love the idea and want this feature to continue, support it! :) The future of the feature could be just turning it into the regular lottery but buying tickets with plasma itself, rather than entries direct from the packs, that's possible too. Let me know your feedback on that. Of course the only problem with the feature, is you're gambling with the most valuable currency on the game. Will people be willing to do it? We'll see. (Paypal and Google Checkout only at the moment) The formula for working out the jackpot will not be displayed at this time. Not into plasma? That's fine. You can ignore this feature for now :) A way of earning free entries may come at a later date. Stay tuned.

Coven storage
Due to the horde of requests, you can now donate plasma and potion credits to a coven. Coven members with the option to "Give/Lend funds" have access to distribute the plasma and potion credits. Plasma/Potion Credits will not add to your "total donated" variable.

June Competition
I've been asked quite a bit about the status of the June Competition. Let me tell you that you will be able to see how many grams of dirt you have found next week. And the total leaderboards will be posted at the end of the week. I will however tell you the top 5 dirt finders to date (in no particular order):

Footman DCXLV (40487)
Shawn Breach (245670)
Blade (424861)

Linus Tourettes (252462)
Dreamweaver (248485)

This weekend is over, but try to enjoy the week!


Anonymous said...

All new stuf good, but anxiously awaiting MORE BLOOD in the game .... PLZ !!!

LC said...

Interesting ideas. Kind of sucks that the other methods of pay don't give you entries into this raffle since I prefer the Game Card route to buy my stuff.

L Tourettes said...

Alright, I'm in the running... Can't wait for the leaderboards.

Joshua Phuri Dae said...

Awesome, I love Plasma :) However, VIP Bundles also give you Plasma, why not allow them to have Lottery Tickets also? Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

why is the Lottery staying at 200 I figured the more people that buy into it the bigger the payout ? glad I only bought a small one to test this out not worth it in my opinion if there is only going to be a cap on the lottery of 200 good for who ever wins but shouldn't have a cap

Joshua Phuri Dae said...

Anon, it might have something to do with which Plasma packs are being purchased. If people are only buying small - mid plasma, then it makes sense why the lotto isn't that big as of yet.

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