Thursday, 29 April 2010

VIP+ on Reign Of Blood (For those who just can't help but want more)

Surprisingly enough a feature that was suggested a lot was the option of buying  "Super VIP" which had a few extra benefits over VIP. With this much want why would I turn it away?

The features of VIP+ are:

+5 extra MP an hour

5 % Blood Ruby discount

900 turn cap

$65,000 bank interest cap

1000 turn daily gym limit lifted

x 1 result in the gym removed

You need a minimum of 100 VIP days to have VIP+ Days. All the information is displayed on the VIP+ page which can be accessed when you have 100+ VIP Days. I'm running it in BETA for a while and make sure it works okay and I'll adjust anything later on, I'll keep an eye on the feedback.

With the ever growing monthly backup fees (increases each month as RoB gets bigger) this is very convenient. I already know some of the feedback I'm going to get for doing this, but I hope you see the positive side. There are people who don't like to buy plasma, this will be a great way from the to contribute to game further without doing that, as requested.

On another side, a new equipment feature is in works and hopefully will be ready for release soon, I hope you'll like it!

Had lots of requests also for the coven forums to be updated, I assure you they are being worked on too!



Anonymous said...

the vip+ sounds really cool, i might try that soon XD

Anonymous said...

Hellz yes i love this idea!!!!

- Ryuski Devil Dawn

Nefertiti||AdmetaDeVemeras said...

Awesomesauce ^^

Anonymous said...

So as soon as you're under 100 VIP days it goes away?

Audrey said...

I wanna try it right now!

Ravyn Alexion Darkbourne (214404) said...

Awesome Ash, way to make the game ever better once again (I can't wait for the updated coven forums personally). I just wonder if the Super VIP is activated by the 100+ days or if, once you have the 100+ days you have to THEN buy it? Just wondering :D

~R.A.D. ~ "The Bio Guy"
Ravyn Alexion Darkbourne (214404)

DarkAsh said...

You wont be able to buy it or trade for it if you have less than 100 days. But correct, it would have no effect if you have less than 100 normal VIP days, you also cannot have more + days than normal VIP days.

Vie (82837) said...

I like the idea it sounds great and will create incentive to buy more. Can't wait to see the rest of the ideas you've been working on.

Undead Chaos Gnome™ said...


Demon Of Hell said...

great idea!
ill probably never get it but its really good for the people who have a lot of vip days. i cant wait for the coven forum update

Anonymous said...

So what's the pricing on these days like? Since we're already paying a fee to have above 100 VIP days. And what happens if you go below 100 reg VIP days, with VIP+ days left?

Ravyn Alexion Darkbourne (214404) said...

@Anonymous at 00:15

I believe what he is saying is that once you have over 100 VIP days those additional ones are automatically VIP+ days. That way no one wastes money on days that would get deleted and such. I might be wrong and look like an idiot in the end but meh, trying to help :D

@Demon of Hell

Agreed with the updated Coven Forums my friend! I've been waiting too long :P

~R.A.D. ~ "The Bio Guy"

Anonymous said...

No, he said "You wont be able to buy it or trade for it if you have less than 100 days."

Ravyn Alexion Darkbourne (214404) said...

Told you I might look like an idiot :D Ash! Explain to your minions how it will work exactly bro!

~R.A.D. ~ "The Bio Guy"

DarkAsh said...

VIP+ days will still have effect if your VIP days run below 100. But you cannot get anymore VIP+ days until your VIP days are back over 100 again. You also cannot have more VIP+ days than VIP days.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is I suggested quite a few things mentioned in the above +vip ordeal. Yet when mentioned My shit got shot down. Funny how all of a sudden it's changed.

Ravyn Alexion Darkbourne (214404) said...

Another 69 VIP days have been purchased. I now have 110 VIP days and will spend an additional $10 on the 21 VIP+ days before the weekend is over. Thanks for the new perks bro!

~R.A.D. ~ "The Bio Guy"

Derek Doomsayer said...

Ash why not have a first timers (beginners) VIP package too?

Anonymous said...

So us normal VIPs with under 100 days can't even see the cost, or what? :S

Anonymous said...

So why only the 5% discount on rubies? Regular VIP on equipment is 20%, why not give like 10% to VIP, and the full 20% to VIP+?

Gabriella DeathWish said...

SWEET!!!!! I think this idea rocks! Even more is I never let my VIP fall below 200, so the 100 deal def. cool. Love it though..and as always..your awesome Ash, and Thanks:)

Anonymous said...

That's actually... a really good idea. I might have to try it out soon.

Anonymous said...

It's a good idea, but I think you have the price way too high for it. $10 for 21 days? When you can spend $15 more and get over a year. Yes I know there are added benefits, but I don't think the benefits are good enough for how much more expensive these are.

Anonymous said...

[does a bootay dance] i got it i got it woohoo kick ass

Anonymous said...

do ViP+ members get different/bonus image next to their name in chats so people can see how many + members there are?

Anonymous said...

Not worth it.

Anonymous said...

Will vamps with VIP+ days get 20 Turns/Hour?

Anonymous said...

The person who said "you can spend $15 more and get over a year" i don't understand; $10 + $15 = $25 which is cost of 6 months, not a year.

I'm still not understanding the fees, or duration. We pay an ADDITIONAL $10, after already paying for the basic vip, to turn our vip days into + days? Or...

The vip+ days are added onto the regular vip... so we would have 100 regular vip days followed by 21 days of +?

Anonymous said...

not paying $10 for it or whatever the uk equivalent is and not trading 4 vip days for 1 vip+ day in my view not worth it

Theo DeathSpirit said...

Hell yeah Ash. It sounds great and all. The only thing that sucks is the new equipment thingy. The "Strong equipment sets as in +310 +325 +350 and +400 are already degraded due to the high new equipment that was released on January. Can you at least also upgrade those so the value stays as high as it used to be? I mean it's obvious how low the 310's are comparing to the +300 you can get on the market. It's not even worth it anymore. Back with max +200 in the market it was a great deal to buy +250's. That feature went to hell when the +300 were released and the only difference between the market and the RL money purchasable equipment became only +10.

DarkAsh said...

A lot more positive feedback then I thought there would be, thanks!

284566 said...

I have exactly 100 days according to my homepage and cant view the vip+... :S

Anonymous said...

I think there should be extra hourly turns. Otherwise, it just isn't worth the $ being asked.

Anonymous said...

This sucks, the benefits are too little and only favour those who are super rich.

Anonymous said...

woooohooo, let the rich people become stronger and yet again buy themselves to the top.

Anonymous said...

But now people who can pay get even more benefits. Why not fix the points so they actually work? D:

Anonymous said...

Ok, to the people whining that they won't get extra turns, what part of "x 1 result in the gym removed" did you not understand? That's far BETTER for training than even 5 or 10 extra turns per hour. Also, I'm looking forward to that equipment update, I'm hoping for speed equipment. :P

Anonymous said...

20 turns an hour, thats a good plus, and it's not asking that much

Anonymous said...

this is a terrible idea!

Anonymous said...

I mispoke before, yes $15 more wouldn't be a year. But regardless, 6 months for $25 or $10 for less than a month. I'd rather have the 5+ months for the additional $15.

You get more with VIP than you do with VIP+ in the long run.

*These numbers are based on 30 day months*

If you have VIP for 6 months. That's 54,000 turns you are able to build up extra (due to the turn max increase) And 10.8mil in interest, providing you are getting the max amount.

For VIP+, spending $20 for 42 days. You get 25,200 turns built up extra. And $2,730,000 in interest.

Now granted you get it within 2 months, but after those 42 days. You'll have to spend more to keep the benefits. I'd rather spend the $25, $5 more, and get more in the longer run at a cost that is worth it.

Gabriella DeathWish said...

idc...the x1 in the gym alone makes all worth while...and the others are flippin' great too. I am happy as hell! :D

Anonymous said...

I don't know about this... it seems like it would simply cause more segregation in the game. Maybe VIP should be updated to that VIP+ idea.

Other stuff... cool looking forward to it.

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