Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Lottery system updates!

As hugely requested you can now buy multiple tickets in one go! Just head over to the Lottery Center in the Dead City and get your tickets for this weeks roll over jackpot!

I want this week to be the biggest prize week we've had so far. So get over there and buy some tickets! It also now says on the page how many you can afford with the money you have in hand to save you the pain of working it out.

Please also note the changes to the recent forum joke competition.

Enjoy and I hope to make someone rich this week!



Anonymous said...

now the jackpot will surely grow nice job ash

†Deamon Whispers† said...

hell yeah I just bot 141 tickets wish me luck

Duke Danse Macambre said...

Saves me a hell of alot of time now. :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome. thanks for that. god forbid we don't know how to divide by two and carry zeroes. hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

...a waste of monies...:|

MuDD (177587) said...

If I am doing my math right, and I would like to think I am, that means that $51,876,500 ( as of this post going up everytime you buy a ticket) in game money that has already been eaten by the lotto monster Nom Nom Nom and to never be seen again

Guildythewicked said...

Thanks Ash. nice update.

On another note: I really wish the anonymous morons who have to post first, just to post, would knock it the heck off. it's stupid.

Forgotten Ravenshadow Sortiliege said...

Thank you ash.

Anonymous said...

and guildy i wish all you weirdos would get your noses from ash's ass

Anonymous said...

wootness 4 u!

Anonymous said...

i never won a lotto before. i hope i will win the lotto

Anonymous said...

totally unrelated but i think it sucks that i only get reward for QOTD once out of NINE and counting

Anonymous said...


bloodyroes said...

yea ok

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