There seems to be a cock-up with the daily reset that just happened...
The grave market has seem to completely messed up, all shares have been vanished and everything has gone to way below 0. I've even got the server mangement guys looking at possible database corruption of the gravemarket tables. Unfortunately there are no backups of the gravemarket (sorry), due to the amount of data being backed up we cant do it all (was getting really expensive), so we had to cut a few corners. I will make it up to you if we cant get it fixed, so sorry!
Will let you know as we find more out.
I've added a promo code for you to use till we get it fixed: STOCKERROR (it should give you back some of what was lost)
Thursday, 1 April 2010
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OMG nooo I had my life savings in the grave market ... Please Ash Please get this fixed
Promo code accepted!
You have - 735675675 turns
You have - 5675675364756756 strength
You have - 45654774747 speed
Unknown error. Your account has been deleted to prevent database corruption.
You had me going there Ash...
Hmm...April's Fools?
Darren Iceshard
oh shit ash....ouch buddy....scared the living shit outta me
-Fang Devil
yeah right. i've lost no money. seeing as it's now April 1st for you and not for another 5 hours in the US. I'm guessing this is an April Fools joke. I bet I'm right
BUT shit ash...get me what i had back...which was only 7 on lottery... XD
-Fang Devil
OK,,no worry's,,,
Thank you Ash,,,*smiles*
Nice one, Ash!
I had a feeling going into it that that may be the case..lol but when i seen the account deletion shit..I hate to say it I freaked...OMG
such a lil shit Ash but <3's ya any ways...hehe
... wow if you can't figure out this was a Joke for april fools (unless for some reason you don't have it where you come from) I am not sure you should be playing a game like this
Hahahahaha Good one Ash! April fools!
Promo code, ouch!!! I mean nice Touch!!!
OH,,you dog,,
So not funny,,,*laughs*
Call me a B word will yah,,,
You Sh.. ,,,,*laughs*
:( The code didn't give me anything.
NOT funny Ash! My heart rate went up! >_>
Lol. I have to admit: that was awesome.
I know it's a prank but I've still got to try the code, lol.
Wow, way to spoil it for everyone else, guys. :)
LMAO!! That was a good one.
in the us its still march so i dont get it
O.o i put 200,000 into the ghost town aswell. omg.
ok so i get it yhea april fools ha fricking ha
ash had 30000 shares in the grave market and would like to know is there an actual error that is keeping from sellin my stock or is that just part of the joke?
if its part of the joke when will i be able to sell my stock cuz um well im losein cash the longer the joke goes on....
1939 all over lost 1000 share in plasma fubar lot of free bees
Wow, that was nice ash XD Even thought this has already happened to me once today I still fell for that XD I really hope this is an april fools joke though, otherwise that would suck.
On another game I played they had a new thing in the rules changing everything to make the game pointless and stupid. I fell for that until I read the comments in the forum on it too, so yeah lol Tribal wars was the game.
Haha i didn't even think of that.. still March 31st here ;)
I hate you. -_-
LOL Good one. Much better than Reign of Love or whatever it was.
not Arpil first yet Deathwish Dumbass
Its funny but Americans are like 6 hours behind so.........yeah sitll funny though
WOW that reminded me of the American stock market crash. Of course, it also reminds me of America now.
Fuck you Ash.:-):d
-Cookie Monster Souskue Madara
.....wow nice prank Ash. I should have known you would prank us. o.o
-Sexy Luvr Kira FireFangs
So, The Gravemarket IS not messed up? Cause I went in to the market, and it LOOKS F.U.B.A.R!
Stock name Last change Buy/sell price Shares owned
Ghost Town shares -34535353453 -3445645645 0 / 15000
Dead City shares -34535353453 -3445645645 0 / 15000
Spring Valley shares -34535353453 -3445645645 0 / 15000
Demeters shares -34535353453 -3445645645 0 / 15000
RoB Dungeon shares -34535353453 -3445645645 0 / 15000
Lottery shares -34535353453 -3445645645 0 / 15000
Plasma shares -34535353453 -3445645645 0 / 15000
And, If it is messed up... I have Notes on all I had and even what I paid for it.
happy april fool's day ash! though i must say i think reign of love last year was more inventive ;), this isn't bad lol. hope you have fun getting people irl too :)
Oh my god, when I saw that, I thought my account ctually ahd been deleted...was that a April fools thing? Cause you got me good
Right, well, now that thats all said and done; can you put it back to the way it was? Greatly appreciated.
OMFG Is it April 1st already?! Jeez. Haha.
Lmao. Damn you Ash! I almost had a heartattack due to that -blinks before he smiled brightly- Good one xD
Grtzzz Phoenix.
LOL lucky i'm one of those ungullable English who keeps his wits about him :P still funny the reaction though XD
OMG you actually had me there! I thought it was real! lol good one :D defiantly made my day!
damn you ash you got me:p
Very convenient though considering the extremely low plasma shares that LOTS of people have been buying. Let's hope it returns to normal soon eh?
yes i bought yestreday plasma shares for 65§ i spend 325000§...
hey it's the code for real use or just a prank? i used the code, but i didn't receive no turns nor any other status
I don't care who you are... that's some funny shit right thar... lmao...
OMG- I'm gonna kick your Arse! I was just about having a heart attack.. nice! Just wait, paybck is a *itch!! ;) ...and April Fools Ash.. I hope someone gets you real good today! - Lydea Mey Aeternalis
Oh, for Pete's sake...
I hate April 1st every single year...
So not funny u are -2000 points after easer break lets see if u can redeem any of them. :(
very funny when do we get our stocks back i had alot of money tied up in it
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