Congrats to Xanthis (139648) for winning this weeks lotto & 25 eggs!!
I have given everybody 3 free eggs also because I'm just that nice.
The VIP/Plasma special will run until MONDAY night (game time). So get what you can now. At this time also the Easter bunny will go into hiding until next year, so make sure you spend your eggs before then.
Thanks & enjoy!
Saturday, 3 April 2010
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WooT! First!
Woohoo!!! ~runs off to see how much money I should blow~
Stupid question. But they get the money as well as the eggs corrects? My roommate wants me to clarify. >_<
Yes the winner gets the money too lol
Thank you kindly Ash..I do appreciate it!
Thank you, Ash, for being so generous with the Easter eggs. :)
Thanks Ash!!!
thank you Ash ^_^
What happened to the 5 eggs???
thx :)
Happy Easter,,
woot! yes! happy zombie jesus day!
Ha, thanks Ash (:
awwww, were all so special. :D thank you
Thanks Ash....Happy Easter to you and your loved ones...Cheer, Hunter
that's just fine!!!
thank you!!!
Yeah wright you're a asshole and cheapscate
Happy Easter to Ash and All! Hope the Bunny brought everyone everything they wanted! :)
Yaaay <3
in one word... bitchin.
Thanks for the eggs, Ash :)
It's a pity the Easter VIP and Plasma deals are leaving tonight in two hours, I think (in-game time, right?) - I was going to head out and get the cash out to buy them later today D:
Anyway, happy belated Easter!
Hey, I didn't get any eggs! So unfair!
Missed it. Sadness
I just joined 2 hours ago, do I still get the eggs?
do you have anymore eggs,..?
is ok
-+where's your egg i'll cut it+-
What are the eggs for?
lol offering easter eggs on a vampire game.
thanks for laying the eggs, Ash
yay eggs...hope they're colorful!
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