Monday, 26 April 2010

ReignOfBloods 4th Birthday today!

Happy 4 years ReignOfBlood! It doesn't seem that long ago I started this and it's been 4 years already... I'm getting old :(

Notice about POINTS. There is a NEW points company which I've put under "points offer company 1" to test them out for a while. I'd like some of you go fill some of those out, 99% of these new ones do not need credit card or mobile phone number, they're surveys. Another bonus for you guys is that if you complete an offer and it doesn't give you the points, there is an email and instructions on the page to give them shit and as long as you have proof (screenshot) you've completed it, you should get your points. In further good news, I have increased the POINTS payout by 30%! So for every 10 points you were getting before, you'll now get 13 points with the same effort. So go check it out and see if it works better for you.

The double turns will continue until tomorrow night (24 hours time), so enjoy that whilst it lasts.

Because of peoples paydays etc I've had a lot of requests to extend the plasma special, which I will do until the end of the week. The balloons will stay until the end of the week too.

Few other little updates this week, a new homepage layout & custom gift options. I hope you're liking that. The lottery seems to be more liked now there are 3 winners, lets make this week a big week again yeah? It's RoBs birthday! Just go get a few tickets to celebrate...

Final thanks to all players and supporters of today and the last 4 years, couldn't have done it without you!

Here's to 4 more years...



Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah. Im enjoying this Bday Party!
My blessing to ya, DarkAsh.

haunted whispers said...

and i was there from day one :D woop

haunted said...

and i was there from day one :D whoop!

Anonymous said...

and i was there from day one :D whoop! nr 7 baby :p lol

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