Wednesday, 28 April 2010

New Facebook like button!

I know it's not really worth posting a blog about the blog rather than a blog about the game (still with me?) but I found this cool little tool for people to quickly like a blog post on RoB (If you're not on Facebook then this doesn't effect you). Above you'll see a like button, all you've got to it is click LIKE if you like it. Be interesting to see what results come from it, so if you like it, don't forget it like it :) You'll also see on the left below the twitter feed a facebook activity list too (wont be long till some other sites copy this idea too)

The double turns are now over :(

Last week or so there are has been some good ideas brought forward as well as new ones popping in my head, I'll be powering on with them pretty soon.

It's Wednesday! Which means ReignOfBlood is 4 years and 1 day old. Good times.

Have a good week,


Jeffrey said...

Well, I don`t like it, how about an Unlike button?

Injured Lass said...

Damn it ash, should have kept double turns on for like a month. :P Nah kidding. Me and my sore body tanks ye for the double turns and the like sign can keep to face book.


LoneWolfJi said...

Sounds good ash...
well looking forward to seeing ur ideas come to life soon =]

Have a great week to u too Ash ^^

DarkAsh said...

It's either like or nothing.

Jesse Shaye said...

Hey ash this is cool thanks :)

MuDD (177587) said...

I need an indifference button muhahaha

Kaeli Agavacea Hardkiss said...

Nice. You always have good ideas. Ohh boy am I missig those double turns!

Anonymous said...

everybody is missing the double turns. i was able to rank up due to the increased strength from them ^^

Jeffrey said...

Nice MuDDy!, I like that idea, Ash can you put a like button next to people`s post so I can like his idea?

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