There are Easter eggs scattered all over RoB! Go hunt them down and trade them to the Easter Bunny @ the Dead City for something a little more use to you.
For the last couple days of the Easter special, you now get extra eggs in the VIP/Plasma packs. Get some cheap plasma/VIP whilst it lasts! (The eggs you get are extra rewards buying packs from today as per last weeks blog about extras during this two day period).
ABout the eggs: They are in different locations around the site and each player can claim an egg at each location. When one is found by one player, it does not disappear. Wherever there is an egg, each player can find it there. More eggs will be added over the next couple days. And no, I will not declare how many eggs are currently out there, where would the fun in that be?
Friday, 2 April 2010
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awesome, been waiting all day for this, thanks ash, yay first.. happy hunting everyone :)
woot im ready to find some yummy eggs !
Cool I got one plasma!
Thank you Ash,,,
sorry ash, how many eggs are hidden around RoB in total? just want an idea so that we can know when we have found them all or how many we are aiming for :) thanks
yeah whats the total .. found two so far can you give us the round up.
Found 7 eggs so far...can't remember where I found one though...but as one anonymous asked, how many eggs are there?
one egg and it turns out to be rotten:@
What about players who bought VIP before the eggs? *cries*
Then tough shit!
There are no more eggs anywhere. Don't waste your time looking.
but some are getting eggs were im not?:(
Meanie!!! Well, are there any more today?
*claps with glee* Thanks Ash for continuing to make the holidays special; particularly for us adults who would otherwise look pretty silly in an Easter egg hunt! lol
Why is it that I already paid USD$250 for an easter pack and I got no eggs, but they're added later so that those who wait til the last minute get more benefit? That is unfair. I don't have an additional $250 to spend so I get to be SOL. Boo to that, I say.
Posted by DarkAsh at 18:32
It's that time of the year again when the Easter bunny comes out and plays. I have added a Easter Vip/plasma special as always, head over to the Buy VIP page for more info. There will be an Easter hunt on the 2nd and 3rd of April (4th April is when the VIP/Plasma special will end). So make sure you are around to enjoy that. (Extra eggs will be added to the VIP packs on those days only). We'll be giving away some tasty treats. (You'll get a treat just by logging in on those two days).
He told you there would be a bonus on these days, if you bought one early, don't be upset you're SOL because you missed that part.
Also, this seems to imply something special just for logging in on these days, besides the egg hunt??? Gonna shed any light on that Ash? Like getting candy for logging in on Halloween? :P
Sure, tomorrow or easter Sunday I will give free eggs out to everyone.
Awesome, you rock Ash. :)
Thanks,,nice work,,
sounds lyk fun, eheheheh
I found 9 eggs. Anyone find more than that?
Well Ash, it's the 3rd, where's my present for logging on? :D:D:D
I'm ready to find awesome eggs as well.
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