Sunday, 18 April 2010


For the last half an hour I've seen the lottery jackpot go up $50,000,000 to $103,539,000. It's been really exciting watch it go up as people get their tickets in, great atmosphere in chat over a lottery!

2010-04-18 00:00:09 - shadow of wolfsblood (300909) won $103,539,000

Congratulations to him! lol.

Thanks all, awesome support from everyone!



Anonymous said...

I was hoping it would roll over but hey XD

kyle Nitas said...

i never win wtf

Crimson_Red said...

That was fun to enter and get tickets. Even if I don't win, I still have fun. *smiles*

Anonymous said...

Was great fun ~M~

Anonymous said...


Undead Chaos Gnome™ said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great fun!!!

Anonymous said...

I miss the old lottery :(

Anonymous said...

Damn,Gongrats to Shadow of wolfsblood.

Nathan Drake said...

I was hoping i would win but oh well Lol

DarkAsh said...

I think everyone was hoping they would win lol. I had 1 ticket and didn't win either :(

Anonymous said...

at least in the old one everyone had a chance of winning something in this one you have one winner a week in a lottery you have second place and a third place its just first place that's not really a lottery more like a jackpot make it fair to everyone sooo at least people can look forward to a second place or third like the old one i can understand with the tickets but its not a lottery just everyone buying tickets hopping they will win but there can only be one winner no second place or third

Anonymous said...

Personally I hate the new lottery. I think it's total BS to us players who spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on tickets only to lose to some 95 day old account who won't even know what to do with that kind of money. I want the old lottery back at least there I won more money then I lost. This is the last damn time I spend money on this crappy ass version of the lottery.

Rez said...

LOL @ bad losers.

Anonymous said...

This guy probably had one ticket. Pisses me off. Now watch him go inactive.


Anonymous said...

That's why this lotto is BS 'cause he probably did only have a few tickets while some people including myself bought hundreds. Yet he wins and we lose. The odds are BS.

Anonymous said...

oh well. didnt realy expect to win. and congratz to the winner dude. lol!

LoneWolfJi said...

The sometimes the ones with the worst odds still win. Thats life...get over it!
If you buy 100 tickets in RL you expect to win? no you only think maybe I'll get lucky not damn this thing is rigged!
Congratulations to him anyway =]


Anonymous said...

lotto's in the real have a second and third place tho not just a huge jackpot that s first place and they have more then one first place winner and they brake the jackpot down that s how real life lotto works that way people still win and its prolly the same way everywhere

MuDD (177587) said...

If you don't like it don't buy lotto tickets I am tired of everyone crying because they didn't win, yes I liked the old system better but this is more like a real lottery and I am not suprised my 1 ticket didn't win, even if you had hundreds there were 69026 tickets sold, If you want to try buy tickets, if not then Don't, whining will not help anything. If you have a better idea go to the suggestions fourms and say something constructive.

Anonymous said...

I say bring back the old system. At least with that one I would win. It wasn't millions, but it's better than handing my money over to someone else. Never getting anything in return. Hope you enjoyed the massive jackpot as I highly doubt it will ever get that high again.

Anonymous said...

I think this system is better, but I think there should also be a second or third place in this new lotto system. But it is exciting to enter this lotto system the other one was not exciting at all.

Anonymous said...

I like the old lottery better. At least I knew I had a chance. Who's to say the big wigs dont have this rigged?? A lil nobody this week, but someone who's been around forever for the nest 3 weeks then a random no one again. Waste of money for that kid.

Aftershock "Spot" said...

It only takes one ticket to win... Only question is is that one ticket the one ticket that you bought, is it one of the thousands you bought, or is it someone elses?

If you don't like the lottery, simply don't buy tickets, but remember, 'you gotta be in it to win it'.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my god, quit complaining people. this is how gambling works. You ALWAYS stand a greater chance of losing than you do to win. This lotto is more realistic, and if that's too difficult for your self-centered sense of entitlement, then don't buy lotto tickets. Personally, I never buy more in lotto tickets than I get in interest. You still get the chance to win, but at least you won't be losing money.


Anonymous said...

a very entertaining to the person bitching, grow up. someone with less days could spend money on something worthwhile. quit being judgemental and prejudice to ppl w/ less days

Anonymous said...

yeah this lotto suck ass and we all know it but its az waste of time voiceing your personal opinion cause then these other ass' are gonna have a winge about it

Anonymous said...

Dont like it dont participate it

there arent second third prizes in lotteries, its not that kind of game dumbasses you dont play against others you play against the odds

Anonymous said...

lucky duck how about spreading some of that loot

Anonymous said...

I do like this lottery system better than the old one. Gives you that awful feeling of hope before it's crushed on Saturday. Good times. Sometimes letting people blow off steam in blog comments is better than them spamming the forums or sending hate mail to the winner. God knows this guy will be harassed and bombarded with BLs from desperate people looking to get some of his money. Though I'm still curious on how this lotto actually works. RL lotto is based on numbers. How is the winner decided in this lotto?


Nano The Decapitator said...

That's how the Lotto works, The Other night I spent $175 dollars on scratcher tickets and didn't win, but the rush was great.

Arch Aestus said...

To the people that got upset a young account won, think of it this way, if it were old and experienced players only, that would cut down quite a bit on the jackpot. But him going inactive with millions does bother me, too. I think deleted account's money should go into the jackpot(if above a certain amount, to avoid mass bank being added into the game) each week as it becomes a new lottery (or rolls over). That'd increase interest in the lottery for sure. :P (I'm gonna post this in the suggestion thread too ;))

Rez said...

Maybe that amount of cash will give him some incentive to stay active. There will always be an element of childish whining when people don't win this, but as spot said, if you can't handle that, don't buy a ticket. That wouldn't do though would it? You dare not NOT have a ticket as the thought that you might have won would be unbearable, so you buy one and then when you lose you moan about that too. So a newb won, good, I'm glad. He bought a ticket like the rest of us, good luck to him.

Aurora Choiseul said...

OMG. I HATE this system as well, THAT is why I don't buy effing tickets. If you don't like it, then don't buy it. Stop whining that a noob won it. Congrats to him. I may even send him a BL to support him and offer MY help against these idiots that decide to whine and groan about losing. In some RL lottery systems, yes, there IS a second and third place. But not in ALL of them. So get the hell over it and put on your big girl/big boy undies instead of wearing that conceited diaper of yours.

Anonymous said...

I kinda miss the old lottery. I liked getting the little green *blood letters* notice. then i always won the 2 numbers one, so i always felt lucky...Now, i never win. But, i'll just keep buying tickets and hope i win some... And how cool is it that somebody who is new to the game won? what a start to the game, i'd of loved to win that in my first few weeks. Congrats shadow of wolfsblood for winning. (Y)(: and i think that if he goes inactive, the money should just get spread out somehow. or just put it back into the lottery so the next person can win it. but hopefully he'll stay active and they'll be no need. (:

Anonymous said...

i just read that lots of people are complaining about the odds? what about the odds in reality. there's this teenage girl who bought one ticket the day after she turned 16. she won like 2 million or something. but this was a while ago. (in england) so it just goes to show that buy one ticket or a thousand, its just luck really.

Anonymous said...

Lottery = Gamble
Gamble = 1 a : to play a game for money or property b : to bet on an uncertain outcome
2 : to stake something on a contingency : take a chance.

All this = A fool and his money, soon parted.

Ravyn Alexion Darkbourne (214404) said...

I sometimes agree that the old system was better but no one here can say that, for those who have bought tickets, that you didn't get that rush at least once thinking "I just may win!". I understand that some of us (including me) has invested a ton in tickets only to see either an older player who likely doesn't need it or a new player who you feel superior than gets it but in reality it is all luck and none of us are better than anyone else who wins. I mean hell, it is like my own Bio-Writing business against my competitors in the Trading & Market Forums; Some people pick you, some people don't. And so it is that some people win, others don't. Congrats to the kid though, I hope he buys enough AP to kill the whiners who BL him for his cash :D *Runs off to buy tickets for next week*

Anonymous said...

Who cares if he goes inactive or wastes the money. He won it far, so you all really need to stop whining about it. The kid doesn't need bugging from people, or people hounding him. Just buy more tickets and maybe you'll win next time. And I wouldn't bother sucking up to him cause it won't work.

Anonymous said...

sickens me that people that dont actually need the money always win.

Anonymous said...

I didn't buy a ticket nor do I plan on wasting my money to do so. IF you feel the lottery is a waste of money, here's an idea DON'T PLAY! For pete's sake quit complaining! LOSERS! Congrats to the winner. He was the lucky gambler. Those of you complaining need to look up the definition of the words gambling,gambler, bet, betting, lottery, winner, loser, and my favorite, SORE LOSER! Have good day all!

Anonymous said...

Eh, really. I never bother buying any tickets. It's not that I wouldn't LIKE to win; I just never actually WIN anything. Only games I can kind of "win" in, are Solitaire and quarrels. xD
So, yeah. :D
GL spending the money. You could give it to the charity *cough* me. *cough* Yeah, charity..

~Momma Nightingale~

GOI human soldier said...

i will win next time. luck was on the winners side. next time the winner won't be lucky because other person will win

Anonymous said...

Let people complain. Nothing wrong with expressing your disappointment. :/

Mr. Saturn said...

I think all of you who complained, and the ones who are saying shut up are pretty much fucking retarded. I mean honestly kids. All this over a fucking game. Grow up. I can promise you that the world won't end because you pussy's didn't win the Reign of Blood Jackpot.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and the World won't end if people do complain about not winning the RoB jackpot. :/

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and the World won't end if people do complain about not winning the RoB jackpot. :/

sizzling said... National lottery results, lottery results checker

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