Thursday, 1 April 2010

The gravemarket has magically been restored!

I love when things just fix itself, don't you? The gravemarket was a prank & it has been completely restored to how it was.

 What made it so beautiful is that when it hits April 1st here it's not April 1st yet for everyone, which freaks them out even more.

Hope you enjoyed it, i know I gave a few heart attacks & it gave me a giggle.



Anonymous said...

first and lol, good joke

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Think you got everyone on that, remember payback is a ***** LoL

Anonymous said...

Thank God :D Good one Ash.


Anonymous said...

Ash that was genius i swear i know a number of people that actually cried when they saw that. Lol well anyway good prank, made ME laugh.;p

-°Kinky Sookie Dëvíl°

†Capt Pip Bernadotte† said...


Anonymous said...

haha nice job ash

Burning Eyes said...

I knew but just HAD to see the result :D

Hey. It´s still 4.1 when Im posting this so thanks 4 the prank ;)

Anonymous said...

It rocked Ash! Really a good one ^_^

Grtz Phoenix.

Anonymous said... disappointing, thought it was gonna really delete me... -sighs-

Anonymous said...

punk'd :O

Anonymous said...

ROFL!! Nice one Ash

Anonymous said...

For this... You shall pay Ash. xD

Gabriella DeathWish said...

LOL!!! Yeah that is what made its so "Epic", it wasn't yet the first here, and it did flip so many out...we had fun in chat telling others to enter in the code, their reactions were as I said "Epic"...hahahaha
Such a lil shit Ash...but such a good;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i had a small moment of shock but i thought it was quite genius haha :)

Anonymous said...

I think next April fools, all of RoB should plot against Ash. Anyone on board?

Anonymous said...


Aurora Choiseul said...

I hate you Ash >_>
Not really, lol
Just don't do that again!!

Anonymous said...

I had a few moments of shock, almost had a heart attack, but it was a nice prank...I laughed after awhile...but still was very shocked...good prank I've ever seen...

Good one Ash.

Salivator Tyler

Anonymous said...

And now Ash it's time for the players to have their fun, EVERYONE, ATTACKK!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah you did give me a tiny stroke ;) Good one ASH! Poor Darion had to hear about it all day :D

Anonymous said...

I must admit Ash I think my heart skipped several beats when I saw the 'Your account has been deleted to prevent contamination.' thing. I've spent countless hours and quite a bit of money getting to were I'm at and I thought I had just lost all of it til I saw it was a prank.

Great job though.

Lord Dimitril Dunkan

P.S. I'm on board for some payback. ATTACK!!!

Leighia S said...

I loved it! I was totally out of it when I saw the whole 'Your account has been deleted to prevent contamination' thing. I was scared to death! Good joke though!

The Count said...

not funny, ok it was really good

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