Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Fool me once... shame on you... fool me twice...shame on me... fool me three times... you just suck,

3 April fools in one day... i didn't even plan the second two.

Let's start with Rain Of Flower Love.... that the first 4 letter of each word what does it spell... ROFL... anyone catch on? Anyway, as amazing that layout was and how much i would love replace RoB with ROFL, it is not going to happen don't worry.

Due the amount of HASSLE i got from it, i took it down within a couple hours, so only a lucky few hundred of you actually saw it. I then released an option to delete someone you didn't like in revenge of these ROFL haters, and of course, i'm not going to let you do that.

Last but not least came from Mr.STD himself, i was messing around with today's QOTD and he said, leave it so there is no answer for april fools. HA. Brilliant i thought. The question does have an answer which is... INQ ... but of course no correct answer being set, you all got it wrong. FOOLS. Watching the confusion was most entertaining.

Pretty much watching it all was pretty damn amusing... i had fun, hope you did too :)


Anonymous said...

I had alot of fun! But don't expect anyone to believe you when you're serious anymore cause you're the boy who cried wolf. Lmao <33 You Ash thanks for lightening my April fools day! <33 SayaMistressofRoB/Night(86815)

Emily said...

That third one was kind of mean. The others were all really funny. Happy April Fools Day to you too.

Anonymous said...

gratz on a good April Fools joke.

Karia-Jin (52634)

Anonymous said...

darn'it.... was 'bout to delete the foo'^^... Anyways, make it real next time^^.... just kiddin'... GODspeed.....

Arcille (142186)

Volus the Seeker said...

It was funny, peole will remember this as the golden age of RoB, carry on young man LOL

Guildythewicked said...

Good going Boss.

Anonymous said...

I am always up for a good joke! But sucks when I couldn't get that QOTD money rock Ash..and btw I did say INQ lol he he he

Anonymous said...

Hey, great job! You fooled me, especially with the very well planed build up with the re-branding. I have to admit this game and site are the best bargin I have come across on the internet... Thanks and keep it up, :-)

amond said...

Im glad that it was just a fools. That was all just way to rediculouse.

dark_chaos86 (68022) said...

awesome prank by the way you got with the reign of love but I figured the delete was a prank so haha lol I just wanted to say though your website is amazing. Never commented before on so I thought I would give you props now. keep up the good work :)

bright said...

Nice, ash. Hope you had fun fucking with most of us, lmao.

*waves at ash and smiles*

Aryn said...

hah i knew it was INQ so i was very confused when it was wrong lol. i thought it all was pretty funny..although the rain of love thing scared me at first lol. might have been more appropriate on halloween :P

Arkhon said...

Shame on you... :P

The whole subject of the QOTD was a joke too, I liked it.

Yet I did wondered: "why was it wrong?", LOL you got me there.

Anonymous said...

ur silly,i think it was all brilliant..nywas..happy april fools!!

Anonymous said...

That was so damn funny and When I saw the pink page I was wtf; it does look good but i want the original lol The most I have fun was with the delete someone that was hilarious You got me there :D

Anonymous said...

it's ro"T"fl not "rofl" "role on floor laughing" makes no sense

Anonymous said...

actually it is ROFL , dumbass

Aarayln said...

Man, i wondered why the answers were all wrong. i was like "but--but--but--"

Good joke.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaa yes yes, veery funny, I went to the QOTD (after getting the answer from my coven) and when it said I was wrong, I was like "whaaaaaat??"!! Oh, and the delete thing: a little obvious, but the funnyness of it more than made up for it!! well done!

Anonymous said...

I still think the ROFL was a pretty gay joke sweety XD but well good enought :P

Anonymous said...

Actually if fooled after 12noon then it is the joker that is the fool. I kinda figured the love thing was a gag but the QOTD, just annoying. There was no indication that it was a gag and the best gags have a sly indicator that they are one. On the whole though, fairly amusing

Anonymous said...

actualy the after 12 noon is coutnry specific, some leave it all day, look it up. it was run from the start in austrtalia to americas,. hush up p

Kurtz La Criox said...

hay ash with the google brain scan i heard it was blackberry not INQ where did you here it was INQ
Kurtz La Criox

DarkAsh said...

Gotta think of time zones dude, just because i left it on past noon where you were, it was still before noon in other places of the world.

The Dudeness said...


ps: nice april fools gag, ash!

Anonymous said...

Thats some funny stuff where that knuckle-head is trying to correct the "ROFL"'s ro"T"fl not "rofl" "role on floor laughing" makes no sense....YOU, my Friend are not only a Scholar BUT the entire Internet World has been corrected for its gross misuse of Abbreviations.

BOW DOWN TO THIS INDIVIDUAL FOR SUCH AN OUTRAGE. LOL= Put whatever your Intellectual Mind has thought for this Abbreviation....The World is waiting to bask in your Awesomeness.

reapergrrl said...

Dude, evil much? not like i have room 2 talk.

Anonymous said...

hahaha,great. just what we need here. a newer dose of foolery. great job!!:)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it's really a shame on you. Lmao. why don't you try better pranks than that? Lol. xp

brioff said...

you cant do any better than that????

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