Tuesday, 14 April 2009

RoB Sticker competition results and name chosen ... big plasma give away today!

Firstly, let's get the name done first. Thank you for everyone who submitted an idea, there was some good ones... and some awful ones.

The name that i chose (with opinions of others too of course) is Hales Bytes (sudden excitement to the person who is reading this who thought of it:P)

Because it's different, nothing else is called something has random as that. It has the *bytes* word which relates it to computing, and the best part, its a complete anagram of my name Ashley Best. Pretty cool huh? Sounds a bit.... *WTF MATE?* to begin with, but the more and more i said it to myself the more it grew on me. So that's why i chose it! So 25 plasma goes into Baccara (67277) account now :) Many thanks to you.

Okay, onto the competition. Me & Spot have gone over the entries and picked the best 3.

And here they are:

#1: hawkster2020 (122189) - A perfect location to keep in theme of the site... and the tshirt aswell!?! View entry
#2: Footman645 (40487) - A very creative and humorous place to stick it... and maybe a great business idea... reignofblood tampons? View entry
#3: Khaos Nyx (57447) - Niagra falls? Wooow. View entry

The prizes:
1st prize = $250 Plasma pack
2nd prize = $100 Plasma pack
3rd prize = $50 plasma pack

They will be added to the winners account now :) i've also sent a few plasma to the rest of the people who took part, many thanks to all that did take part in this :)

THE NEXT COMPETITION?! I already have what i'm going to next in mind, i'll do some final work on it and create an example myself. This competition will not require buying anything, so i hope that you all will take part! Juicy plasma prizes of course.

Will post sometime soon when it's all ready. :)

Enjoy your week


Velvet Vamp said...

Congratulations to the winners... well played!

Footman645 said...

Second place sounds good to me. Thanks for the prize.

tyjwin from rob said...

i had an idea and didnt get plasma at all
my idea was about getting a theme song

Mikiala said...

Very cool name, congrats to all the winners. My suggestion is maybe a different prize other then plasma...the game is getting inundated with plasma due to contests and holiday packs. But keep up with contests!! They are awesome and fun to see what everyone does.

baccara said...

OH MY GOD! I'm in shock! :D Thanks! :D XXX

Unknown said...

You said you give a few plasma to entrys and i enter and i recived nothing??????

AuskaaNightshade said...

Damm i hope to win:D but gongraz to winners

Daisy said...

just so you know ash...i picked that gravestone just for you...if you look closely at the bottom it says "thy will be done"...oh yeah and i was wearing my reign of blood shirt when i took the picture also...double bonus for you...

Anonymous said...

yeah i entered and didnt get any plasma either?? the username is Aryn of Oblivion

Hawkster2020 said...

sweet...you guys have just made my week ...cheers

Anonymous said...

where do i get the stickers:O


Shaun Denali said...

I wish everyone luck. It's been fun.

Vanag said...

Awsome pictures. I personally think the Niagra fallso one was seriously wicked.

Anonymous said...

can i ask you something??? how can i get a plasma??????i try to get one but i havent get

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