Tuesday 28 January 2014

War Of Covens

War Of Covens (beta)

The time has come. War is upon the covens of the Dead City. Strive for blood, strive for power, strive for victory. Don't let your enemies push you aside.

I'm excited to release the anticipated new Reign Of Blood "War Of Covens" feature that has been wanted for a while now. The Dead City Covens have, for a long time, earned coven experience for more relics to increase their member's power. The lust for these relics will only continue. With covens wanting to earn more and more experience to obtain these relics, the War Of Covens is born.

The owner (or co-owner) of each coven can choose a day to be their war day the next week. When your day comes, you have 24 hours, from midnight-midnight* game time to get higher War Score than the other covens.

Although the covens actually warring that day are hidden, you will be put against them. Only until the war is over, will you know what covens you were warring directly with the previous day, fighting for coven experience.

War Score is earned by members of the coven fighting all other coven members. You get +1 War Exp for each unique vampire you kill outside your own coven, and in other covens. These numbers are tallied at the end of the day, exp will be paid out, and then all results will be posted on Dead City's War Of Covens page.

Calling all coven owners and co-owners. The wars will begin Monday 3rd February.  You have until this Sunday (23:54 game time) to choose the day next week you would like to war. (As tempting as it  for everybody to choose Monday because you want to play  ASAP, this does means huge competition on this day, and less chance ranking high gaining higher exp.)

A few other points I'd like to make at this stage:
- It is currently set that the top 5 covens that have the highest War Score will earn experience. This probably will change and expand as I see the system used.
- The current payouts for each position will probably change (for the better).
- After this week of testing, and after any tweaking is made, "War Rank" will be added.
- A guide to full information can be found on the War Of Covens page.

Enjoy the wars! Any questions or bugs please post them on this thread.


*Wars last 23 hours and 54 minutes. Ending at 23:54 game time each day.

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