I've had quite a few requests for a plasma special, so I've decided to a one for a week. There wont be another for a while so if you want some cheap plasma, get some this week!
In other news i finished one of my jobs, i have another on going but does not use much time. RoB updates will start coming in tomorrow, so make sure you keep an eye on the game updates page.
Enjoy the cheap plasma and have a good week :)
The servers are running slow. WHY? Because we have again hit the limits lol. The 2 more Quadcore servers are on order, im pestering them everyday to get an update on them, apparently 1 has arrived, they are just waiting on the other then they will install them and everything will be much better. But till then it may be slightly slow at busy times, for this I'm sorry! It annoys me as much as it does you, thanks for your patience.
Tuesday 16 June 2009
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Great stuff :D thanks Ash.
Just to point out that the close date you have advertised on the sale is 23rd July...
Oh yeah lol, thanks.
You're welcome Ash, I hope things are going well with you and you're having as pleasant a summer as I am in this small seaside town on the west coast of Wales :-)
been waiting for some cheap plasma..
Hey Ash, could you put the cheap plasma on phone payment please, I would love to get some if you did that.
Thanks for the update Ash! :D
Awesomeness....you rock Ash...P.S. Thanks for RoB...totally wicked awesome! :)
Mild annoyances are what keep the sense sharp. Otherwise, we get too accustomed to the hum drum everyday running just a little too smoothly.
Glad to see RoB growing by leaps and bounds. I wish you continued success with it, and hope it is always a source of satisfaction. Thanks for everything!
Raise the rank requirement to keep dead accounts alive...20 is just too damn low.
cool dude
haw much do you sell it
Dude wtf.
Thanks for the pestering Ash. *bows* And congratulations on the need for more servers to begin with. :D It's worth the wait and I become anxious to see the "new treats."
what sevrers do i need
thank you your a star
sweet as a nut
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